- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 8
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- Speleology (40pp)
(PDF 13.1MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2006). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of Dec 2006 and was published in March 2007.
- Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
- Front Cover (p1)
- A Distinction Award Winner, Hidden Earth 2006 Photo Salon (See p20-21).Just One Drop (Kasia Biernacka and Marcin Gala / speleo.pl).
- Inside Front Cover (p2)
- Advertisement for caving lamp.
- Contents (p3)
- List of Contents.
- In Brief (p4)
- Hidden Earth 2007, Cave Science and Technology Research Initiative, Cave Technology Symposium, BCRA Cave Science Symposium; EuroSpeleo Projects.
- Vale: Mike Wooding (p5)
- by John GARDNER.
Mike Wooding was one of the most influential cave divers of the late 60s and early 70s. John Gardner remembers him.
- Caves of Upper Nidderdale: Development and Exploration (pp6-7)
- by Chris FOX.
Chris Fox of the Black Sheep Diggers gives a geological overview of Upper Nidderdale and describes the ongoing search for dry connections.
- Go On, Try Caving (pp8-9)
- by Chris JEWELL.
Chris Jewell describes BCA's Youth and Development Initiative and the ongoing campaign to attract more people to caving.
- After Dinner Tales (p9)
- The Hidden Earth team were delighted that Jim Eyre agreed to be the after dinner speaker at this year's conference. Here area few highlights from Jim's speech for those who missed it.
- Chicago Hits the Big Time: Asturias, Spain 2006 (pp10-13)
- by Chris SINADINOS.
Chris Sinadinos gives an account of OUCC's expedition to northern Spain which pushed Fisura de Chica (Chicago) to a depth of 522m.
- Stals for Sale (p13)
- by Liz PRICE.
Liz Price reports on a disturbing increase in the international trade in speleothems.
- Shafts, Streamways, and Surveying: Totes Gebirge, Austria 2006 (pp14-17)
- by Mark SHINWELL.
Mark Shinwell reports on last summer's CUCC expedition to the Loser Plateau.
- Hidden Earth 2006: Report and Competition Results (pp18-24)
- Competition results for HE 2006, the national caving awards and a selection of lecture summaries.
- Bama and Fengshan, China 2005 (pp25-27)
- by Ged CAMPION.
Ged Campion reports on new finds in Bama and extensions to the Jiangzhou system – now the second longest in China.
- Overseas News and Reviews (pp28-33)
- News from around the world and reviews of caving publications.
- Book Reviews (p34)
- by Jim DAVIS and Tony OLDHAM.
Ease Gill Caverns Sheet 3, East Surrey Underground.
- BCRA Special Interest Groups (p35)
- Reports from the Cave Radio and Electronics Group and the Cave Surveying Group.
- Letters (pp36-37)
- Letters.
- Diary Dates (p37)
- Diary Dates.
- @BCRA, @BCA (p38)
- Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
- Inside Back Cover (p39)
- Advertisements.
- Outside Back cover (p40)
- by Mark SHINWELL.
Photos by Mark Shinwell.

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