- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 5
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- Speleology (48pp)
(PDF 4.1MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2005). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 48pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of Dec 2005.
- Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
- Front Cover (p1)
- by Peter GEDEI.
BCRA Photo Salon 2004.
- Inside Front Cover (p2)
- Blank.
- Contents (p3)
- List of Contents.
- Comment (p4)
- by David GIBSON.
The long consolidation process of providing the one-stop shop for caving in the UK is nearly complete. From 1 January 2006 BCRA membership will only be available to BCA members. Here, we explain how it will work.
- BCRA Cave Science and Technology Initiative (p4)
- News and comment about the new Cave Science and Technology Initiative.
- In Brief (p5)
- by Les BROWN.
Toby Stewart, New Chairman, Battery-free Torch, Viruses in Bats, Caving on the Web.
- Dowbergill Passage 'A lonely and unforgiving place (pp6-8)
- by Terry TRUEMAN and Ian WATSON.
The traverse of Dowbergill Passage from Providence Pot to Dow Cave is one of the classic caving trips, but it has been the scene of many cave rescues. From John Gardner's on-line guidebook, Terry Trueman and Ian Watson describe the trip.
- Cave Poetry Review (p8)
- by David GIBSON.
David Gibson reviews ISSA's booklet of poems.
- Ghar Parau Foundation Report (p9)
- by Paul IBBERSON.
GPF Treasurer Paul Ibberson reports on the latest awards and gives an outlook for the future.
- Expedition Report: Matienzo, Spain 2003 (pp10-14)
- by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin reports on the exploration in northern Spain.
- Expedition Report: Tian Xing, China 2003 (pp15-17)
- by Jenny DRAKE.
Jenny Drake describes the exploration of some of China's deepest caves.
- Expedition Report: Mechara, Ethiopia 2003 (pp18-20)
- by Andy BAKER, Asfawossen ASRAT and Mohammed UMER.
Andy Baker, Asfawossen Asrat and Mohammed Umer report on the scientific expedition to south-eastern Ethiopia.
- Rope Techniques and Risk Assessment (pp20-22)
- by Mark WRIGHT.
IRATA Training Committee chairman Mark Wright discusses the development of caving and professional roped access techniques, and the current Health and Safety regulations for professional cavers.
- Hidden Earth 2005: Competition Results (pp23-25)
- The competition results for 2005, and the judges' reports from 2004 are given here. More on HE 2005, and a preview of 2006 in Speleology 6.
- The Future of Cave Science in the UK (pp26-27)
- by Trevor FAULKNER.
Trevor Faulkner proposes expanding the BCRA's role in supporting cave science in the British Isles.
- National Caving Awards 2004 and 2005 (p28)
- Lists of past winners of these awards, as well as rules and guidelines can be found on the Hidden Earth website.
- Overseas News and Reviews (pp29-34)
- News from around the world and reviews of caving publications, collated by BCRA's Foreign Secretary David St. Pierre.
- Book Reviews (pp35-37)
- Exploring the Landscape of Assynt, International Caver 2003, It's Only a Game, Rock and Gem, Studies in Speleology (XIII), White Rose Pothole Club 1954-2004.
- BCRA New Books (p37)
- by David GIBSON.
Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Three Peaks and Malham.
- BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp38-41)
- Reports from the Cave Surveying Group, the Cave Radio and Electronics Group, the Speleo History Group and the International Society for Speleological Art. Special Interest Group news.
- The BCRA / BCA 'Road Map (pp42-44)
- The long consolidation process of providing the one-stop shop for caving in the UK is nearly complete. Here, we explain the background to the process.
- Letters (p45)
- Letters.
- Diary Dates (p45)
- Diary Dates.
- @BCRA, @BCA (p46)
- Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
- Inside Back Cover (p47)
- Blank.
- Outside Back cover (p48)
- Photos from Tian Xing 2003 Expedition.

View Contents:
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