- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 4
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- Speleology (44pp)
(PDF 8.2MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- GIBSON, David (ed.). (2004). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 44pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of May 2004.
- Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
- Front Cover (p1)
- BCRA Photo Salon 2003.
- Inside Front Cover (p2)
- Advertisement.
- Contents (p3)
- List of Contents.
- Comment (p4)
- by David GIBSON.
Speleology 4 is four months late – why? David Gibson gives his opinion on the future of BCRA publications.
- In Brief (pp4-5)
- by Les BROWN.
International Caver 2003, Survex Now Handles LRUD Data!, BCA: Late Breaking News, New World Heritage Site, Cave Mummies of Nepal.
- Palaeolithic Art at Creswell Crags (p6)
- by Phil MURPHY.
A conference on the recently discovered Upper Palaeolithic engravings at Church Hole cave, Creswell Crags, was held at the village of Creswell in Derbyshire in April. Phil Murphy attended.
- 2004 Cave Science Symposium (p7)
- by Phil MURPHY.
Phil Murphy reports on the 15th BCRA Cave Science Symposium, held in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Manchester on 6th March.
- Wretched Rabbit: An Exercise in Exploration (pp8-9)
- by Andy WHITNEY.
Although twisting and long, Wretched Rabbit passage in Easegill Caverns is basically a single passage and ought to be easy to survey. Andy Whitney describes how wrong that assumption was.
- Expedition Report: Totes Gebirge, Austria 2003 (pp10-12)
- by David LOEFFLER.
David Loeffler reports on Cambridge University's ongoing exploration in Austria.
- Ease Gill Caverns Re-Surveying Project: An Update (pp13-15)
- by Andy HALL and Ray DUFFY.
Andy Hall and Ray Duffy describe the background to the Easegill Caverns Project, of which the re-rigging, conservation work and re-surveying have now taken some15 years. Sheet 2 of the new survey was published recently.
- Cuetzalán Rescue: The Mexican Media Scrum (pp16-17)
- by Chris DENSHAM, Clive GARDENER, David GIBSON, John HEY and Adam NICOLSON.
Six cavers were trapped by flood water in Cueva del Alpazat, a resurgence for the Cuetzalán cave system. What happened next.
- Logging Bat Activity in Agen Allwedd (pp18-19)
- by Stuart FRANCE.
Stuart France has been using ultrasonic detectors and data loggers to monitor the activity of bats in a Welsh cave. Here he describes his results and attempts to rationalise the correlation between outside temperature and bat movements.
- Electronic Detection of Carbon Dioxide in Caves (pp20-21)
- by David GIBSON.
Concerns have been expressed about the high levels of carbon dioxide found in some caves. A long-term study of CO2 levels would be an interesting project, but CO2sensors are expensive. Here, David Gibson describes a possible method of constructing a cheap sensor that would be affordable by students and amateur scientists.
- Portfolio: Chris Howes (pp22-23)
- by Chris HOWES.
This portfolio won Chris the Premier Trophy at Hidden Earth 2003.
- Hidden Earth: Review '03 and Preview '04 (pp24-25)
- by John WHITELEY.
A review of last year's National Caving Conference held in Hanley Castle, near Worcester in October 2003, and a preview of this year's forthcoming event to be held in Kendal on 1st – 3rd October.
- Hidden Earth 2003: Competition Results (pp25-28)
- Reports from the judges of the Photo, Video and Art Salons, and a full list of competition results.
- National Caving Awards for 2003 (p29)
- There are now several of what could be termed the 'national caving awards'. The 2003 awards were announced at Hidden Earth last October.
- Overseas News and Reviews (pp30-33)
- by David St. PIERRE.
News from around the world and reviews of caving publications, collated by BCRA's Foreign Secretary, David St. Pierre.
- Book Reviews (pp35-37)
- Easegill Survey: Sheet 2, Caves of County Clare and Galway, Beneath the Surface: A Natural History of Australian Caves; Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science, The New Caves of Scotland.
- BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp38-39)
- Reports from the Cave Surveying Group, the Cave Radio and Electronics Group, the Cave Photography Group, the Speleo History Group and the International Society for Speleological Art.
- BCRA New Books (p40)
- Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of Upper Wharfedale, Swildon's 2 and 3.
- Knots I Can't Remember These Days (p41)
- by The Rigging DOLLY.
The Alpine Butterfly.
- @BCRA, @BCA (p42)
- Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
- Diary Dates (p42)
- Diary Dates.
- Inside Back Cover (p47)
- Advertisements.
- Outside Back cover (p48)
- by Chris HOWES.
Photographs of Zimbabwean Cave Art.

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