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Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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Contents of Speleology 16

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Speleology (40pp) (PDF 10.3MB)        Individual articles may be available below
LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2010). Speleology 16. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of December 2010 and was published in December 2010.
The bulletin of British Caving
Front Cover (p1)
by Simon CORNHILL and Diane ARTHURS.
Photos from Asturias, Spain 2009.
Inside Front Cover (p2)
Advertisement of Cave Studies introductory booklets series.
Contents (p3)
List of Contents.
News in Brief and Upcoming Events (p4)
Speleo Abstracts: Details Needed for 2007 Caving Publications; Personnel changes at BCRA; Technology Issue of Cave & Karst Science; Events: BCRA Cave Science Symposium; Cave Science Field Meeting; Sheffield Adventure Film Night; Cave Technology Symposium.
The French Connection in Bagshawe Cavern (p5)
by Dave COWLEY.
After months spent gasping for air in the French Connection dig, Eldon Pothole Club members have opened a route from Moose's Revenge to Madame Guillotine in Bagshawe Cavern. Dave Cowley reports.
A Long and Complex Story from County Pot (pp6-7)
Dave Checkley explains how wall notches, calcite false floors, and other features provide clues as to the origin of County Pot.
Cave Exploration and Excavation with the Upland Caves Network (pp8-9)
The first UCN conference featured talks by archaeologists, cavers and others. Amy Jeffrey reports.
Leads a-plenty on the Loser Plateau: Totes Gebirge, Austria 2009 (pp10-11)
by Edvin DEADMAN.
In summer 2009 Cambridge University Caving Club continued exploration of caves in the Austrian Alps. Edvin Deadman reports.
Expedition Report: Matienzo, Spain 2009 (pp12-16)
by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin summarises recent exploration in Matienzo.
Science with BCRA at Poole's Cavern (p17)
BCRA's 2010 Summer Karst Science Field Meeting discussed the geology, geomorphology, hydrology, speleogenesis, archaeology, and ecology of Poole's Cavern and the surrounding area in Buxton Country Park, Derbyshire. Cat Broadbent reports.
Cave and Karst Science Explained (pp16-19)
by Charlie SELF.
Charlie Self explains issues 36(1) and 36(2) of our national cave science journal.
Through the Round, Square, & Arch Windows: Asturias, Spain 2009 (pp20-23)
by Chris JEWELL.
British cave divers have been pushing upstream in Cueva Culiembro in search of a connection to one of the deep cave systems of the Picos de Europa. Chris Jewell reports.
On the Dark Side of Gort (p24)
Artur Kozlowski reports on underwater exploration in the Gort lowlands.
Barefoot Amongst the Buddhas: Myanmar 2009 (pp25-29)
by Liz PRICE.
In January and February 2009 a team of British and German cavers made a short reconnaissance caving trip in the southern part of Myanmar surveying 14 caves in five days. Liz Price reports.
Cave and Land Ownership, Access and the Law (p29)
by David JUDSON.
David Judson, BCA's Legal and Insurance Officer, explains how the law affects access to caves in England and Wales.
Book Reviews (pp30-31)
Is That So?; The Riches Beneath Our Feet; Exploring the Limestone; Landscape of Derbyshire; Blind Descent.
Overseas News & Reviews (pp32-35)
News from around the world and reviews of caving publications.
Speleothems & Climate (pp36-37)
by Matthew BOX.
Matthew Box explains how stalagmites record past climate conditions and how scientists determine when the speleothems were formed.
Diary Dates (p37)
Diary Dates.
@BCRA, @BCA (p38)
Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
Inside Back Cover (p39)
Advertisement of Cave Studies introductory booklets series.
Outside back cover (p40)
by Liz PRICE.
Photos from Myanmar 2009.

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