- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 6
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- Speleology (48pp)
(PDF 11.8MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2006). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 48pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of April 2006.
- Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
- Front Cover (p1)
- Photos from Matienzo, Spain 2004.
- Inside Front Cover (p2)
- Advertisement for caving lamp.
- Contents (p3)
- List of Contents.
- Comment (pp4-5)
- by Steve WHITLOCK.
Steve Whitlock, the BCRA's new chairman, outlines the challenges facing the BCRA and asks for comment.
- In Brief (p5)
- by John and Valerie MIDDLETON, Jonas BINLADEN and Chantalle MOUWER.
Caves and Karst of Mahajunga, Madagascar, Ancient DNA in Cave Sediments, 2005 University Caving Seminar, Ghar Parau Foundation Report.
- Shannon Cave Reopened (pp7-9)
- by Les BROWN.
Les Brown gives an account of the early exploration of Shannon Cave and recent efforts to regain the lost cave through a new entrance.
- Expedition Report: Totes Gebirge, Austria 2005 (pp10-13)
- by Nial PETERS.
Nial Peters describes CUCC's summer expedition to Austria.
- Krubera / Voronja: Exploration and Rescue (pp14-19)
- by Tony SEDDON.
Tony Seddon recounts his adventures on the 2005 summer expedition to Voronja and offers advice for cavers who would descend the world's deepest cave.
- Expedition Report: Matienzo, Spain 2004 (pp20-23)
- by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin reports on the ongoing exploration in northern Spain.
- 2005 Cave Science Symposium (pp24-25)
- by Trevor FAULKNER.
Trevor Faulkner reports on the 16th BCRA Cave Science Symposium, held at the University of Birmingham on March 5.
- Titan: Photographing the Largest Natural Shaft in the UK (pp26-28)
- by Robbie SHONE.
Robbie Shone, winner of the 2005 Giles Barker Award, describes the techniques he used to photograph Peak Cavern's 145m shaft, Titan.
- Overseas News and Reviews (pp29-37)
- by David St. PIERRE.
News from around the world, and reviews of caving publications, collated by David St. Pierre.
- Hidden Earth Update (pp38-39)
- by David RYALL.
Hidden Earth 2006 will take place on 22-24 September in the market town of Leek on the edge of the Derbyshire Peak District. Here, we give a preview of the event, plus the remaining reports from the 2005 event. See hidden-earth.org.uk for the latest information about Hidden Earth 2006.
- Northern Caves Guides: History and Future (pp40-41)
- by Steve WARREN.
Steve Warren gives a brief history of the guides to caves and potholes northern England.
- Book Reviews (p41)
- by David GIBSON and David St. PIERRE.
Colins Gem SAS Survival Guide, Rescues of 2004.
- BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp42-43)
- Reports from the Cave Surveying Group, the Cave Radio and Electronics Group and the International Society for Speleological Art.
- BCRA New Books (p44)
- by David GIBSON.
Essential Sources in Cave Science, Underground Britain: Legal and Insurance Issues.
- Letters (p45)
- Letters.
- Diary Dates (p45)
- Diary Dates.
- @BCRA, @BCA (p46)
- Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
- Inside Back Cover (p47)
- Advertisements.
- Outside Back cover (p48)
- by Simon BROOKS.
Photos of Titan, Peak Cavern by Robbie Shone.

View Contents:
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