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Caves Studies Series

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A Dictionary of Karst and Caves
by David LOWE and Tony WALTHAM

LOWE, David and Tony WALTHAM (2002). A Dictionary of Karst and Caves [Cave Studies Series 10]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association (2nd edition). £2.50 plus postage. ISBN-0-900265-24-8. 40pp, A5, with diagrams and photos.

A brief guide, for non-specialists, to the geomorphological and geological aspects of cave and karst science

This dictionary is intended to provide a convenient first reference source, mainly for use by non-specialists whose understanding of cave and karst science may sometimes be obscured by terminology that is in everyday use by scientists. The coverage is biased towards geomorphological and geological aspects of karst and so does not claim to be exhaustive. Although the book is aimed at British readers examples from other regions are also provided.
This volume is, essentially, a revised second edition of number 6 in the series, which is now out of print

item: A Dictionary of Karst and Caves (PDF 770KB)        Individual articles may be available below
by David LOWE and Tony WALTHAM.
Full text of book (40 pages excluding cover). Please note that this is the original 2002 text without revisions. Please note that the diagrams in this file are at a low resolution.
Date: Published online 26 December 2020.
item: Wraparound outside cover (PDF 5.5MB)     
This is an exact A4 file that can be used to make a wrap-round cover for a perfect-bound booklet. For a full-bleed version you should enlarge this file by about 3% before printing on superA4 paper. Please note that the resolution of this file is only 'medium'.
Date: Published online 26 December 2020.

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