- The most recent issue to be published was 19
- Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
- Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100
Contents of Speleology 14
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- Speleology (40pp)
(PDF 5.1MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2009). Speleology
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of August 2009 and was published in August 2009.
- The bulletin of British Caving
- Front Cover (p1)
- Photos from Asturias, Spain 2008.
- Inside Front Cover (p2)
- Advertisement of Cave Studies introductory booklets series.
- Contents (p3)
- List of Contents.
- News In Brief and Letter from the Chairman (p4)
- Events: CUCC Celebrates 60 Years; Upland Caves Network Conference News: Letter from the New BCRA Chairman (David Checkley).
- Northern SSSI Caves Monitoring Project: Conservation & Cleanup (p5)
- by Andrew HINDE.
Natural England and the Council of Northern Caving Clubs have joined forces on conservation projects and to monitor the condition of caves in the north of England. Andrew Hinde, the Cave Conservation Advisor for NE, describes how you can get involved.
- Northern Renaissance: Recent Cave Diving Developments in the North of Ireland (pp6-8)
- by Artur KOZLOWSKI and Alasdair KENNEDY.
Artur Kozlowski and Alasdair Kennedy have been behind a recent flurry of exploration in sumps throughout Cavan, Fermanagh, and Monaghan. Here they relate their latest finds.
- Paleolithic Cave Art at Cresswell Crags (p9)
- by Andy KENDALL.
This past March a BCRA Cave Science Field Meeting took a close look at the Paleolithic art in the caves of Cresswell Crags. Andy Kendall reports.
- Scialet du Combeau: The First Eco-Anchor SRT Route in the Vercors (pp10-11)
- by Glenn JONES.
Speleo Vercors have installed an ECO anchor 'test bed' in France, establishing a sporting new SRT route in the process. Glenn Jones reports.
- A Pot of Fool's Gold in Fisura Chica: Asturias, Spain 2008 (pp12-14)
- by Lorna WILSON and Nick EDWARDS.
Last summer OUCC's Canal del Montico 2008 expedition pushed Fisura Chica to a bitter-sweet conclusion. Lorna Wilson and Nick Edwards describe the expedition's highs and lows.
- A Tale of Three Sumps in Texa: Asturias, Spain 2008 (pp15-17)
- by Rob GARRETT.
Last summer sump diving and an aven climb gained exciting new extensions in Asopladeru la Texa. Rob Garrett reports.
- The Upland Caves Network (pp16-19)
- by Hannah O'REGAN.
The recent Upland Caves Network meeting brought together cavers, scientists, landowners, and more to discuss issues related to caves and cave research. Hannah O'Regan reports.
- 2009 Cave Science Symposium (pp20-23)
- by Clare YOUENS.
The 20th BCRA Cave Science Symposium, held at the University of Sheffield on March 7th, featured an archaeological theme with talks ranging from bear bones to cave art. Clare Youens reports.
- Bad Air & Boulder Chokes: Mechara, Ethiopia 2007 (pp24-27)
- by Andy BAKER and Asfawossen ASRAT.
On a scientific expedition to central Ethiopia John Gunn, Andy Baker and Asfawossen Asrat combined climate studies and exploration in Goda Mea and other caves.
- Hidden Earth 2008: Competition Results (pp28-29)
- Competition results from the caving conference.
- Book Reviews (pp30-31)
- Living in Darkness; Underground England; Great Caves of the World; Eli Simpson and the BSA, BCRA Cave Studies Series 16.
- Overseas News & Reviews (pp32-35)
- News from around the world and reviews of caving publications.
- Vale Tony 'J-Rat' Jarratt (pp36-37)
- by Tim LARGE.
Obituary for Tony Jarratt, caver, cave diver and member of the BEC, GSS and WCC.
- Letters (p37)
- Offer of Cooperation with Cavers in Iran; Can You Name These Cavers.
- Diary Dates (p37)
- Diary Dates.
- @BCRA, @BCA (p38)
- Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
- Inside Back Cover (p39)
- Advertisement features for Speleology and caving equipment supplier.
- Outside back cover (p40)
- by Mark SHINWELL.
Photograph: First Pitch, Pool Sink, Lancaster–Easegill System, UK.

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