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Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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Contents of Speleology 7

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Speleology (40pp) (PDF 4.9MB)        Individual articles may be available below
LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2006). Speleology 7. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of Aug 2006.
Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
Front Cover (p1)
Photos from Asturias, Spain 2005.
Inside Front Cover (p2)
Advertisement for caving lamp.
Contents (p3)
List of Contents.
Comment (p4)
by Steve WHITLOCK.
BCRA chairman Steve Whitlock reports on recent activities.
In Brief (p5)
by David CHECKLEY and Andy HALL.
Cave Science and Technology Research Initiative, Bull Pot Farm.
Bull Pot of the Witches: An Underwater Dig (pp6-7)
by Peter DEVLIN.
Peter Devlin describes his ongoing dig in Bull Pot of the Witches sump as part of the Easegill re-survey project.
2006 Cave Science Symposium (pp8-9)
by Trevor FAULKNER.
Trevor Faulkner reports on the 17th BCRA Cave Science Symposium, held at the University of Bristol on March 4.
Tiankeng Tour (pp10-12)
by Tony WALTHAM.
Tony Waltham describes the ultimate karst field trip to south-west China's massive Tiankeng.
Expedition Report: Vieng Phouka, Laos 2006 (p13)
by Liz PRICE.
Liz Price reports on the international expedition to northern Laos.
Expedition Report: Asturias, Spain 2005 (pp14-17)
by Hilary GREAVES.
Hilary Greaves gives an account of OUCC's expedition to northern Spain which extended Sistema Julagua (Julagua–Asopladeru) to a depth of 1,060m.
Expedition Report: Meghalaya, India 2006 (pp18-21)
by Imogen FURLONG and Simon BROOKS.
Imogen Furlong and Simon Brooks report on recent exploration by the Caving in the Abode of the Clouds Project and the new longest cave in India.
Expedition Report: Matienzo, Spain 2005 (pp22-25)
by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin summarises a difficult year of exploration in northern Spain.
Expedition Report: Balochistan, Pakistan 2006 (p26)
by Simon BROOKS.
Simon Brooks gives an account of the recent international expedition to western Pakistan.
Rock Fragmentation by the Discharge of Pulsed Electrical Energy (p27)
by David GIBSON.
David Gibson is one of the recipients of funds under BCRA's new Cave Science and Technology Research Initiative (CSTRI). Here he outlines how he will use the award money to construct equipment to determine if electrical rock fragmentation techniques can be applied to limestone, with obvious benefits for cavers.
Mala Boka – Poljska Jama: Connection and Controversy (pp28-29)
by Marcin KUBAREK, Pawel RAMATOWSKI and Magdalena WRONA.
Marcin Kubarek, Pawel Ramatowski and Magdalena Wrona share their views on the exploration of the 1,319m-deep system.
Overseas News and Reviews (pp30-33)
News from around the world, and reviews of caving publications.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp34-35)
Reports from the Cave Surveying Group, the Cave Radio and Electronics Group and the International Society for Speleological Art Workshop at Gaping Gill.
New Video Media Competition at Hidden Earth 2006 (p36)
by David GIBSON.
This year's caving conference sees a new style of video competition and a new prize structure for the video and photo salons. David Gibson explains the changes.
Letters (p37)
Diary Dates (p37)
Diary Dates.
@BCRA, @BCA (p38)
Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
Inside Back Cover (p39)
Outside Back cover (p40)
by Simon BROOKS.
Photo: Looking out of Siygazi Pot by Simon Brooks. Balochistan, Pakistan 2006.

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