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Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was 19
  • Speleology is no longer published. Further info.
  • Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100

Contents of Speleology 1

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Speleology (32pp) (PDF 4.4MB)        Individual articles may be available below
GIBSON, David (ed.). (2003). Speleology 1. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 32pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of Jan 2003.
Bulletin of the British Cave Research Association
Front Cover (p1)
Gouffre Berger Portfolio by Andy Morse.
Inside Front Cover (p2)
Contents (p3)
List of Contents.
Comment (p4)
by David GIBSON.
This new magazine replaces Caves and Caving as BCRA's 'bulletin'. The new editor, David Gibson, explains why.
In Brief (pp5-6)
Ripples on Stalactites, Hottest Thermals, BCRA's Consolidation, National Cave, Karst and Mines Registry - Re-Launched, BCRA Science Symposium.
News From Bulgaria (p6)
by Alexey JALOV and Terry WHITAKER.
The Founding of the Balkan Spelaeological Union, Albania 2002.
The Trident Nightmare (pp7-8)
by Andy WHITNEY.
Andy Whitney describes the re-exploration of the Upper Trident Series in Easegill Caverns in January to April 2002, with members of the Red Rose Cave and Pothole Club.
Cave Science in Ogof Draenen and Agen Allwedd (pp9-10)
by Lou MAURICE and Andy FARRANT.
Lou Maurice and Andy Farrant report of some cave science projects taking place in South Wales.
Ogof Cnwc: a New Entrance to Daren Cilau (p10)
by Stuart FRANCE.
Stuart France describes how the connection between Price's Dig (now renamed Ogof Cnwc) and Darren Cilau was aided by the use of radiolocation fixes.
The Bone Caves of the Yorkshire Dales (p11)
by Phil MURPHY and Andrew CHAMBERLAIN.
During recent decades, cavers have continued to discover deposits of animal bones in caves, but the finds have been only sporadically reported in the recreational caving literature, and in most cases the material has not been studied by archaeozoologists or palaeontologists. Phil Murphy and Andrew Chamberlain summarise finds by cavers in the Yorkshire Dales.
Hidden Earth 2002 (pp12-13)
by Paul MANN.
Paul Mann reports on the National Caving Conference held in Monmouth in September 2002.
National Caving Awards for 2002 (pp13-14)
There are now several of what could be termed the national caving awards. The 2002 awards were announced at Hidden Earth last September.
Advertisements (p15)
Expedition Report: Asturias, Spain 2001 (pp16-19)
Chris Danilewicz summarises the history of the exploration of Cueva Negra in Asturias, northern Spain. As a footnote, Rick Stanton describes the rebreather he used when diving in Cueva Culiembro.
The RS2000Re-breather (p20)
by Rick STANTON.
Rick Stanton describes the re-breathing equipment he used to dive in Cueva Culiembro.
Expedition Report: Guangxi, China 2000 (pp20-25)
Ged Campion reports on the visit of the 11thChina Caves Project expedition to Guangxi province in 2000.
Book Reviews (pp26-27)
'Of Caves and Caving' (A Way and a Life), Underground Mythology, CAPRA 4.
BCRA: New Books (p27)
by David GIBSON.
Underground Britain: Legal and Insurance issues, Cave Surveying.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (p28)
by Toby STEWART.
The latest SIG activities are reported by Toby Stewart.
Letters (p29)
Diary Dates (p29)
Diary Dates.
@BCRA (p30)
Contact Details for BCRA.
Inside Back Cover (p31)
Outside Back cover (p32)
by David GIBSON.
Photographs of unusual fault breccia in Cueva Negra, by David Gibson.

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