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Caves Studies Series

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Caves and Karst of the Brecon Beacons National Park
by Mike SIMMS

SIMMS, Mike (1998). Caves and Karst of the Brecon Beacons National Park [Cave Studies Series 7]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £2.50 plus postage. ISBN-0-900265-20-5. 32pp, A5, with maps and photos.

A guide to walks illustrating the karst landforms and some accessible caves within the Brecon Beacons National Park

A wide diversity of rock types are found in the Brecon Beacons National Park, from sandstone and conglomerates to mudstones and limestones, but it is the solubility of limestone in water that lends a particularly distinctive character to the landscape, which is characterised by limited surface drainage and the development of underground drainage routes, or caves. Through a series of excursions across various parts of the limestone outcrop, this guide highlights and explains some of the karst features within the National Park

item: Caves and Karst of the Brecon Beacons National Park (PDF 7.7MB)        Individual articles may be available below
by Mike SIMMS.
Full text of book (32 pages excluding cover). Please note that this is the original 1998 text without revisions.
Date: Published online 4 August 2016.
item: Wraparound outside cover (PDF 3.3MB)     
This is an full-bleed A4 file that can be used to make a wrap-round cover for a perfect-bound booklet.
Date: Published online 4 August 2016.

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