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Further background reading... Why is Cave Science Important?
BCRA promotes the study of caves and associated phenomena. It attains
this aim by issuing grants in support of cave & karst research; by managing the British Caving
Library; by collecting and publishing speleological
information; and by organising educational and scientific conferences and meetings. BCRA
encourages original exploration, both in the UK and on expeditions, where it works in conjunction
with the Ghar Parau
BCRA's activities are funded via membership fees, donations and legacies.
Our library is part-funded by the British Caving
Association , whose income is via membership fees that are mostly from UK-based cavers and
caving clubs. We are a registered charity and so we are able to claim
Gift Aid on the membership fees and
donations we receive.
We publish the journal Cave & Karst Science three times a year. (Members who do not wish to receive it on paper can pay a lower membership fee). The journal is available online, for free download. We manage a number of Special Interest Groups, including groups for surveying, archaeology, biology, and cave radio / electronics. The latter group produces the quarterly CREG Journal, which is free online to BCRA members, and available on paper for an additional fee.
BCRA has a range of publications, and a large archive of material, going back many years, both online and stored on paper at the British Caving Library. All our online content is freely available to members. We organise a number of educational meetings and field trips, some in conjunction with BCA, or with BCRA's Special Interest Groups, or external organisations.
BCRA manages the British Cave
Science Centre at Poole's Cavern in the Derbyshire Peak
District. The centre hosts a variety of climate monitoring projects from which high-resolution
data is being recorded.
Membership, Subscriptions, Donations
Recent Publications
On our bookshop page you can order our printed publications – there is a 20% discount for BCRA members. You can also subscribe to our periodicals on paper, or read them online. Individual paper issues of our periodicals are now free, but we still charge for postage and we ask for a small donation. Our members have free access to all our online content.
Cave Science Centre
BCRA manages the British Cave
Science Centre at Poole's Cavern in the Derbyshire Peak
District. The centre was set up in 2018 and aims to promote cave science by offering an
open-access research facility for cave scientists, additionally providing a safe working
environment for students. The centre already hosts a variety of climate monitoring projects from
which high-resolution data is being recorded. The data is available to anyone who wishes to use
it, thus promoting the development of high-quality science projects backed by long-term data.
Events and Meetings
See theBCRA Events Calendar for a
summary of our forthcoming events, including the annual Cave Science Symposium. Details are
posted to our Facebook page and to the
BCRA News Forum
Grant Deadlines & Council Meetings
Grant Applications: Cave Science & Technology Research Fund (CSTRF) 1 April, 1 August, 1 December each year. Contact research-fund[at]bcra... or see contacts page.
BCRA Council Meetings: Council meetings are not public meetings, but members are informed so that relevant business can be scheduled. Meetings are held via Zoom every two months, with a face-to-face meeting in July. The dates of the next few meetings are shown in the Events box on this web page. Items for inclusion on the agenda should be with the secretary three weeks before the meeting. For information about our AGM please go to BCRA Annual General Meetings.
British Cave Research Association (UK
registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel,
Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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