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Shipping Charges / Discounts / Methods of Payment

The information given here applies to both Individual and Trade orders. BCRA welcomes Trade orders - wholesale and retail - for all its publications. This page sets out the shipping costs and other terms that apply. You can place Trade orders online or by email. Also see Drop Shipping.

For shipping to the European Union, please see the important notice below.

Click/Tap a link or scroll on down.

A Note on Book Sizes

Shipping Charges

Destination Large Books Small books and Periodicals Notes
  Handling charge per order Postage per item Handling charge per order Postage per item  

Postage/handling for UK commercial "large books" orders is capped at 4.00

Postage/handling for UK "small books" orders is capped at 4.00



£4.00 £1.00 £1.50 £1.00 See Postage/Handling for Trade Orders below

Europe (airmail), World (surface mail)

£8.00 £7.00 £4.00 £2.00

Overseas postage is unfortunately very expensive. For more than two items please ask for a quotation. Large orders may be subject to import duty, which you will have to pay on receipt.

See Shipping to the European Union, below

World (airmail)

£14.00 £8.00 £4.00 £2.00


Postage/Handling for Trade Orders


Shipping to the European Union

Important notice for delivery addresses within the European Union

Updated 23-Feb-2023, 02-Mar-2023

If you are ordering goods from the European Union, please note that your Customs Authority will probably withhold your goods until you pay VAT on them. This will also involve a handling charge of perhaps €10, or as much as €25.

If your order weighs more than 1kg we will try to send it using a courier that allows us to pay your VAT at source but this is not possible for 'small orders'. If your order is 'small' – or it is a subscription to the CREG Journal – there are two options open to you...

  1. Order as normal using our web page. If your Customs Authority asks you to pay a handling charge, and this is unacceptably high, you can reject the goods. When the goods arrive back with BCRA we will refund your order payment. Please note i) that we can only do this if the goods are returned to us undamaged; and ii) that we can only refund the amount you paid for the order. If you accept the goods, we cannot refund the customs charges that you had to pay.
  2. Go to Ebay and order the goods from our outlet there. Ebay will collect any taxes that you need to pay, which should avoid problems with your Customs Authority. A selection of BCRA's books and journals are available from the seller David_in_Leeds. Search your local Ebay store for the seller David_in_Leeds or go to ebay.co.uk/usr/david_in_leeds. Or search for creg journal, bcra review or gower peninsula bcra. Other items may become available later.

CREG Journal: The above guidelines apply to general orders and also to subscriptions to the CREG Journal. Please see our information on CREG Subscriptions to the EU.

If you have any questions, please contact our Publications Sales address, or see the Further Information, below, which has a section on Occasionally-Asked Questions.

▼ Further Information

Occasionally-Asked Questions ▲ Hide

▼ Scroll down for Background Information

•  What is actually the problem? Everyone else seems to manage to ship to the EU, why not BCRA?

BCRA ships most of its orders over-the-counter at a Post Office or via Royal Mail's Click-and-Drop. International agreements prevent these facilities from collecting your VAT, so we have no means of paying it for you. If we could pay it then your goods would not be held up in Customs. Other organisations manage because they are a lot larger than BCRA, and can afford to pay to join an EU trading scheme called IOSS. This includes Ebay and Amazon, of course, so one option for us would be to sell via those organisations. Some parcels couriers are also members of the IOSS scheme. But for any small order that goes over-the-counter or via a click-and-drop shipment, we are unable to operate as we would wish.

•  But why can you not charge me VAT when I pay you?

It is not as simple as that! Firstly BCRA is a small organisation and is not registered for VAT collection – our transactions are 'outside the scope of VAT'. Secondly, even if we were registered we would still need to join an EU trading scheme in order to pass the VAT back to your government. We are happy to pay your VAT and absorb the cost ourselves the problem is sending the VAT to your government.

•  Why do you not just declare the items as a 'gift' on the Customs Declaration?

Because they are not a gift. We would be breaking the law. And, in any case, gifts imported into the EU are still subject to VAT, so that would not help.

•  Why do you not just declare the items as 'documents' on the Customs Declaration?

Because a published journal is not a 'document' within the meaning of the customs regulations. We would be breaking the law.

•  Why do I have to buy CREG journals one-by-one. Why cant I buy an annual subscription from Ebay?

Ebay does not support 'subscriptions'. The salient point is that we need to have a postage label that includes a bar code that links to the transaction in Ebay's tracking system, so that your Customs authority knows that the VAT has been paid. This only works for one postage label per Ebay sale – it would not work for subscriptions.

•  Why do your items sometimes get through customs without a hitch?

  • The sampling process might be a bit random.
  • The shipment of items between private individuals that are not involved in business is not always subject to tax. The rules are complicated, and sometimes a commercial package might be mistaken for a private one. But how ever much you try to twist or re-interpret the rules – if you buy an item from BCRA, that is not a private transaction; it is a sale of goods and your government says that you must pay VAT on the purchase. If you ask us to deliberately mis-label the package you are asking us to break the law.

•  I never have this problem with Amazon or Ebay, or many other world-wide suppliers. Why not?

Because large companies like Amazon or Ebay are members of an EU trading scheme, known as IOSS. They collect your VAT at source and pay it to your Tax Authority. BCRA is far too small an organisation to be able to afford to join such a scheme. We try to make use of an IOSS-registered parcel courier when we can, and we are investigating the use of Ebay, but items that are sent via Royal Mail letter post remain a problem for all small organisations and individuals.

•  Your shipment arrived without a problem, so who paid the VAT?

  • If it was a book sent via a parcels courier, BCRA has paid the VAT to the parcels courier, from our own funds. The courier will pass the VAT to your Tax Authority
  • If it was a bulk-mailing of an issue of Cave & Karst Science, the VAT was paid by our printer/mailing agent, who will charge BCRA.
  • If it was a CREG journal or a small book, posted over-the-counter, no VAT has been paid – your shipment was probably considered by Customs to be a private transaction.
  • If the item was ordered via Ebay or Amazon, they will have collected your VAT from you when you paid for the order. The prices that were displayed to you will have had VAT added at your local rate. Ebay/Amazon will pass the VAT to your Tax Authority.

•  Is this a Brexit problem?

The problem arises because the EU (and the UK too, as it happens) have abolished a scheme called Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR). Many countries around the world have such a scheme. If the UK was still in the European Customs Union there would not be a problem, and the UK could have left the EU but remained within the Customs Union so, to that extent, it is a Brexit problem.

•  What about countries outside the EU?

Although many countries have an equivalent to the Low Value Consignment Relief scheme, some are considering abolishing it. The action is driven by the perceived need to create a level playing field with regard to online trading. If you try a web search, do bear in mind that the situation is changing rapidly and even some official-looking web pages can be out-of-date. (E.g. it is still possible to read plenty about the EU's LVCR scheme – as if it were still in force – even though it was abolished in 2021.

Background Information

On 1 July 2021, the European Union abolished the Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR) scheme and this continues to cause us a problem. LVCR was a scheme whereby items valued at under EUR 22 were not subject to VAT or duty – many countries have a similar scheme in place. Abolishing LVCR has meant that all goods now imported into the EU must be declared at the border using an electronic customs declaration and are subject to a VAT payment. Goods that do not have the VAT pre-paid by the sender may be impounded until the customer makes payment, and this could include a handling charge of up to EUR 25, depending on the country.

Large organisations can register with the EU and obtain a tracking number (known as an IOSS number) to allow them to pay the VAT at source, but this process is too expensive for a small organisation such as BCRA. There are several things we can do...

  • Use a parcels courier that is a member of the IOSS scheme– we can do this for parcels weighing over 1kg
  • Use a bulk mailing agency that is a member of the IOSS scheme– we can do this for the bulk mailing of Cave & Karst Science
  • Sell goods via Ebay or Amazon – which will collect your VAT and transfer it to your Tax Authority.

Unfortunately, we cannot post letters and pay the VAT at source, because Universal Postal Union regulations prevent letter-posting authorities from collecting the tax – in other words, Royal Mail is not allowed to join the IOSS or similar schemes – these go by names such as Delivery Duties Paid, EU Shipping Taxes Paid, or Tax Paid at Source. This means that we still have a problem if we want to mail items such as

  • Individual copies of C&KS that miss the bulk mailing run
  • All copies of the CREG journal – because the numbers are too low to use a bulk mailing agency
  • All copies of our publications that weigh less than 1kg – because those are sent by letter post

We are still investigating ways around this problem but it seems that the only practical solution is to sell selected items via an Ebay shop. Ebay, Amazon and other large online sellers are, of course, members of the IOSS scheme. It works like this ...

  • A customer places their order with Ebay
  • If the customer lives outside the UK, Ebay will add VAT at the buyer's local rate. (In the UK, books and magazines are zero-rated for VAT)
  • Ebay will transfer the VAT to the buyer's Tax Authority
  • Ebay will transfer the remaining payment to the seller's account after deducting the selling fees
  • Ebay will generate a customs code to be added to the postage label to indicate that the tax has been paid

At the moment, we are experimenting with the CREG journal and a selection of our books.

Go to your local Ebay website and search for creg journal, bcra review or gower peninsula bcra. Other items may become available later.


Discounts and Terms

Customer Discount Definition Comments
BCRA Member 20%

A BCRA individual member or a member club purchasing items for its members. Also, all purchases at BCRA meetings.

The BCRA discount applies to most books and periodicals.

Trade 50%

Trade usually means 'retailer'; and a retailer is someone who sells items to the general public.

Minimum Order Value: The order value (after discounts and postage have been added) will be rounded up to £10.00.

New customers will be issued with a pro-forma invoice, and payment is usually requested before the goods are dispatched.

Existing customers will usually be invoiced after delivery - terms 30 days

Special Offer 67%

Special offer to retailers for a limited period "whilst stocks last". Retailers, please ask for the special Promotion Code to use on the order form.

This offer applies to most of the Caves Studies Series booklets and the Wookey Hole book.

Offer applies to UK deliveries only. Retailer postage and handling charges apply. Please contact us to arrange free delivery by hand.

Author discount various

Lead authors and major contributors to a publication may order a single free copy and may request free online access (for a limited period, and when appropriate). We will usually require you to order your free copy online using a special discount code that we have issued.

Further copies, and copies for minor contributors, are available online (perhaps for a limited period) using a special discount code. The discount is usually the same as for BCRA members.

If you are ordering your free copy as part of a larger order, you will have to pay postage and packing on the entire order. That is: a free copy is only exempt from p&p charges when ordered alone.


Methods of Payment

See a summary of this section at Summary of Methods of Payment

We prefer all individual customers (and commercial customers where possible) to place their order using one of our online forms. At present this is either Order form for popular items or Subscriptions to Periodicals (form M4). The form will collect your order details and then ask you to choose between Online Payment and payment by Cheque or Invoice. If your order is not covered by either of the above forms, please use our Misc. payments page. If you are a commercial customer, we will accept your formal Purchase Order by email or on paper. Please send to publications-sales@..., or to BCRA, Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG.

A note on VAT: Please note that BCRA is not registered for VAT and therefore no VAT statement can be shown on our invoices, which are deemed to be outside the scope of VAT.

Sale or Return Services

Please note that we do not offer a sale or return service under any circumstances. This is largely because BCRA is run by volunteers and sale or return involves a significant investment in time and effort which our volunteers simply cannot provide. Additionally, we are increasingly using online print-on-demand services to print our books. These services do not offer a sale-or-return service and so we cannot either. Instead, we offer a significant retailer discount and free shipping on all but the smallest orders.

Online Payment

We use the UK-based Nochex agency for payments by credit and debit card. However, please do not go directly to that web site, but use of one our payment pages, as listed above. Nochex can be used for payments originating outside the UK but there are occasionally problems, as not all credit cards are accepted. If the Nochex payment page displays an error message, or does not seem to function, please contact us at publications-admin@... and we will do our best to help.

Payment by cheque

Please send a cheque made payable to British Cave Research Association to BCRA, Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG. There is no need to send a covering letter, but please write your name and address on the back of the cheque, together with any order reference number that you have been given. Please allow 14 days for your order to be processed.

Please note: Cheques can only be accepted if they are in UK currency and drawn on a UK bank. For overseas customers this is usually possible if your bank has a branch in London, but you might be charged a fee for obtaining such cheque from your bank. We cannot accept any payment where a transaction fee has to be paid by the recipient.

Payment with Invoice

If you need an invoice, please click the Pay by Cheque or Invoice button on our online forms and then use your confirmation email as an invoice. The email will contain information on how to pay. If you are a commercial customer and require a more formal invoice, please contact publications-admin@...

Payment by Bank Transfer

For our bank details, please click the Pay by Cheque or Invoice button on the online order form and follow the instructions in your confirmation email. Please ensure that you send remittance advice to publications-admin@... or there may be a delay in processing your order.

Please do not forget to email us a remittance advice note to tell us that you have paid.

Please note: If you are an individual customer we ask you not to pay by bank transfer unless it is essential. BCRA is run by volunteers, spread across the country – payments by this method can involve us in more work, and it is more likely that your order will be delayed or lost (certainly, it will, be lost if you do not email us a remittance advice note).

Staff: can check postage data in database.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/bookshop/commercial.html was last modified on Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:13:57 +0000