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Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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Contents of Speleology 12

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Speleology (36pp) (PDF 4.2MB)        Individual articles may be available below
LYNCH, Erin (ed.). (2008). Speleology 12. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £3.40 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 36pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of Summer 2008 and was published in September 2008.
The bulletin of British Caving
Front Cover (p1)
Photograph: Trou Souffleur de Salindre, Gard, France by Mark Shinwell.
Inside Front Cover (p2)
Advertisement for caving lamp.
Contents (p3)
List of Contents.
News In Brief (p4)
Cave Science and Technology Research Initiative Awards; Young Researcher of the Year Award; High Levels of Carbon Monoxide in Long Rake Mine, Bradwell Moor; Update: Library Heritage Project.
Lathkill Dale: BCRA's 2008 Cave Science Field Meeting (p5)
This year's BCRA Cave Science Field Meeting was an enjoyable and informative walk through Lathkill Dale where participants discussed the geology, karst geomorphology, speleogenesis, ecology, and conservation of this unique part of the Derbyshire karst. Rachel Stubbington reports.
Are Your Cow's Tails Safe (pp6-8)
by Bob MEHEW, Les SYKES and Damian WEARE.
Bob Mehew, Les Sykes, and Damian Weare summarise recent research into the best cow's tail configuration for minimising impact force during a fall.
Portfolio: Kasia Biernacka & Marcin Gala (p8)
by Kasia BIERNACKA and Marcin GALA.
A selection of photographs from the 2007 Hidden Earth photo saplon – Projected Image category.
Riesending Passes the -1000m Mark (p9)
by Thomas MATTHALM.
On July 2, 2008 for the first time a German cave reached a depth of over 1km. During a five day trip, tight and muddy squeezes at –990m were successfully passed. A 70m-long room and more scrambling finally lead down to a draughting boulder choke at the current depth of –1056m. Thomas Matthalm reports.
Expedition Report: Iran 2007 (pp10-12)
by Simon BROOKS.
Simon Brooks reports on exploration in north, west, and central-west Iran with the Damavand Club and the Hamadan Mountaineers.
Thornton Force: Karst Landscape Explained (pp13-15)
by Tony WALTHAM.
Cavers know Thornton Force as the exit from Kingsdale, but it's more than just a tourist site as it is a little gem in the Dales geology with a great story behind it. Here, in an excerpt from his new book The Yorkshire Dales – Landscape and Geology, Tony Waltham explains the waterfall's origin.
Caving in the Abode of the Clouds: Meghalaya, India 2008 (pp16-17)
by Mark BROWN and Simon BROOKS.
The Caving in the Abode of the Clouds Project is known for a sporting mix of river caves and fossil passages, and this year was no exception. Mark Brown and Simon Brooks give an overview of the latest finds in Meghalaya, including the first 30km-long cave on the Indian subcontinent.
Karst and Caves of Libya (pp16-22)
by John MIDDLETON and Valerie MIDDLETON.
Libya is little known by cavers, yet it has many exceptional karst features and considerable potential for new exploration. John and Valerie Middleton recount the highlights of their recent visit, accurately pinpointing sites and giving a summary of other major known caves and their explorers.
From the Archives: Breakthrough at Disappointment (p23)
by David JUDSON.
Using the rich array of historical information available in the British Caving Archive, David Judson and others are compiling information for a publication to celebrate the life and achievements of Eli Simpson (Cymmie)(1684-1962). Here we share an excerpt from their draft manuscript and a gem from the archives – a classic moment in Dales caving captured in Cymmie's trip report.
Book Reviews (pp24-25)
The Yorkshire Dales – Landscape and Geology; Raising the Dead: A True Story of Death and Survival; Swildon's Hole –100 Years of Exploration.
Advertisement (pp26-27)
Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science, Ed. John Gunn.
Overseas News & Reviews (pp28-32)
News from around the world and reviews of caving publications.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (p33)
by John RABSON.
Summary of CREG activites as reported in CREG journals 68 and 69.
Diary Dates (p33)
Diary Dates.
@BCRA, @BCA (p34)
Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
Inside Back Cover (p35)
Outside back cover (p36)
by Alexandre CARMAGO.
Photographs by Alexandre 'iscoti' Carmago.

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