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CREG Subscriptions to the EU

Please read this notice if ...

We are having problems shipping the CREG journal to addresses in the European Union. This is because the EU is demanding a VAT payment on the item, which has to be collected from the recipient. As well as the VAT there is usually a €10 handling fee. This page explains what to do next – how to obtain the CREG journal, and how to get a refund on your undelivered package.

Click/Tap a link or scroll on down.


In July 2021, the EU abolished a scheme called Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR), which allowed goods worth less than €22 to avoid border checks on entry to the EU. Now, in 2023, we are seeing the effects of that decision, with all goods of any value that are imported into the EU being held by the Customs authorities until the recipient has paid the tax and a handling charge. This is obviously impractical – you do not want to pay an extra €10 for each copy of the CREG journal. This web page explains what you can do.

Option 1: Buy an Ebay Subscription Voucher

Instead of paying for a standard CREG subscription, you can pay £8 for a voucher to use at Ebay. The advantages are ...

This option is not available on our online order form (yet) so please go to BCRA Bookshop (Misc. payments) and pay £8 there. In the customer message box, please type CREG EU Voucher Subscription.

We will email you each time a journal is published. You should then buy it from our Ebay shop. Search your local Ebay store for CREG journal from the seller David_in_Leeds or go to ebay.co.uk/usr/david_in_leeds. When we receive your order from Ebay we will post your journal using the tracking information supplied by Ebay, which will ensure that it gets through your country's Customs inspection successfully.

Option 2: Just go to Ebay

You do not need to buy a voucher from us - you can just go to Ebay and buy a journal whenever you like. But if you are not on our list of subscribers we will not be able to tell you when a journal is published. Also, you will not have an online login to allow you to read the journal online.

Option 3: Ask for a Refund

If you do not want to pay the requested Customs fee for your package, you can reject it. If you do that – or you do not collect it from your delivery office – it should eventually be returned to us. We can then issue you with a refund, or move you over to our Ebay voucher scheme.


Occasionally Asked Questions

My shipment has been withheld by Customs – should I accept it?

You can, of course, just pay the customs fee if you want to. As noted above, the Customs fee comprises the VAT due on the item, plus a handling charge. However, a better option might be to refuse the item, which should mean that it is returned to the sender. Once you have done that we can try something else ...

How should I buy the CREG journal?

Our recommendation is that you buy a copy though our Ebay Shop. Ebay will collect any tax that you need to pay. When we print the postage label, the bar-code will indicate that your VAT has been paid, and the item should get through your Customs check without any problem.

What does the Journal cost at Ebay?

Our prices in the Ebay shop are approximately the same as buying directly from us, which is currently £3.50 for the journal, plus postage of £3.50, which is a total of £28/year. You will have to pay your local VAT on the total amount (including postage).

That is too expensive – I would like a refund instead

If/when your unclaimed journal is received by us (it can take eight weeks) we can give you a refund on your subscription. We can refund your current issue and up to three future issues that you have paid for – all at 25% of the total annual subscription that you paid.

Why is this so complicated? I do not have problems with other shipments from outside my country

That is because you paid the VAT when you made the online transaction! The seller (or the online portal) then transferred the tax to your government. BCRA/CREG cannot do that without joining an EU trading scheme called IOSS, but we are far too small an organisation to be able to afford the IOSS membership fee. Ebay, Amazon, and all the large online retailers are members of the scheme. Parcel couriers are also members of IOSS so there would not be a problem if we used a parcels courier, but the CREG journal is not heavy enough for that to be economical; and Royal Mail (and other international shippers of 'letters') are prevented, by international agreement, from collecting taxes due in a destination country.

Is this a consequence of Brexit?

It is because the EU (and the UK too) has abolished the Low Value Consignment Relief scheme, which was a decision un-related to Brexit. However, if the UK was still in the European Customs Union then the problem would not arise so, to that extent, it is a Brexit problem.

Why do you not mark the Customs Declaration as 'gift' or 'documents'

Because the CREG journal is not a gift, and neither is it a 'document' within the meaning of the Customs regulations. And, in any case, gifts are still subject to VAT.

Further Details

If you really want to read more information, please go to EU Shipping Notice in Shipping Charges / Discounts / Methods of Payment

Notice to Customers

When a CREG journal is returned, CREG staff should send an email saying ...

A CREG journal has been returned to us from your address, marked
"refused" or "unclaimed". This was because there was a Customs payment 
due on it. Please visit http://bcra.org.uk/bookshop/creg_subscriptions.html to find 
out how to re-order your journal through a more reliable delivery route, 
and how to obtain a refund.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/bookshop/creg_subscriptions.html was last modified on Tue, 12 Dec 2023 18:14:05 +0000