- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 2
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- Speleology (40pp)
(PDF 4.4MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- GIBSON, David (ed.). (2003). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of May 2003.
- Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
- Front Cover (p1)
- Photo Portfolio by Tony Merino.
- Inside Front Cover (p2)
- Advertisement.
- Contents (p3)
- List of Contents.
- Comment (p4)
- by David GIBSON.
BCRA Expeditions Journal, So Where is the Science?, Hidden Earth 2003, Guidelines for Contributors.
- In Brief (pp4-6)
- Tips for Reproducing Photographs in Magazines, Ordinance Survey Maps: Copyright Warning, More of the Kingsdale Horse, Hidden Earth2003, Drink - and Sleep in Your Car!, 2003 Wilderness Award, Ghar Parau Foundation Awards.
- Hidden Earth 2002: Competition Results (p7)
- Competition results from the BCRA National Caving Conference.
- Juniper Pot: A Classic Dales Pothole (pp8-9)
- by John GARDNER.
Braemoor's Caving Routes in the Dales is John Gardner's unique on-line caving guidebook. Here he describes the 'fine situations' of Juniper Gulf.
- Subterranean Biology: UK Update (p10)
- by Graham PROUDLOVE.
Graham Proudlove, BCRA's Biological Recorder, makes his regular report to BCRA Council.
- The New BCRA Survey Grades (pp11-13)
- by Anthony DAY.
In the new Cave Studies booklet 'Surveying Caves' by Anthony Day, BCRA introduced revisions to its system of grading cave surveys. Not everyone agrees that the changes were desirable. Here, Anthony Day summarises some of the subsequent debate.
- Access to Caves: the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (pp14-15)
- by David JUDSON.
How much will the new 'right to roam' legislation affect cavers? David Judson, NCA's Legal and Insurance Officer delves into the detail of this major new Act of Parliament.
- 2003 Cave Science Symposium (p16)
- by Mel SAPSFORD.
Mel Sapsford reports on the 14th BCRA Cave Science Symposium, held in the School of Geographical Sciences, at the University of Bristol on 8th March.
- Expedition Report: Matienzo, Spain 2001 (pp17-19)
- by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin reports on the ongoing exploration in northern Spain.
- Portfolio: Andy Jackson (pp20-21)
- by Andy JACKSON.
Photographs of caves in the Yorkshire Dales.
- Cave Exploration in the Moroccan High Atlas (pp22-25)
- by Ed AUSTIN.
Ed Austin describes the Imperial College Caving Club expedition: Bougoumez 2001.
- ISSA Art Exhibition (p26)
- by David GIBSON.
David Gibson reports on ISSA's cave art exhibition 'Below the Surface' that was at Wells Museum in March.
- Overseas News and Reviews (pp27-30)
- by David St. PIERRE.
News from around the world, and reviews of caving publications, collated By BCRA’s Foreign Secretary, David St. Pierre.
- BCRA - The Arthur Butcher Award (p30)
- Cave Surveying Award.
- Knots I Can't Remember These Days (p31)
- by The Rigging DOLLY.
1.The Bowline.
- Book Reviews (pp32-33)
- Subterranean Shropshire, The Mind in the Cave, Radical Sports – Caving, Stump Cross Caverns: Official Guide to the Show Caves, The International Caver 2002.
- BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp34-35)
- by Toby STEWART.
The latest SIG activities are reported by Toby Stewart.
- OFD - The Virtual Tour (or What Not To Do With A Digital Camera) (p36)
- Peter Collings-Wells describes how he set about creating his 'virtual tour' of OgofFfynnon Ddu at www.ogof.net.
- Letters (p37)
- Letters.
- @BCRA (p38)
- Contact Details for BCRA.
- Inside Back Cover (p39)
- Advertisements.
- Outside Back cover (p40)
Photographs of Ogof Ffynnon Ddu by Peter Collings-Wells.

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