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BCRA Review (ISSN 2516-1423)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was BCRA Review 2022
  • Database last updated on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:10:28 +0000

BCRA Review is our annual magazine containing reports of meetings and other BCRA activites for the year, together with reports from BCRA officers, and our report to the Charity Commission. The first BCRA Review was BCRA Review 2015.

Prior to 2015, BCRA News and Information was published in Speleology (ISSN 1478-999X) which superseded Caves & Caving (ISSN 0142-1832). In the past (but no longer), we have also published Newsletters of varying lengths and styles, which are available online.

Obtaining a copy of the Review: The Reviews can be ordered from our bookshop whilst stocks last. It may also be on sale at our meetings. The Review is not included in the benefits package for individual members of BCRA. However, if you are a BCRA Member Club receiving C&KS on paper, or one of our overseas Journal Exchange partners, we will mail you a free copy of the Review, when it is published in October of each year. (Non-delivery enquiries to the secretary, please).

BCRA Review 2019

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BCRA Review (iv + 54pp) (PDF 10.4MB)        Individual articles may be available below
WOLSTENHOLME, Phil (ed.). (2019). BCRA Review 19. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £6.25 plus postage. ISSN 2516-1423. iv + 54pp, A4, with photos, maps and diagrams.
This issue has a cover date of 2019 and was published in October 2020.
British Cave Research Association Annual Review for 2019
Front cover (page i)
by John GUNN.
Poole's Cavern, Buxton, has long been famous for the many hyperalkaline speleothem deposits and their remarkable speed of growth. A drip logger was placed under one such drip on 20 December 2019 (left image) with the intention of downloading it in March. COVID intervened and a visit on 12 July showed the logger rendered inoperable by the accumulation of calcite which had formed a stalagmite that eventually joined with the stalactite (right and centre images).
Minutes of the 2019 BCRA Annual General Meeting (page ii)
List of Contents (p1)
BCRA Officers Reports (pp2-13)
Chairman, Secretary, IT and Web, Annual Accounts Summary for 2019, Treasurer, British Caving Library.
BCRA Publications (pp14-16)
Cave and Karst Science, CREG Journal, Cave Studies Series, Publications on the BCRA Website.
BCRA Special Interest Groups (pp17-21)
Cave Radio and Electronics Group (CREG), Cave Surveying Group (CSG), Cave Archaeology Group (CAG), Explosives Users Group (EUG), Cave Biology Group (CBG).
BCRA Grants and Awards (pp22-32)
BCRA's Annual Awards, UK Cave Conservation Emergency Fund (UKCCEF), Premier Trophy: Winning Portfolio 2019, A selection of 2019 Hidden Earth Photo and Art Salon Entries, Cave Science and Technology Research Fund (CSTRF), Ghar Parau Foundation (GPF), Hidden Earth 2019, Horsham District Scouts: Artificial Cave Project.
BCRA Scientific Meetings (pp33-43)
Science Workshop, Field Meeting at Poole’s Cavern, Field Meeting, North Pennines, Cave Science Symposium, Field Meeting to Creswell Crags.
The British Cave Science Centre (BCSC), Poole’s Cavern, Buxton (p44) (PDF 239KB)     
by Andi SMITH and John GUNN.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: SMITH, Andi and John GUNN. (2019). The British Cave Science Centre (BCSC), Poole’s Cavern, Buxton. BCRA Review 19, p44.
Data Capture and Communications at the Cave Science Centre (pp45-47) (PDF 443KB)     
by David GIBSON.
Also See: Data Protocol and Coding Examples for the British Cave Science Centre in CREG journal 115, which is an expanded version of this article.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: GIBSON, David. (2019). Data Capture and Communications at the Cave Science Centre. BCRA Review 19, pp45-47.
A Crawl Through Cave Art (pp48-56) (PDF 3.4MB)     
by Dominika WRÓBLEWSKA.
Classification: Feature.
Bibliograph: WRÓBLEWSKA, Dominika. (2019). A Crawl Through Cave Art. BCRA Review 19, pp48-56.
Useful BCRA contact addresses (page iii)
Back Cover (page iv)
by John GUNN.
A selection of images related to ongoing research projects some of which were part-funded by the BCRA–CSTRF initiative.

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British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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