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Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was 19
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  • Database last updated on Sat, 07 May 2016 15:54:54 +0100

Contents of Speleology 19

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Speleology (52pp) (PDF 8.6MB)        Individual articles may be available below
GIBSON, David (ed.). (2013). Speleology 19. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.70 plus postage. ISSN 1478-999X. 52pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of December 2013 and was published in February 2014.
The Bulletin of British Caving
Front Cover (p1) (PDF 182KB)     
Some photos from the BCRA Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2013.
Portfolio (p2) (PDF 210KB)     
by Annette PRICE.
Photos of Dinas Rock Silica Mine from the BCRA Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2013.
Contents (p3) (PDF 66KB)     
List of contents and Masthead information.
Comment, News in Brief (pp4-5) (PDF 172KB)     
Editorial, A message from the BCA Chairman Andy Eavis, Sits. Vac., Writing for Speleology, Open Access to Cave and Karst Science Online, BCRA/Hidden Earth Cave Science Bursaries, Hidden Earth Grants, The BCA Forum Scanner, Diary Dates.
Peak Expedition 2012: Discovering Doom (pp6-7) (PDF 551KB)     
by Rob EAVIS.
In the summer of 2012 cave explorers of Derbyshire joined forces again for the two-week Peak Expedition. Rob Eavis describes the result of the onslaught of digging projects.
The Conservation of Cave Data (p8) (PDF 130KB)     
by Andrew ATKINSON.
Andrew Atkinson describes how the Cave Registry Data Archive works.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: ATKINSON, Andrew. (2013). The Conservation of Cave Data. Speleology 19, p8.
Matienzo 2012 (pp9-12) (PDF 1.0MB)     
by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin summarises exploration in Matienzo in 2012.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: CORRIN, Juan. (2013). Matienzo 2012. Speleology 19, pp9-12.
Regional News (p13) (PDF 93KB)     
Three Counties Connections and Large Pot Extensions, News from Wales, Contact Details.
Cave Archaeology and Karst Geomorphology in North-West England (pp14-15) (PDF 301KB)     
by Christopher SMITH.
Christopher Smith reports on a joint field meeting with the Quaternary Research Association.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: SMITH, Christopher. (2013). Cave Archaeology and Karst Geomorphology in North-West England. Speleology 19, pp14-15.
Science in Ogof Draenen (pp16-18) (PDF 461KB)     
by Charlie SELF.
Cave and Karst Science 38(1) was a special issue devoted to Ogof Draenen. In his regular reviews, Charlie Self gives layman's summaries of this issue.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: SELF, Charlie. (2013). Science in Ogof Draenen. Speleology 19, pp16-18.
Cave Conservation with CNCC and Natural England (pp19-21) (PDF 406KB)     
by Tony BROWN.
Volunteers from the Council of Northern Caving Clubs (CNCC), working with Natural England under Andrew Hinde, have been cleaning up in the Dales. Tony Brown reports.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: BROWN, Tony. (2013). Cave Conservation with CNCC and Natural England. Speleology 19, pp19-21.
2012 Cave Technology Symposium (pp22-24) (PDF 488KB)     
by Mike BEDFORD.
The 4th annual BCRA Cave Technology Symposium was held in the Mendips in 2012. Topics ranged from the latest developments in cave radio to rope testing, from 3D models of cave chambers to techniques for counting cave visitors. Mike Bedford summarises the presentations.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: BEDFORD, Mike. (2013). 2012 Cave Technology Symposium. Speleology 19, pp22-24.
Hidden Earth 2013 Report (pp25,28) (PDF 260KB)     
BCRA's Arthur Butcher Award, GPF's Tratman Award, Giles Barker Award, Surveying Competitions, Photo Salon Important Notice. Sponsors for 2012 and/or 2013, Conference Team Credits.
BCRA Photo Salon 2013 (p26) (PDF 228KB)     
Monochrome Print Winners.
Portfolio (p27) (PDF 231KB)     
by Nicky BAYLEY.
Nicky Bayley won the British Newcomer Award in the Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2012.
BCRA Meetings Reports (pp29-31) (PDF 372KB)     
2013 Cave Science Symposium, Lincolnshire Limestone, Nottingham Show Caves, Porcellanous Bed and Cave Formation in the Yorkshire Dales. Includes 'List of Recent BCRA Field Meetings' compiled by Trevor Faulkner.
Hidden Earth 2013 Competition Results (pp32-33) (PDF 504KB)     
A complete list of the competition winners, their prizes, and photographs of all the winning entries in the Photo Salon.
16th International Congress of Speleology (pp34-36) (PDF 353KB)     
The 16th International Congress of Speleology was held between 21 and 28 July in Brno, in the Czech Republic. Over 1200 delegates attended from over 50 countries for a week of events, including pre- and post-congress excursions. Gina Moseley and Dave Checkley give a summary of events; Boyd Potts and David St. Pierre describe some of the excursions.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: Anon. (2013). 16th International Congress of Speleology. Speleology 19, pp34-36.
Overseas News & Reviews (p37) (PDF 98KB)     
News from around the world and reviews of caving publications.
The Flooding Characteristics of Speedwell Cavern (pp38-39) (PDF 1.7MB)     
by Nigel BALL.
By placing water depth and temperature recorders at Main Rising and Whirlpool Rising in Speedwell Cavern, Nigel Ball is starting to produce a picture of the strange repeated pulsing of the water flow in this cave system.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: BALL, Nigel. (2013). The Flooding Characteristics of Speedwell Cavern. Speleology 19, pp38-39.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp40-41) (PDF 286KB)     
Reports from Cave Radio, Surveying and Archaeology Groups, and a suggestion of a possible revival of the Hydrology Group.
BCRA's Cave Archaeology Group (pp41-43) (PDF 704KB)     
by John HOWARD.
John Howard describes the origins of BCRA's newest Special Interest Group for Cave Archaeology, and the work being done by cave archaeologists.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: HOWARD, John. (2013). BCRA's Cave Archaeology Group. Speleology 19, pp41-43.
The Northern England Cave Survey Project (pp44-45) (PDF 339KB)     
by Becka LAWSON.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: LAWSON, Becka. (2013). The Northern England Cave Survey Project. Speleology 19, pp44-45.
Book Review (p45) (PDF 127KB)     
Farr, Martyn (2013). Classic Darksite Diving.
Books from BCRA (p46) (PDF 160KB)     
Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales, Volume 1. Wookey Hole - 75 Years of Cave Diving and Exploration.
Letters (p47) (PDF 75KB)     
Responses from the Hidden Earth team to comments made on the HE 2013 questionnaire forms.
Book Reviews (pp48-49) (PDF 401KB)     
The Story of Banwell Caves, The Hermit of Dumpton Cave, The Enigma of the Margate Shell Grotto, Palaeolithic Cave Art at Creswell Crags in European Context, Derbyshire Cavemen.
@BCRA, @BCA (p50) (PDF 42KB)     
Contact Details for BCRA and BCA.
Inside Back Cover (p51) (PDF 253KB)     
Caving club accommodation adverts, Club journals and Speleo Abstracts, Diary Dates.
Outside back cover (p52) (PDF 148KB)     
Some photos from the BCRA Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2013.
Online Supplement (pp A0-12)
The following items appear only in the online supplement. They are not part of the paper edition of Speleology 19.
Matienzo 2011 (pp A1-7) (PDF 864KB)     
by Juan CORRIN.
Juan Corrin summarises exploration in Matienzo in 2012.
This is a low-resolution version. A high-res version will be archived here by the end of 2015, probably..
Hidden Earth 2013 - Lecture Summaries (pp A8-10) (PDF 70KB)     
Summaries of the presentations at HE 2013 as they appeared in the conference programme.
BCRA Meetings Reports (pp A11-12) (PDF 44KB)     
2011 Field Meeting to Litton and Bradwell Dale area, 2012 Cave Science Symposium.

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