- The most recent issue to be published was BCRA Review 2023
- Database last updated on Fri, 11 Oct 2024 16:22:41 +0100
BCRA Review is our annual magazine
containing reports of meetings and other BCRA activites for the year, together
with reports from BCRA officers, and our report to the Charity Commission. The
first BCRA Review was BCRA Review 2015.
Prior to 2015, BCRA News and Information was
published in Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X)
which superseded Caves & Caving (ISSN 0142-1832).
In the past (but no longer), we have also published Newsletters of varying lengths and
styles, which are available online.
Obtaining a copy of the Review: The Reviews
can be ordered from our bookshop whilst stocks last. It may also be
on sale at our meetings. The Review is not included in the benefits
package for individual members of BCRA. However, if you are a BCRA Member Club
receiving C&KS on paper, or one of our overseas Journal Exchange partners,
we will mail you a free copy of the Review, when it is published in October of
each year. (Non-delivery enquiries to the secretary, please).
BCRA Review 2021
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- BCRA Review (iv + 40pp)
(PDF 7.6MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- WOLSTENHOLME, Phil (ed.). (2021). BCRA Review
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£7.00 plus postage. ISSN 2516-1423. iv + 40pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of 2021 and was published in October 2022.
- British Cave Research Association Annual Review for 2021
- Front cover (page i)
- by Chris HOWES.
Joe Giblin, Tim Allen, Frank Pearson and Roo Walters (kneeling) preparing to laser-scan the spray-strewn Main Chamber of Gaping Gill.
- Minutes of the 2021 BCRA Annual General Meeting (page ii)
(PDF 228KB)
- List of Contents (p1)
- BCRA Officers Reports (pp2-13)
- Chairman, Secretary, IT and Web, Treasurer, Library Co-ordinator.
- Treasurer's report (pp4-12)
(PDF 1.1MB)
- An extract of part of the above Officers Reports, as submitted to our AGM.
- BCRA Publications (pp14-17)
- Cave and Karst Science, CREG Journal, Cave Studies Series, Publications on the BCRA Website, Digitising the Simpson Archive.
- BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp18-21)
- Cave Radio and Electronics Group (CREG), Cave Archaeology Group (CAG), Cave Surveying Group (CSG), Explosives Users Group (EUG), Cave Biology Group (CBG).
- BCRA Grants and Awards (pp22-25)
- BCRA's Annual Awards, UK Cave Conservation Emergency Fund (UKCCEF), Cave Science and Technology Research Fund (CSTRF).
- Covid-19 Photo Salon (pp26-29)
- Due to the cancellation of the 2021 Hidden Earth conference (and thus also the prestigious Photo Salon competition, our regular source of underground photography for the centre pages), an open call was put out for interesting 'cave science' photos, and a selection is presented both here and on the front and back covers for your enjoyment.
- BCRA Scientific Meetings (pp30-34)
- 31st BCRA Cave Science Symposium.
- Proto-shark Remains in Slaughter Stream Cave (p35)
(PDF 1009KB)
- by Tarquin WILTON-JONES.
Classification: Feature.
- Bibliograph: WILTON-JONES, Tarquin. (2021). Proto-shark Remains in Slaughter Stream Cave. BCRA Review 21, p35.
- A Hydrological Conundrum (p36)
(PDF 991KB)
- by John FORDER.
Classification: Feature.
- Bibliograph: FORDER, John. (2021). A Hydrological Conundrum. BCRA Review 21, p36.
- F’ing Hopeless Pot, Leck Fell, Lancashire (pp37-40)
(PDF 1.8MB)
- by Frank PEARSON.
Classification: Feature.
- Bibliograph: PEARSON, Frank. (2021). F’ing Hopeless Pot, Leck Fell, Lancashire. BCRA Review 21, pp37-40.
- Useful BCRA contact addresses (page iii)
- Back Cover (page iv)
- by John GUNN, Phil WOLSTENHOLME and Chris HOWES.
A selection of images related to ongoing research, or documentation of underground phenomena. For details see contents page.

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