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This facility searches the Contents Lists for the CREG journal. There are some 1500 records in the database, going back to the first issue in 1988. Each record usually represents a single article, but there are also brief 'headline' records that refer to a complete journal and, occasionally, there are records that refer to the CREG Forum , rather than the CREG journal. Click here for further info. 
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[1] CREG Journal 126, CREGJ 126, pp0-24. June 2024. (PDF 11.9MB)      [52]
[2] Front Cover, CREGJ 126, p1. June 2024. (PDF 2.0MB)     [2]
[3] Contents, CREGJ 126, p2. June 2024. (PDF 550KB)     [18]
[4] News and Notes, CREGJ 126, p2. June 2024. (PDF 550KB)     [18]
[5] CREG Journal – The Way Forward, CREGJ 126, p3. June 2024. (PDF 330KB)     [3]
[6] Cave-proofing: Understanding Equipment Specifications, CREGJ 126, pp4-5. June 2024. (PDF 747KB)     [2]
[7] Building Blocks, CREGJ 126, p6. June 2024. (PDF 344KB)     [3]
[8] iPhone 13 Pro Lidar – an Assessment of Accuracy, CREGJ 126, pp7-9. June 2024. (PDF 1.8MB)     [7]
[9] Radiolocation and Communications on the USDCT 2023 Expedition to Sistema Cheve in Oaxaca, Mexico, CREGJ 126, pp10-11. June 2024. (PDF 1.0MB)     [4]
[10] We Hear, CREGJ 126, p12. June 2024. (PDF 590KB)     [1]
[11] The µHeyPhone Project: Presenting the Final Design, CREGJ 126, pp13-17. June 2024. (PDF 2.3MB)     [5]
[12] The Elios 3 Drone – Lidar Surveying for Confined Spaces, CREGJ 126, pp18-19. June 2024. (PDF 629KB)     [3]
[13] Overhauling the DistoX2 to the DistoXBLE, CREGJ 126, p20. June 2024. (PDF 779KB)     [6]
[14] Flashes and Slaves – the Options on Offer, CREGJ 126, pp21-24. June 2024. (PDF 3.0MB)     [3]
[15] CREG Journal 124, CREGJ 125, pp0-20. March 2024. (PDF 7.0MB)      [54]
[16] Front Cover, CREGJ 125, p1. March 2024. (PDF 2.4MB)     [4]
[17] Contents, CREGJ 125, p2. March 2024. (PDF 361KB)     [11]
[18] News and Notes, CREGJ 125, p2. March 2024. (PDF 361KB)     [11]
[19] Starting out in Underwater Cave Photography, CREGJ 125, pp3-5. March 2024. (PDF 2.2MB)     [5]
[20] We Hear, CREGJ 125, p6. March 2024. (PDF 318KB)     [3]
[21] Using Low-Cost Software to Obtain and Study Stalagmite Greyscale Data, CREGJ 125, pp7-10. March 2024. (PDF 831KB)     [6]
[22] A Loop Antenna for the Micro HeyPhone, CREGJ 125, pp11-12. March 2024. (PDF 578KB)     [8]
[23] Cellular Networks for IoT, CREGJ 125, pp13-16. March 2024. (PDF 553KB)     [8]
[24] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 125, p16. March 2024. (PDF 315KB)     [2]
[25] Introducing the SWAR-2EX and SpellCom Wireless Rescue Communication Systems, CREGJ 125, pp17-20. March 2024. (PDF 1.1MB)     [4]
[26] CREG Journal 124, CREGJ 124, pp0-24. December 2023. (PDF 3.7MB)      [71]
[27] Front Cover, CREGJ 124, p1. December 2023. (PDF 1.4MB)     [4]
[28] Contents, CREGJ 124, p2. December 2023. (PDF 263KB)     [27]
[29] News and Notes, CREGJ 124, p2. December 2023. (PDF 263KB)     [27]
[30] Digital Cave Communications – Smaller, Lighter, Cheaper!, CREGJ 124, pp3-5. December 2023. (PDF 739KB)     [11]
[31] ARCANA 2023 – Radiolocation Beacon and Receiver with Two-way Text Communication, CREGJ 124, pp6-8. December 2023. (PDF 553KB)     [7]
[32] A Semi-empirical Approach to Microwave Propagation Modelling in Caves, CREGJ 124, pp9-15. December 2023. (PDF 696KB)     [3]
[33] We Hear, CREGJ 124, p16. December 2023. (PDF 287KB)     [3]
[34] Reciprocity and Radiation, CREGJ 124, pp17-20. December 2023. (PDF 348KB)     [2]
[35] Building Blocks, CREGJ 124, p21. December 2023. (PDF 282KB)     [2]
[36] Earth Electrodes for Cave Radios – a Practical Guide for Deployment, CREGJ 124, pp22-23. December 2023. (PDF 325KB)     [5]
[37] Long-Range Cave Radio, CREGJ 124, p24. December 2023. (PDF 291KB)     [6]
[38] CREG Journal 123, CREGJ 123, pp0-24. September 2023. (PDF 7.1MB)      [80]
[39] Front Cover, CREGJ 123, p1. September 2023. (PDF 2.3MB)     [2]
[40] Contents, CREGJ 123, p2. September 2023. (PDF 338KB)     [30]
[41] Ice Cave Photography using a Smartphone - a Hands-on Guide, CREGJ 123, pp3-6. September 2023. (PDF 2.1MB)     [6]
[42] The Ongoing Saga of the LORAN-C and eLORAN Terrestrial Navigation Systems, CREGJ 123, pp7-8. September 2023. (PDF 313KB)     [4]
[43] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 123, p8. September 2023. (PDF 206KB)     [2]
[44] Building Blocks, CREGJ 123, p9. September 2023. (PDF 292KB)     [4]
[45] NSS Communications and Electronics Section Meeting 2023, CREGJ 123, pp10-11. September 2023. (PDF 400KB)     [2]
[46] Reciprocity in Cave Radio Antennas, CREGJ 123, pp12-14. September 2023. (PDF 359KB)     [2]
[47] We Hear, CREGJ 123, p15. September 2023. (PDF 302KB)     [2]
[48] Cave River Level Telemetry at Dan-yr-Ogof, CREGJ 123, pp16-20. September 2023. (PDF 963KB)     [7]
[49] Field Equations in Conducting Media, CREGJ 123, p20. September 2023. (PDF 263KB)     [3]
[50] The Cave Surveying Group's Spring 2023 Meet-up, CREGJ 123, p21. September 2023. (PDF 360KB)     [8]
[51] Turning 3D Models into Cave Maps, CREGJ 123, pp22-24. September 2023. (PDF 576KB)     [9]
[52] CREG Journal 122, CREGJ 122, pp0-24. June 2023. (PDF 4.4MB)      [71]
[53] Front Cover, CREGJ 122, p1. June 2023. (PDF 603KB)     [4]
[54] Contents, CREGJ 122, p2. June 2023. (PDF 394KB)     [29]
[55] News and Notes, CREGJ 122, p2. June 2023. (PDF 394KB)     [29]
[56] A Practical Guide to Underground Film Making Using a Drone, CREGJ 122, pp3-4. June 2023. (PDF 530KB)     [8]
[57] Comparative Review of MF and HF Frequencies for Cave Radio, CREGJ 122, pp5-8. June 2023. (PDF 637KB)     [8]
[58] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 122, p9. June 2023. (PDF 505KB)     [1]
[59] An Improved Directional Draught Detector, CREGJ 122, pp10-12. June 2023. (PDF 707KB)     [11]
[60] Building Blocks, CREGJ 122, p13. June 2023. (PDF 331KB)     [3]
[61] Comparing Loop and Line Antennas for Cave Radio Applications – 1, CREGJ 122, pp14-16. June 2023. (PDF 381KB)     [35]
[62] We Hear, CREGJ 122, p17. June 2023. (PDF 357KB)     [3]
[63] An Affordable Water Sampler, CREGJ 122, pp18-21. June 2023. (PDF 813KB)     [5]
[64] The Resurgence of the QR Code and its Applications in Caving, CREGJ 122, pp22-24. June 2023. (PDF 399KB)     [4]
[65] CREG Journal 121, CREGJ 121, pp0-16. March 2023. (PDF 2.6MB)      [87]
[66] Front Cover, CREGJ 121, p1. March 2023. (PDF 551KB)     [3]
[67] Contents, CREGJ 121, p2. March 2023. (PDF 511KB)     [60]
[68] News and Notes, CREGJ 121, p2. March 2023. (PDF 511KB)     [60]
[69] Cave Radios for Communication and Radio-location - an Overview, CREGJ 121, pp3-7. March 2023. (PDF 565KB)     [28]
[70] Viewing Phosphorescence in Real-time, CREGJ 121, pp8-9. March 2023. (PDF 358KB)     [9]
[71] We Hear, CREGJ 121, p10. March 2023. (PDF 470KB)     [4]
[72] Current Problems in Cave Radio, CREGJ 121, p11. March 2023. (PDF 221KB)     [34]
[73] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 121, p12. March 2023. (PDF 371KB)     [3]
[74] Building Blocks, CREGJ 121, pp13-14. March 2023. (PDF 364KB)     [4]
[75] Amos Dolbear, Thomas Edison and Electrostatic Induction, CREGJ 121, pp15-16. March 2023. (PDF 305KB)     [4]
[76] CREG Journal 120, CREGJ 120, pp0-20. December 2022. (PDF 2.9MB)      [91]
[77] Front Cover, CREGJ 120, p1. December 2022. (PDF 358KB)     [10]
[78] Contents, CREGJ 120, p2. December 2022. (PDF 325KB)     [81]
[79] News and Notes, CREGJ 120, p2. December 2022. (PDF 325KB)     [81]
[80] A Semi-duplex Dual-wire Telephone for Expedition or Cave Rescue Use, CREGJ 120, pp3-5. December 2022. (PDF 696KB)     [4]
[81] A Miniaturised Radiolocation Beacon with a Ferrite Core, CREGJ 120, pp6-8. December 2022. (PDF 559KB)     [11]
[82] We Hear, CREGJ 120, p9. December 2022. (PDF 357KB)     [9]
[83] Geophysical Survey Techniques, CREGJ 120, pp10-12. December 2022. (PDF 562KB)     [11]
[84] Investigating Licence-free 433MHz and 2.4GHz Modules for use in Caving Projects, CREGJ 120, pp13-15. December 2022. (PDF 446KB)     [4]
[85] HF Radio Experiments at Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico, USA, CREGJ 120, pp16-19. December 2022. (PDF 702KB)     [3]
[86] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 120, p19. December 2022. (PDF 203KB)     [1]
[87] Digital Object Identifiers - Part 1, CREGJ 120, p20. December 2022. (PDF 251KB)     [6]
[88] CREG Journal 119, CREGJ 119, pp0-20. September 2022. (PDF 5.0MB)      [102]
[89] Front Cover, CREGJ 119, p1. September 2022. (PDF 1.8MB)     [3]
[90] Contents, CREGJ 119, p2. September 2022. (PDF 362KB)     [39]
[91] News and Notes, CREGJ 119, p2. September 2022. (PDF 362KB)     [39]
[92] Stereo Micro-Photography Using Focus Stacking, CREGJ 119, pp3-7. September 2022. (PDF 1.2MB)     [7]
[93] We Hear, CREGJ 119, p8. September 2022. (PDF 424KB)     [3]
[94] First Impressions of a Home-made 3D Laser Scanner, CREGJ 119, pp9-11. September 2022. (PDF 1015KB)     [14]
[95] The Mobile Ultraphone and Capacitive Coupler Options, CREGJ 119, pp12-14. September 2022. (PDF 580KB)     [5]
[96] Building Blocks, CREGJ 119, pp15-16. September 2022. (PDF 361KB)     [2]
[97] Power Line Interference in Baseband and VLF Cave Communication, CREGJ 119, pp17-19. September 2022. (PDF 409KB)     [3]
[98] Position Encoder Uses Single-Track Gray Code: Update, CREGJ 119, p19. September 2022. (PDF 227KB)     [33]
[99] Poster-Sized Stereo Photos: Update, CREGJ 119, p20. September 2022. (PDF 343KB)     [21]
[100] CREG Journal 118, CREGJ 118, pp0-24. June 2022. (PDF 6.2MB)      [87]
[101] Front Cover, CREGJ 118, p1. June 2022. (PDF 1.8MB)     [11]
[102] Contents, CREGJ 118, p2. June 2022. (PDF 371KB)     [45]
[103] News and Notes, CREGJ 118, p2. June 2022. (PDF 371KB)     [45]
[104] The Pease Ultraphone - an SWT for Extreme Conditions, CREGJ 118, pp3-7. June 2022. (PDF 1.4MB)     [14]
[105] We Hear, CREGJ 118, p8. June 2022. (PDF 409KB)     [8]
[106] Spotlight on Luminescence: why Things Glow in the Dark, CREGJ 118, pp9-11. June 2022. (PDF 482KB)     [7]
[107] Letter to the Editor, CREGJ 118, p12. June 2022. (PDF 272KB)     [3]
[108] Photographing Phosphorescence, CREGJ 118, pp13-15. June 2022. (PDF 515KB)     [4]
[109] The Circle of Least Confusion, CREGJ 118, pp16-17. June 2022. (PDF 290KB)     [25]
[110] The Circle of Least Confusion: Appendix, CREGJ 118, ppA1-A2. June 2022. (PDF 250KB)     
[111] Building Blocks, CREGJ 118, p18. June 2022. (PDF 246KB)     [3]
[112] Position Encoder Uses Single-Track Gray Code: Part 2, CREGJ 118, pp19-22. June 2022. (PDF 382KB)     [36]
[113] Cyclic Single-Track Gray Codes – Demo for CREGJ 118, CREGJ 118 (see supporting webpage). June 2022. (PDF 6.2MB)      [87]
[114] The Return of the CREG Field Meeting, CREGJ 118, pp23-24. June 2022. (PDF 1.6MB)     [3]
[115] CREG Journal 117, CREGJ 117, pp0-24. March 2022. (PDF 8.5MB)      [110]
[116] Front Cover, CREGJ 117, p1. March 2022. (PDF 8.5MB)      [110]
[117] Contents, CREGJ 117, p2. March 2022. (PDF 528KB)     [96]
[118] News and Notes, CREGJ 117, p2. March 2022. (PDF 528KB)     [96]
[119] Robocrane: Supporting Lunar Lava Tube Robotic Explorers, CREGJ 117, pp3-5. March 2022. (PDF 1.0MB)     [4]
[120] We Hear, CREGJ 117, p6. March 2022. (PDF 384KB)     [5]
[121] Photographic Enhancement of Cave Paintings using DStretch, CREGJ 117, pp7-10. March 2022. (PDF 2.1MB)     [3]
[122] Building Blocks, CREGJ 117, p11. March 2022. (PDF 236KB)     [4]
[123] BuecherNet at Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico, CREGJ 117, pp12-15. March 2022. (PDF 2.1MB)     [6]
[124] Applications of Chain Codes for Position Encoders, CREGJ 117, pp16-18. March 2022. (PDF 397KB)     [39]
[125] Cyclic Binaries / Chain codes – Demo for CREGJ 117, CREGJ 117 (see supporting webpage). March 2022. (PDF 8.5MB)      [110]
[126] Modifying the DH18DSL Hammer Drill for Ease-of-use in the Cave Environment, CREGJ 117, pp19-21. March 2022. (PDF 873KB)     [12]
[127] Letter to the Editor, CREGJ 117, p21. March 2022. (PDF 319KB)     [30]
[128] Viewing Poster-Sized Stereo Pairs, CREGJ 117, pp22-24,1. March 2022. (PDF 2.2MB)     [34]
[129] CREG Journal 116, CREGJ 116, pp0-24. December 2021. (PDF 4.8MB)      [99]
[130] Front Cover, CREGJ 116, p1. December 2021. (PDF 2.0MB)     [3]
[131] Contents, CREGJ 116, p2. December 2021. (PDF 270KB)     [60]
[132] News and Notes, CREGJ 116, p2. December 2021. (PDF 270KB)     [60]
[133] Stereo Photography from the Basics to the Experimental, CREGJ 116, pp3-6. December 2021. (PDF 668KB)     [5]
[134] LEDs for Lighting and Photography: Efficiency and Colour, CREGJ 116, pp7-10. December 2021. (PDF 667KB)     [4]
[135] We Hear, CREGJ 116, p11. December 2021. (PDF 469KB)     [5]
[136] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 116, p12. December 2021. (PDF 279KB)     [5]
[137] Web Watch, CREGJ 116, p12. December 2021. (PDF 279KB)     [5]
[138] Applications of Cave Communications – an Overview, CREGJ 116, pp13-14. December 2021. (PDF 322KB)     [14]
[139] Building Blocks, CREGJ 116, p15. December 2021. (PDF 731KB)     [6]
[140] A Base Station for the Lovell Earth Return Telephone, CREGJ 116, p17. December 2021. (PDF 378KB)     [6]
[141] Underground Communication - The Early Days, CREGJ 116, p18. December 2021. (PDF 349KB)     [11]
[142] Class-D SSB Modulator - Demonstrator Code Listing, CREGJ 116, pp20-21. December 2021. (PDF 275KB)     [58]
[143] Position Encoder Uses Single-Track Gray Code: Part 1, CREGJ 116, pp22-24. December 2021. (PDF 371KB)     [51]
[144] CREG Journal 115, CREGJ 115, pp0-24. September 2021. (PDF 4.8MB)      [99]
[145] Front Cover, CREGJ 115, p1. September 2021. (PDF 1.6MB)     [17]
[146] Contents, CREGJ 115, p2. September 2021. (PDF 351KB)     [61]
[147] News and Notes, CREGJ 115, p2. September 2021. (PDF 351KB)     [61]
[148] Experimenting with 3D Lidar Modelling on Latest iPhones, CREGJ 115, pp3-5. September 2021. (PDF 408KB)     [39]
[149] Overview of Methods for Modelling Radio Propagation along Cave Passages, CREGJ 115, pp6-8. September 2021. (PDF 455KB)     [14]
[150] Building Blocks, CREGJ 115, p9. September 2021. (PDF 312KB)     [1]
[151] A Simple Class-D Single-Sideband Modulator, CREGJ 115, pp10-13. September 2021. (PDF 657KB)     [60]
[152] We Hear, CREGJ 115, p14. September 2021. (PDF 390KB)     [8]
[153] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 115, p15. September 2021. (PDF 313KB)     [5]
[154] Web Watch, CREGJ 115, p15. September 2021. (PDF 313KB)     [5]
[155] Data Protocol and Coding Examples for the British Cave Science Centre, CREGJ 115, pp16-20. September 2021. (PDF 452KB)     [49]
[156] Presenting an Easy-to-Build Arduino-based Data Logger for Monitoring Water Levels, CREGJ 115, pp21-24. September 2021. (PDF 1.1MB)     [22]
[157] CREG Journal 114, CREGJ 114, pp0-24. June 2021. (PDF 4.9MB)      [102]
[158] Front Cover, CREGJ 114, p1. June 2021. (PDF 1.9MB)     [4]
[159] Contents, CREGJ 114, p2. June 2021. (PDF 289KB)     [68]
[160] News and Notes, CREGJ 114, p2. June 2021. (PDF 289KB)     [68]
[161] The Electronic FieldBook [EFB] as a Tool for Caves Science Operations, CREGJ 114, pp3-6. June 2021. (PDF 741KB)     [9]
[162] Non-linear Calibration of a Digital Compass and Accelerometer, CREGJ 114, pp7-10. June 2021. (PDF 679KB)     [15]
[163] Update: Energy Harvesting, CREGJ 114, p10. June 2021. (PDF 233KB)     [48]
[164] We Hear, CREGJ 114, p11. June 2021. (PDF 358KB)     [7]
[165] The SSB Paradigm for Cave Radio is Outmoded - Is it Time to Move On?, CREGJ 114, pp12-14. June 2021. (PDF 375KB)     [81]
[166] Building a DMR Network, CREGJ 114, pp15-18. June 2021. (PDF 940KB)     [9]
[167] Cave Radio antennas, CREGJ 114, p19. June 2021. (PDF 234KB)     [70]
[168] Buliding Blocks, CREGJ 114, p20. June 2021. (PDF 531KB)     [2]
[169] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 114, p21. June 2021. (PDF 339KB)     [7]
[170] Web Watch, CREGJ 114, p21. June 2021. (PDF 339KB)     [7]
[171] Rugged Computing: Reviewing the Options, CREGJ 114, pp22-24. June 2021. (PDF 381KB)     [3]
[172] CREG Journal 113, CREGJ 113, pp0-24. March 2021. (PDF 4.8MB)      [103]
[173] Front Cover, CREGJ 113, p1. March 2021. (PDF 2.3MB)     [6]
[174] Contents, CREGJ 113, p2. March 2021. (PDF 310KB)     [67]
[175] News and Notes, CREGJ 113, p2. March 2021. (PDF 310KB)     [67]
[176] Caveatron: An Integrated Cave Survey and Lidar Scanning Instrument, CREGJ 113, pp3-7. March 2021. (PDF 610KB)     [17]
[177] Communications Choices for Cave Rescue, CREGJ 113, p8. March 2021. (PDF 235KB)     [11]
[178] Handheld Laser Scanners: a Market Overview, CREGJ 113, pp9-11. March 2021. (PDF 526KB)     [9]
[179] Update: Battery Polarity Protector, CREGJ 113, p12. March 2021. (PDF 248KB)     [61]
[180] Correction, CREGJ 113, p12. March 2021. (PDF 248KB)     [61]
[181] Update: Pressurised Enclosures, CREGJ 113, p12. March 2021. (PDF 248KB)     [61]
[182] Building Blocks, CREGJ 113, pp13-14. March 2021. (PDF 486KB)     
[183] Web Watch, CREGJ 113, p14. March 2021. (PDF 348KB)     [4]
[184] We Hear, CREGJ 113, p15. March 2021. (PDF 376KB)     [1]
[185] Energy Harvesting with Electrets, CREGJ 113, p16. March 2021. (PDF 230KB)     [47]
[186] GNU Radio: Resource Issues, CREGJ 113, pp17-18. March 2021. (PDF 405KB)     [4]
[187] Data Transmission Through a Long Single-Wire Phone Line, CREGJ 113, pp19-24. March 2021. (PDF 922KB)     [16]
[188] CREG Journal 112, CREGJ 112, pp0-24. December 2020. (PDF 4.3MB)      [93]
[189] Front Cover, CREGJ 112, p1. December 2020. (PDF 921KB)     [4]
[190] Contents, CREGJ 112, p2. December 2020. (PDF 279KB)     [66]
[191] News and Notes, CREGJ 112, p2. December 2020. (PDF 279KB)     [66]
[192] A Cost-effective 3D Photogrammetric Approach for Semi-submerged Caves, CREGJ 112, pp3-6. December 2020. (PDF 609KB)     [10]
[193] Single-board Computers for Data Logging and IoT Applications, CREGJ 112, pp7-9. December 2020. (PDF 633KB)     [6]
[194] Strain Gauge Amplifier for Load Cells and other Fast-acting Signals, CREGJ 112, pp10-11. December 2020. (PDF 584KB)     [7]
[195] We Hear, CREGJ 112, p12. December 2020. (PDF 394KB)     [2]
[196] Underground Trials of Low-cost Coaxial Cables as Leaky Feeders, CREGJ 112, pp13-14. December 2020. (PDF 457KB)     [7]
[197] Building Blocks, CREGJ 112, p15. December 2020. (PDF 352KB)     [1]
[198] An Introduction to GNU Radio, CREGJ 112, pp16-19. December 2020. (PDF 832KB)     [10]
[199] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 112, pp20-21. December 2020. (PDF 724KB)     [7]
[200] The Adventures of Greg, CREGJ 112, p20. December 2020. (PDF 724KB)     [7]
[201] Web Watch, CREGJ 112, p21. December 2020. (PDF 283KB)     [46]
[202] Update: Regenerative Brake, CREGJ 112, p21. December 2020. (PDF 283KB)     [46]
[203] HF Cave Radio - The Story so Far, CREGJ 112, pp22-24. December 2020. (PDF 402KB)     [9]
[204] CREG Journal 111, CREGJ 111, pp0-28. September 2020. (PDF 5.9MB)      [91]
[205] Front Cover, CREGJ 111, p1. September 2020. (PDF 2.1MB)     [2]
[206] Contents, CREGJ 111, p2. September 2020. (PDF 249KB)     [45]
[207] News and Notes, CREGJ 111, p2. September 2020. (PDF 249KB)     [45]
[208] Internet in a Big Box, CREGJ 111, pp3-4. September 2020. (PDF 341KB)     [4]
[209] Modelling Microwave Propagation along Passages using LiDAR and Ray Tracing, CREGJ 111, pp5-7. September 2020. (PDF 870KB)     [1]
[210] Photo Stacking in Cave Photography, CREGJ 111, pp8-9. September 2020. (PDF 467KB)     [10]
[211] The Parallel-Fed Voltage Multiplier, CREGJ 111, pp10-12,22. September 2020. (PDF 377KB)     [50]
[212] We Hear, CREGJ 111, p13. September 2020. (PDF 353KB)     [2]
[213] Micropower Lesser Horseshoe Bat Sensor, CREGJ 111, pp14-19. September 2020. (PDF 1.5MB)     [8]
[214] Web Watch, CREGJ 111, p19. September 2020. (PDF 372KB)     [2]
[215] The Mystery of the Missing Energy, CREGJ 111, pp20-22. September 2020. (PDF 356KB)     [48]
[216] The Ongoing Story of CaveSim: the Artificial Techno-cave for Training and Education, CREGJ 111, pp23-24. September 2020. (PDF 505KB)     [1]
[217] Building Blocks, CREGJ 111, p25. September 2020. (PDF 439KB)     [1]
[218] Earth Resistivity Surveying: a New Approach, CREGJ 111, pp26-28. September 2020. (PDF 469KB)     [16]
[219] CREG Journal 110, CREGJ 110, pp0-24. June 2020. (PDF 5.0MB)      [99]
[220] Front Cover, CREGJ 110, p1. June 2020. (PDF 1.4MB)     [7]
[221] Contents, CREGJ 110, p2. June 2020. (PDF 366KB)     [54]
[222] Evaluating Coaxial Cables for use as Leaky Feeders, CREGJ 110, pp3-5. June 2020. (PDF 698KB)     [11]
[223] Underwater Robot for Minimally-invasive Cave Research, CREGJ 110, pp6-8. June 2020. (PDF 554KB)     [6]
[224] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 110, p9. June 2020. (PDF 287KB)     [2]
[225] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 110, p9. June 2020. (PDF 287KB)     [2]
[226] Battery Connectors for Caving, CREGJ 110, pp10-11. June 2020. (PDF 710KB)     [4]
[227] Web Watch, CREGJ 110, p11. June 2020. (PDF 389KB)     [1]
[228] Building Blocks, CREGJ 110, p12. June 2020. (PDF 323KB)     [1]
[229] Regenerative Brake Charges Your Caving Lamp Whilst You Abseil, CREGJ 110, pp13-16. June 2020. (PDF 337KB)     [46]
[230] A Store-and-Forward Repeater for use with PMR Radios, CREGJ 110, p17. June 2020. (PDF 292KB)     [5]
[231] Early Radio Broadcasts from Caves, CREGJ 110, pp18-19. June 2020. (PDF 547KB)     [2]
[232] Overview of Radio Repeater Types, CREGJ 110, p20. June 2020. (PDF 438KB)     [5]
[233] Flashgun Slave Redesign Notes, CREGJ 110, p21. June 2020. (PDF 239KB)     [2]
[234] We Hear, CREGJ 110, p22. June 2020. (PDF 324KB)     [4]
[235] goTenna – Mesh Networking for Off-grid Communications, CREGJ 110, pp23-24. June 2020. (PDF 404KB)     [9]
[236] CREG Journal 109, CREGJ 109, pp0-24. March 2020. (PDF 5.2MB)      [99]
[237] Front Cover, CREGJ 109, p1. March 2020. (PDF 2.1MB)     [5]
[238] Contents, CREGJ 109, p2. March 2020. (PDF 247KB)     [50]
[239] A Slave to Photography, CREGJ 109, pp3-5. March 2020. (PDF 510KB)     [5]
[240] Using QGIS as a Data Hub for Cave Projects, CREGJ 109, pp6-10. March 2020. (PDF 1.1MB)     [11]
[241] We Hear, CREGJ 109, p11. March 2020. (PDF 337KB)     [2]
[242] A Human-powered Torch, CREGJ 109, pp12-14. March 2020. (PDF 475KB)     [2]
[243] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 109, p15. March 2020. (PDF 428KB)     [3]
[244] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 109, p15. March 2020. (PDF 428KB)     [3]
[245] Building Blocks, CREGJ 109, p16. March 2020. (PDF 303KB)     [4]
[246] Spotlight on Google Earth, CREGJ 109, pp17-18. March 2020. (PDF 389KB)     [7]
[247] Building Rugged Equipment for Use in Caves, CREGJ 109, pp19-22. March 2020. (PDF 410KB)     [94]
[248] Web Watch, CREGJ 109, p22. March 2020. (PDF 275KB)     [1]
[249] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 109, p22. March 2020. (PDF 275KB)     [1]
[250] Project ELF: the US Navy’s Foray into ELF Communication, CREGJ 109, pp23-24. March 2020. (PDF 611KB)     [15]
[251] CREG Journal 108, CREGJ 108, pp0-24. December 2019. (PDF 5.9MB)      [103]
[252] Front Cover, CREGJ 108, p1. December 2019. (PDF 1.7MB)     [7]
[253] Contents, CREGJ 108, p2. December 2019. (PDF 279KB)     [70]
[254] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 108, p2. December 2019. (PDF 279KB)     [70]
[255] Introducing the UNEXMIN Robot for Surveying Flooded Underground Spaces, CREGJ 108, pp3-6. December 2019. (PDF 515KB)     [9]
[256] Building Blocks, CREGJ 108, p7. December 2019. (PDF 365KB)     [2]
[257] A Lesson from Thailand: GIS for Cave Rescue, CREGJ 108, pp8-11. December 2019. (PDF 1010KB)     [11]
[258] Temperature Logging: Does Ogof Gofan Extend Inland?, CREGJ 108, pp12-15. December 2019. (PDF 1.2MB)     [5]
[259] Web Watch, CREGJ 108, p15. December 2019. (PDF 364KB)     [4]
[260] We Hear, CREGJ 108, p16. December 2019. (PDF 267KB)     [5]
[261] The Tinytag Connect System and its Application in the British Cave Monitoring Centre, CREGJ 108, pp17-20. December 2019. (PDF 906KB)     [7]
[262] The Hidden Earth Projector Shutters, CREGJ 108, pp21-22. December 2019. (PDF 393KB)     [4]
[263] Autumn 2019 CREG Field Meeting, CREGJ 108, pp23-24. December 2019. (PDF 556KB)     [6]
[264] CREG Journal 107, CREGJ 107, pp0-24. September 2019. (PDF 3.0MB)      [108]
[265] Front Cover, CREGJ 107, p1. September 2019. (PDF 365KB)     [9]
[266] Contents, CREGJ 107, p2. September 2019. (PDF 257KB)     [54]
[267] Introducing the Elios 2 Drone for Aerial Inspections of Confined Spaces, CREGJ 107, pp3-5. September 2019. (PDF 492KB)     [18]
[268] The Inductance of a Wire Hoop, CREGJ 107, p6. September 2019. (PDF 251KB)     [145]
[269] Determining Ammonia Concentrations in Bat Caves with Passive Air Samplers, CREGJ 107, pp7-9. September 2019. (PDF 549KB)     [3]
[270] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 107, p10. September 2019. (PDF 239KB)     [10]
[271] Response Characteristics of Instruments and Sensors, CREGJ 107, pp11-12. September 2019. (PDF 429KB)     [7]
[272] Building Blocks, CREGJ 107, p13. September 2019. (PDF 258KB)     [5]
[273] Using Cave Radios for Combined Speech and Radiolocation, CREGJ 107, pp14-16. September 2019. (PDF 785KB)     [12]
[274] The Radiation Efficiency of a Small Loop Antenna, CREGJ 107, pp17-18. September 2019. (PDF 313KB)     [123]
[275] Using Avalanche Beacons in Cave Exploration, CREGJ 107, pp19-20. September 2019. (PDF 361KB)     [14]
[276] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 107, p21. September 2019. (PDF 283KB)     [5]
[277] Web Watch, CREGJ 107, p21. September 2019. (PDF 283KB)     [5]
[278] We Hear, CREGJ 107, p22. September 2019. (PDF 298KB)     [4]
[279] Data Transmission at the Cave Monitoring Centre, CREGJ 107, p23. September 2019. (PDF 415KB)     [7]
[280] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 107, p24. September 2019. (PDF 285KB)     [1]
[281] CREG Journal 106, CREGJ 106, pp0-24. June 2019. (PDF 5.9MB)      [108]
[282] Front Cover, CREGJ 106, p1. June 2019. (PDF 1.8MB)     [9]
[283] Contents, CREGJ 106, p2. June 2019. (PDF 223KB)     [58]
[284] Detecting Gasses Underground: a Practical Guide for Safety and Scientific Study, CREGJ 106, pp3-6. June 2019. (PDF 486KB)     [16]
[285] Carbon Dioxide Data Logging in Caves – Part 2, CREGJ 106, pp7-10. June 2019. (PDF 1.1MB)     [18]
[286] Building Blocks, CREGJ 106, p11. June 2019. (PDF 289KB)     [2]
[287] An Android App using Phone Angle Sensors for Radiolocation Depth Determination, CREGJ 106, p12. June 2019. (PDF 316KB)     [11]
[288] An Android Scientific Calculator for Depth Calculation in Radiolocation, CREGJ 106, pp13-14. June 2019. (PDF 684KB)     [10]
[289] Web Watch, CREGJ 106, p14. June 2019. (PDF 304KB)     [2]
[290] High-speed Data Links over Copper Conductors for Harsh Terrain Applications, CREGJ 106, pp15-16. June 2019. (PDF 512KB)     [3]
[291] We Hear, CREGJ 106, p17. June 2019. (PDF 473KB)     [5]
[292] BCRA Field Meeting at the British Cave Monitoring Centre, CREGJ 106, pp18-19. June 2019. (PDF 329KB)     [6]
[293] The Role of GIS in Finding New Caves, CREGJ 106, pp20-22. June 2019. (PDF 791KB)     [6]
[294] An Improved Smoke Generator for the Visualization of Airflow in Caves, CREGJ 106, pp23-24. June 2019. (PDF 833KB)     [9]
[295] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 106, p24. June 2019. (PDF 720KB)     [3]
[296] CREG Journal 105, CREGJ 105, pp0-24. March 2019. (PDF 10.4MB)      [101]
[297] Front Cover, CREGJ 105, p1. March 2019. (PDF 2.8MB)     [4]
[298] Contents, CREGJ 105, p2. March 2019. (PDF 275KB)     [54]
[299] Near Infrared Imaging for Recording Archaeological Cave Art, CREGJ 105, pp3-5. March 2019. (PDF 511KB)     [7]
[300] 3D Printing of Caves Goes Mainstream, CREGJ 105, pp6-7. March 2019. (PDF 610KB)     [9]
[301] A Flashbulb Moment, CREGJ 105, pp8-11. March 2019. (PDF 930KB)     [3]
[302] Photographing the Fluorescent Minerals of New Jersey, CREGJ 105, pp12-14. March 2019. (PDF 1.7MB)     [3]
[303] We Hear, CREGJ 105, p15. March 2019. (PDF 282KB)     [3]
[304] Thermal Imaging – Cave Applications, CREGJ 105, pp16-18. March 2019. (PDF 1.9MB)     [10]
[305] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 105, p19. March 2019. (PDF 340KB)     [5]
[306] Web Watch, CREGJ 105, p19. March 2019. (PDF 340KB)     [5]
[307] Building Blocks, CREGJ 105, p20. March 2019. (PDF 278KB)     [7]
[308] Cavern Imaging using Laser-Stimulated Fluorescence, CREGJ 105, pp21-24. March 2019. (PDF 2.6MB)     [8]
[309] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 105, p24. March 2019. (PDF 239KB)     
[310] CREG Journal 104, CREGJ 104, pp0-24. December 2018. (PDF 4.6MB)      [84]
[311] Front Cover, CREGJ 104, p1. December 2018. (PDF 1.1MB)     [8]
[312] Contents, CREGJ 104, p2. December 2018. (PDF 567KB)     [51]
[313] Simple Enclosure is Waterproof to 400 Metres, CREGJ 104, pp3-6. December 2018. (PDF 529KB)     [109]
[314] Introduction to Cave Radiolocation, CREGJ 104, pp7-8. December 2018. (PDF 508KB)     [28]
[315] Cave Exploration with the Inkonova Hybrid Drone Family, CREGJ 104, pp9-11. December 2018. (PDF 561KB)     [12]
[316] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 104, p12. December 2018. (PDF 269KB)     [5]
[317] The Hidden Earth Timetable Display – Part 3, CREGJ 104, pp13-15. December 2018. (PDF 282KB)     [37]
[318] Letters and Announcements, CREGJ 104, p16. December 2018. (PDF 273KB)     
[319] Web Watch, CREGJ 104, p16. December 2018. (PDF 273KB)     
[320] We Hear, CREGJ 104, p17. December 2018. (PDF 269KB)     [1]
[321] Carbon Dioxide Data Logging in Caves – Part 1, CREGJ 104, pp18-19. December 2018. (PDF 509KB)     [14]
[322] Radiolocation at Pen Park Hole, CREGJ 104, p20. December 2018. (PDF 261KB)     [3]
[323] Bluetooth on a Budget, CREGJ 104, pp21-22. December 2018. (PDF 641KB)     [3]
[324] CREG Field Meeting: October 2018, CREGJ 104, p23. December 2018. (PDF 250KB)     [1]
[325] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 104, p24. December 2018. (PDF 893KB)     
[326] CREG Journal 103, CREGJ 103, pp0-24. September 2018. (PDF 5.5MB)      [75]
[327] Front Cover, CREGJ 103, p1. September 2018. (PDF 1.6MB)     [2]
[328] Contents, CREGJ 103, p2. September 2018. (PDF 240KB)     [60]
[329] Simple SSTV for Cave-to-Surface Image Transfer, CREGJ 103, pp3-4. September 2018. (PDF 429KB)     [14]
[330] Introducing the SubPhone: an SDR-based Cave Radio, CREGJ 103, pp5-7. September 2018. (PDF 1.6MB)     [33]
[331] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 103, p8. September 2018. (PDF 240KB)     [2]
[332] Thermal Imaging – a 2018 Perspective on IR Camera Advances, CREGJ 103, pp9-11. September 2018. (PDF 476KB)     [8]
[333] Micro HeyPhone: Update to V3, CREGJ 103, p12. September 2018. (PDF 278KB)     [71]
[334] Off-the-Shelf LED Lamps for Cave Photography, CREGJ 103, pp13-14. September 2018. (PDF 418KB)     [4]
[335] Web Watch, CREGJ 103, p14. September 2018. (PDF 335KB)     
[336] Mountain and Cave Rescue Radio Systems 'Go Digital', CREGJ 103, pp15-16. September 2018. (PDF 402KB)     [11]
[337] We Hear, CREGJ 103, p17. September 2018. (PDF 425KB)     
[338] Practical Geophysical Methods of Cave Detection, CREGJ 103, pp18-21. September 2018. (PDF 818KB)     [10]
[339] The Hidden Earth Timetable Display – Part 2, CREGJ 103, pp22-24. September 2018. (PDF 466KB)     [57]
[340] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 103, p24. September 2018. (PDF 379KB)     
[341] CREG Journal 102, CREGJ 102, pp0-24. June 2018. (PDF 4.8MB)      [58]
[342] Front Cover, CREGJ 102, p1. June 2018. (PDF 2.1MB)     [3]
[343] Contents, CREGJ 102, p2. June 2018. (PDF 238KB)     [52]
[344] LoRaWAN and its Application to Cave Data Logging, CREGJ 102, pp3-4. June 2018. (PDF 374KB)     [10]
[345] The Hidden Earth Timetable Display, CREGJ 102, pp5-7. June 2018. (PDF 439KB)     [55]
[346] Setting up the Micro HeyPhone, CREGJ 102, pp8-10. June 2018. (PDF 364KB)     [38]
[347] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 102, p10. June 2018. (PDF 234KB)     [2]
[348] Web Watch, CREGJ 102, p10. June 2018. (PDF 234KB)     [2]
[349] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 102, p11. June 2018. (PDF 196KB)     [2]
[350] SMD Construction at Home, CREGJ 102, pp12-14. June 2018. (PDF 445KB)     [32]
[351] Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Cave-to-Surface Communications, CREGJ 102, pp15-16. June 2018. (PDF 426KB)     [12]
[352] Early Development of Guidewire Radio Underground, CREGJ 102, pp17-18. June 2018. (PDF 954KB)     [2]
[353] We Hear..., CREGJ 102, p19. June 2018. (PDF 345KB)     [3]
[354] CREG Field Meeting: Shropshire, May 2018, CREGJ 102, pp20-21. June 2018. (PDF 357KB)     [2]
[355] Automated Speech Intelligibility Testing with the ABC-MRT, CREGJ 102, pp22-24. June 2018. (PDF 319KB)     
[356] CREG Journal 101, CREGJ 101, pp0-24. March 2018. (PDF 6.0MB)      [58]
[357] Front Cover, CREGJ 101, p1. March 2018. (PDF 2.5MB)     [4]
[358] Contents, CREGJ 101, p2. March 2018. (PDF 323KB)     [52]
[359] Overcoming Flight Restrictions: Using non-Lithium Batteries with LED-based Caving Lamps, CREGJ 101, pp3-7. March 2018. (PDF 663KB)     [6]
[360] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 101, p7. March 2018. (PDF 162KB)     [1]
[361] The British Cave-Monitoring Centre, CREGJ 101, p8. March 2018. (PDF 152KB)     [73]
[362] caveGEOmap: User-friendly Cave Mapping Software, CREGJ 101, pp9-12. March 2018. (PDF 747KB)     [9]
[363] Web Watch, CREGJ 101, p12. March 2018. (PDF 244KB)     
[364] The Winter Receiver: a Design for Radiolocation and Communication, CREGJ 101, pp13-16. March 2018. (PDF 819KB)     [18]
[365] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 101, p17. March 2018. (PDF 272KB)     [2]
[366] Micro HeyPhone: Update to V2, CREGJ 101, pp18-19. March 2018. (PDF 372KB)     [44]
[367] We Hear..., CREGJ 101, p20. March 2018. (PDF 322KB)     [4]
[368] Building the Micro HeyPhone, CREGJ 101, pp21-24. March 2018. (PDF 796KB)     [54]
[369] CREG Journal 100, CREGJ 100, pp0-32. December 2017. (PDF 4.8MB)      [60]
[370] Front Cover, CREGJ 100, p1. December 2017. (PDF 819KB)     [23]
[371] Contents, CREGJ 100, p2. December 2017. (PDF 189KB)     [67]
[372] The Electronics of Dreams, CREGJ 100, pp3-4. December 2017. (PDF 472KB)     [2]
[373] The Micro HeyPhone Project: a Conventional Cave Radio for a New Generation, CREGJ 100, pp5-10. December 2017. (PDF 1.3MB)     [79]
[374] DMT PILOT 3D – a New Approach to 3D Documentation of Subterranean Cavities, CREGJ 100, pp11-14. December 2017. (PDF 678KB)     [62]
[375] Notes and Announcements, CREGJ 100, p14. December 2017. (PDF 275KB)     
[376] We Hear..., CREGJ 100, p15. December 2017. (PDF 374KB)     
[377] 100 and Beyond: Readers Recall, CREGJ 100, pp16-17. December 2017. (PDF 223KB)     
[378] A Digital Future for the Wemyss Caves, Scotland, CREGJ 100, pp18-22. December 2017. (PDF 816KB)     [1]
[379] The CREG Journal Search Engine, CREGJ 100, pp23-24. December 2017. (PDF 214KB)     
[380] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 100, p25. December 2017. (PDF 173KB)     [1]
[381] Yorkshire Dales Field Meeting: Autumn 2017, CREGJ 100, p26. December 2017. (PDF 362KB)     [21]
[382] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 100, p28. December 2017. (PDF 285KB)     [1]
[383] A 7MHz Beacon Transmitter for HF Cave Radio Experimentation, CREGJ 100, pp29-30. December 2017. (PDF 373KB)     [6]
[384] Web Watch, CREGJ 100, p30. December 2017. (PDF 285KB)     
[385] Using an Audio DSP Filter with a Cave Radio, CREGJ 100, pp31-32. December 2017. (PDF 408KB)     [2]
[386] CREG Journal 99, CREGJ 99, pp0-24. September 2017. (PDF 11.9MB)      [48]
[387] Front Cover, CREGJ 99, p1. September 2017. (PDF 1.5MB)     [1]
[388] Contents, CREGJ 99, p2. September 2017. (PDF 961KB)     [56]
[389] Capturing the Invisible: Infrared Cave Photography, CREGJ 99, pp3-5. September 2017. (PDF 3.0MB)     [3]
[390] The Summer Beacon Project: Radiolocation and Communication All-in-One, CREGJ 99, pp6-9. September 2017. (PDF 1.8MB)     [10]
[391] Using a Stand to Improve the Accuracy of DistoX Calibration, CREGJ 99, pp10-11. September 2017. (PDF 239KB)     [6]
[392] We Hear..., CREGJ 99, p12. September 2017. (PDF 186KB)     [1]
[393] CREG Field Meeting Report - Spring 2017, CREGJ 99, pp13-14. September 2017. (PDF 242KB)     
[394] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 99, p15. September 2017. (PDF 40KB)     
[395] Web Watch, CREGJ 99, p15. September 2017. (PDF 40KB)     
[396] A Practical Guide to Cave Video Photography, CREGJ 99, pp16-19. September 2017. (PDF 1.7MB)     [4]
[397] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 99, p20. September 2017. (PDF 86KB)     [1]
[398] RF Interference Caused by LED Lamps, CREGJ 99, pp21-24. September 2017. (PDF 3.1MB)     [2]
[399] CREG Journal 98, CREGJ 98, pp0-24. June 2017. (PDF 4.5MB)      [41]
[400] Front Cover, CREGJ 98, p1. June 2017. (PDF 295KB)     
[401] Contents, CREGJ 98, p2. June 2017. (PDF 393KB)     [45]
[402] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 98, p2. June 2017. (PDF 393KB)     [45]
[403] Making Films of the Underground: Video Recording in the Dark, CREGJ 98, pp3-6. June 2017. (PDF 514KB)     [4]
[404] The Ultimate in 3D Photography: a Basic Introduction to Holography, CREGJ 98, pp7-9. June 2017. (PDF 393KB)     [1]
[405] Auriga – Looking Back at 15 Years of Development, CREGJ 98, pp10-12. June 2017. (PDF 199KB)     [3]
[406] We Hear..., CREGJ 98, p13. June 2017. (PDF 97KB)     [1]
[407] Introduction to Digital Holography, CREGJ 98, pp14-15. June 2017. (PDF 111KB)     
[408] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 98, p16. June 2017. (PDF 246KB)     
[409] Outlining the Architecture of the Nicola 3Z Cave Radio, CREGJ 98, pp17-19. June 2017. (PDF 621KB)     [14]
[410] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 98, p20. June 2017. (PDF 76KB)     
[411] Web Watch, CREGJ 98, p20. June 2017. (PDF 76KB)     
[412] Speleo-holography: Making Holograms in the Cave Environment, CREGJ 98, pp21-24. June 2017. (PDF 1.7MB)     [1]
[413] CREG Journal 97, CREGJ 97, pp0-24. March 2017. (PDF 2.8MB)      [38]
[414] Front Cover, CREGJ 97, p1. March 2017. (PDF 528KB)     
[415] Contents, CREGJ 97, p2. March 2017. (PDF 46KB)     [56]
[416] Cave Surveying with the GeoSLAM ZEB-REVO, CREGJ 97, pp3-5. March 2017. (PDF 406KB)     [1]
[417] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 97, p6. March 2017. (PDF 181KB)     
[418] Cave Radio and the Loran-C Spectrum, CREGJ 97, pp7-9. March 2017. (PDF 384KB)     [3]
[419] Cave Radio and the Loran-C Spectrum [cregf], CREGJ 97.   March 2017. See further reading on the CREG forum
[420] ZEB-CAM, CREGJ 97, p9. March 2017. (PDF 101KB)     [1]
[421] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 97, p10. March 2017. (PDF 108KB)     
[422] Web Watch, CREGJ 97, p10. March 2017. (PDF 108KB)     
[423] The Principle of Forward Error Correction, CREGJ 97, pp11-16. March 2017. (PDF 269KB)     [2]
[424] We Hear..., CREGJ 97, p17. March 2017. (PDF 94KB)     
[425] Developing a Static Rope Tester – Work in Progress, CREGJ 97, p18. March 2017. (PDF 127KB)     
[426] Introducing Data Modes for Cave Communications, CREGJ 97, pp19-21. March 2017. (PDF 311KB)     [7]
[427] Underwater LiDAR – Bringing Laser Scanning to New Depths, CREGJ 97, pp22-24. March 2017. (PDF 503KB)     [3]
[428] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 97, p24. March 2017. (PDF 189KB)     
[429] CREG Journal 96, CREGJ 96, pp0-24. December 2016. (PDF 16.1MB)      [41]
[430] Front Cover, CREGJ 96, p1. December 2016. (PDF 1.2MB)     
[431] Contents, CREGJ 96, p2. December 2016. (PDF 562KB)     [130]
[432] The Mines of Cornwall and West Devon: A Three-dimensional Model, CREGJ 96, pp3-5. December 2016. (PDF 5.1MB)     [2]
[433] The Intriguing Tale of the Electromechanical VLF Transmitter, CREGJ 96, pp6-7. December 2016. (PDF 618KB)     [3]
[434] The Poor Man's Laser Scanner: A Simple Method of 3D Cave Surveying, CREGJ 96, pp8-14. December 2016. (PDF 2.2MB)     [11]
[435] We Hear..., CREGJ 96, p15. December 2016. (PDF 413KB)     [1]
[436] Cave Thermal Imaging with a Smartphone?, CREGJ 96, pp16-19. December 2016. (PDF 3.9MB)     [3]
[437] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 96, p20. December 2016. (PDF 440KB)     [2]
[438] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 96, p21. December 2016. (PDF 248KB)     
[439] Web Watch, CREGJ 96, p21. December 2016. (PDF 248KB)     
[440] CREG Field Meeting: Autumn 2016, CREGJ 96, pp22-24. December 2016. (PDF 3.2MB)     
[441] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 96, p24. December 2016. (PDF 1.9MB)     
[442] CREG Journal 95, CREGJ 95, pp0-24. September 2016. (PDF 11.8MB)      [41]
[443] Front Cover, CREGJ 95, p1. September 2016. (PDF 2.1MB)     [4]
[444] Contents, CREGJ 95, p2. September 2016. (PDF 260KB)     [50]
[445] The Importance of Good Ground Connection in Cave Radio, CREGJ 95, pp3-4. September 2016. (PDF 824KB)     [5]
[446] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 95, p5. September 2016. (PDF 649KB)     
[447] A Battery Power Switch for a Bosch UNEO Drill, CREGJ 95, pp6-8. September 2016. (PDF 1.4MB)     [3]
[448] Web Watch, CREGJ 95, p8. September 2016. (PDF 394KB)     
[449] We Hear..., CREGJ 95, p9. September 2016. (PDF 518KB)     
[450] Cave and Mine Rescue Communications – the Early Days, CREGJ 95, pp10-11. September 2016. (PDF 1001KB)     [3]
[451] HF Dipole and Loop Antenna Orientation Trials, CREGJ 95, pp12-13. September 2016. (PDF 921KB)     [3]
[452] Diesel Cave Pollution Data Logging, CREGJ 95, pp14-16. September 2016. (PDF 677KB)     
[453] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 95, p16. September 2016. (PDF 265KB)     [2]
[454] Nicola 3: Introducing a New Rescue Cave Radio, CREGJ 95, pp17-19. September 2016. (PDF 1.7MB)     [17]
[455] Bat Detector Technology Review, CREGJ 95, p20. September 2016. (PDF 601KB)     
[456] EuroSpeleo 2016, CREGJ 95, pp21-24. September 2016. (PDF 3.4MB)     [1]
[457] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 95, p24. September 2016. (PDF 1.9MB)     
[458] CREG Journal 94, CREGJ 94, pp0-24. June 2016. (PDF 10.6MB)      [44]
[459] Front Cover, CREGJ 94, p1. June 2016. (PDF 2.5MB)     
[460] Contents, CREGJ 94, p2. June 2016. (PDF 340KB)     [48]
[461] Radio Propagation in Standedge Tunnel, CREGJ 94, pp3-5. June 2016. (PDF 285KB)     [147]
[462] Laser Scanning the World's Largest Cave Chambers, CREGJ 94, pp6-10. June 2016. (PDF 3.0MB)     [1]
[463] John Hey – an Appreciation, CREGJ 94, pp11-12. June 2016. (PDF 603KB)     
[464] 802.11af & 802.11ah: Examining the Next Generation of Wi-Fi, CREGJ 94, pp13-14. June 2016. (PDF 371KB)     [4]
[465] We Hear..., CREGJ 94, pp15-16. June 2016. (PDF 1.5MB)     
[466] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 94, p16. June 2016. (PDF 798KB)     
[467] Electric Fields around an Underground, Radiating Electric Dipole, CREGJ 94, pp17-19. June 2016. (PDF 386KB)     [2]
[468] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 94, p19. June 2016. (PDF 274KB)     
[469] Web Watch, CREGJ 94, p19. June 2016. (PDF 274KB)     
[470] Introducing Sonar Technology as a Tool for Underwater Cave Surveying, CREGJ 94, pp20-23. June 2016. (PDF 2.6MB)     [3]
[471] Searching the CREG Journal Contents Lists, CREGJ 94, p24. June 2016. (PDF 715KB)     
[472] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 94, p24. June 2016. (PDF 715KB)     
[473] CREG Journal 93, CREGJ 93, pp0-24. March 2016. (PDF 10.3MB)      [38]
[474] Front Cover, CREGJ 93, p1. March 2016. (PDF 1.2MB)     
[475] Contents, CREGJ 93, p2. March 2016. (PDF 259KB)     [103]
[476] A Simple Laser Technique for Capturing Cross-sections in Dry and Underwater Caves, CREGJ 93, pp3-5. March 2016. (PDF 915KB)     [1]
[477] Capturing Cross-sections using a Laser Pointer, CREGJ 93, pp6-7. March 2016. (PDF 886KB)     [2]
[478] Signal Phase Cannot Be Determined from a Fourier Transform of Sampled Data, CREGJ 93, pp8-9. March 2016. (PDF 241KB)     [84]
[479] Cave Flood Pulse Data Logging in OFD1, CREGJ 93, pp10-12. March 2016. (PDF 1.2MB)     [8]
[480] We Hear, CREGJ 93, pp13-14. March 2016. (PDF 1.1MB)     [1]
[481] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 93, pp15-16. March 2016. (PDF 610KB)     
[482] French Ground-based Communication in World War 1, CREGJ 93, pp17-18. March 2016. (PDF 812KB)     [3]
[483] Capturing the World's Largest Cave in 360 Degrees, CREGJ 93, pp19-21. March 2016. (PDF 3.7MB)     [1]
[484] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 93, p22. March 2016. (PDF 271KB)     
[485] Web Watch, CREGJ 93, p22. March 2016. (PDF 271KB)     
[486] Introducing ZEB REVO: a Major Improvement in Handheld Laser Scanning, CREGJ 93, pp23-24. March 2016. (PDF 1.2MB)     [1]
[487] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 93, p24. March 2016. (PDF 889KB)     
[488] CREG Journal 92, CREGJ 92, pp0-24. December 2015. (PDF 17.7MB)      [43]
[489] Front Cover, CREGJ 92, p1. December 2015. (PDF 5.1MB)     [2]
[490] Contents, CREGJ 92, p2. December 2015. (PDF 240KB)     [46]
[491] Introduction to High Frequency Cave Radio, CREGJ 92, pp3-5. December 2015. (PDF 1.3MB)     [2]
[492] Off-the-Shelf Equipment for HF Cave Radio, CREGJ 92, pp6-8. December 2015. (PDF 1.2MB)     [1]
[493] An Experimental Appraisal of Through-Rock Communication at 7MHz, CREGJ 92, pp9-10. December 2015. (PDF 687KB)     [2]
[494] We Hear, CREGJ 92, p11. December 2015. (PDF 542KB)     [1]
[495] Prototyping a 3D Scanner, CREGJ 92, pp12-13. December 2015. (PDF 1.6MB)     [4]
[496] Improving Fringe Area Network Connections, CREGJ 92, pp14-16. December 2015. (PDF 4.4MB)     
[497] Comparison of Ferrite Antennas and Earth-Current Electrodes, CREGJ 92, pp17-20. December 2015. (PDF 2.0MB)     [5]
[498] Letters and Announcements, CREGJ 92, p21. December 2015. (PDF 284KB)     
[499] Web Watch, CREGJ 92, p21. December 2015. (PDF 284KB)     
[500] CREG Field Meeting: Summer 2015, CREGJ 92, pp22-24. December 2015. (PDF 2.1MB)     [1]
[501] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 92, p24. December 2015. (PDF 1.5MB)     
[502] CREG Journal 91, CREGJ 91, pp0-24. September 2015. (PDF 8.3MB)      [46]
[503] Front Cover, CREGJ 91, p1. September 2015. (PDF 488KB)     [3]
[504] Contents, CREGJ 91, p2. September 2015. (PDF 261KB)     [45]
[505] Data Mules for Cave-to-Surface Data Transfer, CREGJ 91, pp3-9. September 2015. (PDF 1.9MB)     [4]
[506] We Hear, CREGJ 91, p10. September 2015. (PDF 329KB)     
[507] The CREG Forum, CREGJ 91, pp11-12. September 2015. (PDF 857KB)     
[508] Letters and Announcements, CREGJ 91, p13. September 2015. (PDF 908KB)     
[509] Web Watch, CREGJ 91, p13. September 2015. (PDF 908KB)     
[510] Predicting Microwave Propagation along the Passages of Natural Caves, CREGJ 91, pp14-18. September 2015. (PDF 1.6MB)     [3]
[511] Introducing the Cave-Link System, CREGJ 91, pp19-21. September 2015. (PDF 996KB)     [8]
[512] Black Meg 3 Low-cost Through-rock Messaging System, CREGJ 91, pp22-24. September 2015. (PDF 2.5MB)     [5]
[513] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 91, p24. September 2015. (PDF 1.9MB)     
[514] CREG Journal 90, CREGJ 90, pp0-24. June 2015. (PDF 10.0MB)      [33]
[515] Front Cover, CREGJ 90, p1. June 2015. (PDF 1.6MB)     [1]
[516] Contents, CREGJ 90, p2. June 2015. (PDF 252KB)     [44]
[517] Bringing Computational Photography to Cenotes and Flooded Caves, CREGJ 90, pp3-5. June 2015. (PDF 3.5MB)     
[518] Using AMSS on BBC Radio 4 to Send Data to Subsurface Locations, CREGJ 90, p6. June 2015. (PDF 217KB)     [111]
[519] An Arduino-Compatible Bat Call Data Recorder, CREGJ 90, pp7-8. June 2015. (PDF 546KB)     
[520] Stereoscopic Vision with Reduced Definition in One Eye, CREGJ 90, p9. June 2015. (PDF 161KB)     [108]
[521] Field Meeting Preview, CREGJ 90, p10. June 2015. (PDF 574KB)     
[522] Improving the Quality of Light in White LEDs, CREGJ 90, pp11-13. June 2015. (PDF 590KB)     [1]
[523] Developing a Dynamic Rope Tester - Work Still in Progress, CREGJ 90, pp14-17. June 2015. (PDF 2.1MB)     
[524] We Hear, CREGJ 90, p18. June 2015. (PDF 273KB)     
[525] Letters and Announcements, CREGJ 90, p19. June 2015. (PDF 218KB)     
[526] Web Watch, CREGJ 90, p19. June 2015. (PDF 218KB)     
[527] Introducing ICEMS - the Integrated Caves Environmental Monitoring System, CREGJ 90, pp20-24. June 2015. (PDF 1.6MB)     
[528] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 90, p24. June 2015. (PDF 671KB)     
[529] CREG Journal 89, CREGJ 89, pp0-24. March 2015. (PDF 11.5MB)      [33]
[530] Front Cover, CREGJ 89, p1. March 2015. (PDF 4.5MB)     [2]
[531] Contents, CREGJ 89, p2. March 2015. (PDF 240KB)     [26]
[532] Introducing OpenROV: a Low-cost Vehicle for Remote Underwater Exploration, CREGJ 89, pp3-5. March 2015. (PDF 1.7MB)     [4]
[533] Understanding and Combating Reverberation in Underground Spaces, CREGJ 89, pp6-8. March 2015. (PDF 451KB)     
[534] Web Watch, CREGJ 89, p8. March 2015. (PDF 228KB)     
[535] The SPELEO-GRAPH LB Digital Transmission System for VLF, CREGJ 89, pp9-11. March 2015. (PDF 1.1MB)     [3]
[536] We Hear, CREGJ 89, p12. March 2015. (PDF 412KB)     [1]
[537] Determining the Photographic Guide Number of an LED, CREGJ 89, pp13-16. March 2015. (PDF 385KB)     [103]
[538] FERRA - A New Portable Underground Communication Transceiver, CREGJ 89, pp17-19. March 2015. (PDF 2.1MB)     [2]
[539] CREG Summer Field Meeting, CREGJ 89, p19. March 2015. (PDF 792KB)     [2]
[540] ZEB1 in Skirwith Cave, CREGJ 89, p20. March 2015. (PDF 506KB)     [5]
[541] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 89, p21. March 2015. (PDF 507KB)     [1]
[542] Quantifying Light Quality in White LEDs, CREGJ 89, pp22-24. March 2015. (PDF 997KB)     [1]
[543] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 89, p24. March 2015. (PDF 767KB)     
[544] CREG Journal 88, CREGJ 88, pp0-24. December 2014. (PDF 11.6MB)      [32]
[545] Front Cover, CREGJ 88, p1. December 2014. (PDF 1.3MB)     [1]
[546] Contents, CREGJ 88, p2. December 2014. (PDF 240KB)     [47]
[547] Capacitively-Coupled Wire Antennas for Cave Radios, CREGJ 88, pp3-4. December 2014. (PDF 632KB)     [2]
[548] The Next Generation of the DistoX Cave Surveying Instrument, CREGJ 88, pp5-8. December 2014. (PDF 957KB)     [5]
[549] Letters, CREGJ 88, p8. December 2014. (PDF 522KB)     [1]
[550] Web Watch, CREGJ 88, p8. December 2014. (PDF 522KB)     [1]
[551] We Hear, CREGJ 88, p9. December 2014. (PDF 320KB)     [1]
[552] Lava Tube Detection Using a Wireless Magnetometer, CREGJ 88, pp10-12. December 2014. (PDF 1.4MB)     
[553] How Earth-Current Antennas Really Work, CREGJ 88, pp13-14. December 2014. (PDF 265KB)     [164]
[554] Power Supplies for 'Off-Grid' Operation, CREGJ 88, pp15-18. December 2014. (PDF 1.5MB)     
[555] A Data Logging Draught Detector, CREGJ 88, pp19-21. December 2014. (PDF 747KB)     [8]
[556] CREG Field Meeting: Autumn 2014, CREGJ 88, pp22-24. December 2014. (PDF 5.8MB)     
[557] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 88, p24. December 2014. (PDF 2.2MB)     
[558] CREG Journal 87, CREGJ 87, pp0-24. September 2014. (PDF 17.2MB)      [31]
[559] Front Cover, CREGJ 87, p1. September 2014. (PDF 3.3MB)     
[560] Contents, CREGJ 87, p2. September 2014. (PDF 226KB)     [164]
[561] Low-Power, Low-Cost Data Logger and Rain Gauge, CREGJ 87, pp3-5. September 2014. (PDF 2.1MB)     [4]
[562] We Hear, CREGJ 87, p6,18. September 2014. (PDF 675KB)     [1]
[563] South African Show Cave Communication System, CREGJ 87, pp7-9. September 2014. (PDF 3.5MB)     [1]
[564] Web Watch, CREGJ 87, p9. September 2014. (PDF 1.9MB)     [1]
[565] The ooLiTE: Thermoelectric Lighting for Cavers?, CREGJ 87, pp10-15. September 2014. (PDF 3.6MB)     
[566] Upgrading Caving Lamps the Easy Way, CREGJ 87, pp16-18. September 2014. (PDF 1.3MB)     [1]
[567] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 87, p19. September 2014. (PDF 339KB)     
[568] Introducing NMR Geophysics, CREGJ 87, pp20-22. September 2014. (PDF 1.9MB)     [2]
[569] GSM Underground, CREGJ 87, pp23-24. September 2014. (PDF 2.0MB)     [1]
[570] CREG Journal 86, CREGJ 86, pp0-24. June 2014. (PDF 12.6MB)      [31]
[571] Front Cover, CREGJ 86, p1. June 2014. (PDF 2.5MB)     
[572] Contents, CREGJ 86, p2. June 2014. (PDF 522KB)     [128]
[573] Seismic Through-Rock Communication - an Alternative to Electrical Methods, CREGJ 86, pp3-6. June 2014. (PDF 2.2MB)     
[574] Caver Counting - Why and How, CREGJ 86, pp7-11. June 2014. (PDF 1.7MB)     [2]
[575] The Strange Tale of James Rogers' Underground Antenna, CREGJ 86, pp12-13. June 2014. (PDF 588KB)     [1]
[576] Detecting Lava Tubes with a Smartphone?, CREGJ 86, pp14-19. June 2014. (PDF 1.9MB)     [1]
[577] Letter and Notes, CREGJ 86, p19. June 2014. (PDF 311KB)     [1]
[578] Web Watch, CREGJ 86, p19. June 2014. (PDF 311KB)     [1]
[579] We Hear, CREGJ 86, p20. June 2014. (PDF 920KB)     
[580] Handheld Laser Scanning: a Radically New Approach to Cave Surveying, CREGJ 86, pp21-24. June 2014. (PDF 3.4MB)     [6]
[581] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 86, p24. June 2014. (PDF 1.7MB)     [1]
[582] CREG Journal 85, CREGJ 85, pp0-24. March 2014. (PDF 6.4MB)      [31]
[583] Front Cover, CREGJ 85, p1. March 2014. (PDF 2.3MB)     
[584] Contents, CREGJ 85, p2. March 2014. (PDF 241KB)     [86]
[585] VLF and Down: the Bottom End of the Radio Spectrum, CREGJ 85, pp3-4. March 2014. (PDF 97KB)     [2]
[586] Amateur Experiments at VLF, CREGJ 85, p4. March 2014. (PDF 45KB)     [1]
[587] Experimenting with VLF - Some Practical Guidance, CREGJ 85, pp5-6. March 2014. (PDF 449KB)     [2]
[588] Using Dispersion to Measure Ground Conductivity, CREGJ 85, pp7-8, 19. March 2014. (PDF 518KB)     [85]
[589] Advances in ULF Through-the-rock Technology, CREGJ 85, pp9-12. March 2014. (PDF 1.7MB)     [3]
[590] State-of-the-Art Overview of Caving Lamps - Part 2, CREGJ 85, pp13-15. March 2014. (PDF 837KB)     [1]
[591] We Hear, CREGJ 85, p16. March 2014. (PDF 642KB)     
[592] Calculating Trigonometric Functions on a Simple Microprocessor, CREGJ 85, pp17-18. March 2014. (PDF 322KB)     [1]
[593] Letter and Notes, CREGJ 85, p19. March 2014. (PDF 289KB)     [2]
[594] Web Watch, CREGJ 85, p19. March 2014. (PDF 289KB)     [2]
[595] Digital Voice in Cave Radio, CREGJ 85, p20. March 2014. (PDF 216KB)     [1]
[596] Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Investigations, CREGJ 85, pp21-24. March 2014. (PDF 1.4MB)     [1]
[597] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 85, p24. March 2014. (PDF 733KB)     
[598] CREG Journal 84, CREGJ 84, pp0-24. December 2013. (PDF 12.3MB)      [36]
[599] Front Cover, CREGJ 84, p1. December 2013. (PDF 2.4MB)     [1]
[600] Contents, CREGJ 84, p2. December 2013. (PDF 230KB)     [44]
[601] The Pinger - a Simple Underwater Radiolocation System, CREGJ 84, pp3-8. December 2013. (PDF 2.9MB)     [8]
[602] We Hear, CREGJ 84, p9. December 2013. (PDF 344KB)     
[603] The 'Simple' Approach to Detecting & Logging Bats, CREGJ 84, pp10-13. December 2013. (PDF 1.6MB)     [1]
[604] Personalising QR Codes, CREGJ 84, p14. December 2013. (PDF 217KB)     [1]
[605] Web Watch, CREGJ 84, p14. December 2013. (PDF 217KB)     [1]
[606] Early Radio Tests in Mammoth Cave and Carlsbad Caverns, CREGJ 84, pp15-16. December 2013. (PDF 1.5MB)     [2]
[607] State-of-the-Art Overview of Caving Lamps - Part 1, CREGJ 84, pp17-20. December 2013. (PDF 2.6MB)     [1]
[608] Letters and Notes, CREGJ 84, p21. December 2013. (PDF 206KB)     
[609] APRS Underground - a New Communications Strategy, CREGJ 84, pp22-24. December 2013. (PDF 1.8MB)     [2]
[610] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 84, p24. December 2013. (PDF 865KB)     
[611] CREG Journal 83, CREGJ 83, pp0-24. September 2013. (PDF 9.0MB)      [32]
[612] Front Cover, CREGJ 83, p1. September 2013. (PDF 136KB)     
[613] Contents, CREGJ 83, p2. September 2013. (PDF 78KB)     [49]
[614] Newssheet, CREGJ 83, p3. September 2013. (PDF 67KB)     [49]
[615] Wire-guided Tunnel Communications: the Broader Picture, CREGJ 83, pp4-7. September 2013. (PDF 1.1MB)     
[616] Wi-Fi Performance in Tunnels, CREGJ 83, p7. September 2013. (PDF 405KB)     
[617] Amateur VHF and UHF Radios for Caving, CREGJ 83, pp8-9. September 2013. (PDF 120KB)     [2]
[618] We Hear, CREGJ 83, p10, 14. September 2013. (PDF 454KB)     [1]
[619] Surveying Flooded Caves with Neutrally-buoyant Sensors, CREGJ 83, pp11-14. September 2013. (PDF 711KB)     [1]
[620] m-Comm Mk.2: Guidewire System for Rescue Use, CREGJ 83, pp15-18. September 2013. (PDF 1.3MB)     
[621] Web Watch, CREGJ 83, p18. September 2013. (PDF 189KB)     
[622] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 83, p19. September 2013. (PDF 206KB)     
[623] The 'Pystol' LED Handheld Water-Cooled Lamp, CREGJ 83, p20. September 2013. (PDF 503KB)     [1]
[624] Rescue Communication in Uncle Sam's Toy Coal Mine, CREGJ 83, pp21-22. September 2013. (PDF 487KB)     
[625] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 83, pp23-24. September 2013. (PDF 441KB)     
[626] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 83, p24. September 2013. (PDF 858KB)     
[627] CREG Journal 82, CREGJ 82, pp0-24. June 2013. (PDF 6.8MB)      [31]
[628] Front Cover, CREGJ 82, p1. June 2013. (PDF 1.0MB)     [3]
[629] Contents, CREGJ 82, p2. June 2013. (PDF 151KB)     [61]
[630] Newssheet, CREGJ 82, p3. June 2013. (PDF 464KB)     [47]
[631] Speleo-Drone: Remote Flying Speleological Reconnaissance, CREGJ 82, pp4-6. June 2013. (PDF 919KB)     [4]
[632] Smart Pictures: Taking Underground Photos by Wi-Fi, CREGJ 82, pp7-8. June 2013. (PDF 728KB)     [1]
[633] Web Watch, CREGJ 82, p8. June 2013. (PDF 620KB)     
[634] Cave Telephones Enter the 21st Century, CREGJ 82, pp9-14. June 2013. (PDF 579KB)     [8]
[635] We Hear, CREGJ 82, p15. June 2013. (PDF 130KB)     
[636] Building LED Lights for Cave Photography - Part 3, CREGJ 82, pp16-19. June 2013. (PDF 937KB)     [3]
[637] LED lighting: how the world has got brighter [cregf], CREGJ 82.   June 2013. See further reading on the CREG forum
[638] Help Spread the Word, CREGJ 82, p19. June 2013. (PDF 241KB)     
[639] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 82, p20. June 2013. (PDF 66KB)     [1]
[640] Underground Positioning - Taking Radio-location to the Next Level, CREGJ 82, pp21-24. June 2013. (PDF 1.8MB)     
[641] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 82, p24. June 2013. (PDF 1.0MB)     
[642] CREG Journal 81, CREGJ 81, pp0-24. March 2013. (PDF 7.4MB)      [34]
[643] Front Cover, CREGJ 81, p1. March 2013. (PDF 872KB)     
[644] Contents, CREGJ 81, p2. March 2013. (PDF 77KB)     [119]
[645] Newssheet, CREGJ 81, p3. March 2013. (PDF 51KB)     [42]
[646] A Low-cost Leaky Feeder System for Cave Communication, CREGJ 81, pp4-6. March 2013. (PDF 852KB)     [3]
[647] We Hear, CREGJ 81, p7. March 2013. (PDF 440KB)     
[648] Building LED Lights for Cave Photography - Part 2, CREGJ 81, pp8-10, 18. March 2013. (PDF 288KB)     [2]
[649] 3D Printing for Cavers - Introducing the Technology, CREGJ 81, pp11-13. March 2013. (PDF 414KB)     [1]
[650] Getting Physical with 3D Cave Modelling, CREGJ 81, pp14-15, 24. March 2013. (PDF 1.8MB)     [1]
[651] 3D Printing your DIY Project, CREGJ 81, pp16-18. March 2013. (PDF 844KB)     [1]
[652] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 81, p19. March 2013. (PDF 74KB)     
[653] Web Watch, CREGJ 81, p19. March 2013. (PDF 74KB)     
[654] Surveying Nottingham's Archaeological Sandstone Caves, CREGJ 81, pp20-23. March 2013. (PDF 2.2MB)     [1]
[655] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 81, p24. March 2013. (PDF 1.7MB)     
[656] CREG Journal 80, CREGJ 80, pp0-24. December 2012. (PDF 7.6MB)      [33]
[657] Front Cover, CREGJ 80, p1. December 2012. (PDF 1.6MB)     
[658] Contents, CREGJ 80, p2. December 2012. (PDF 77KB)     [45]
[659] Newssheet, CREGJ 80, p3. December 2012. (PDF 53KB)     [46]
[660] We Hear, CREGJ 80, pp4-5. December 2012. (PDF 276KB)     [1]
[661] Low Frequency Amateur Radio, CREGJ 80, p6. December 2012. (PDF 49KB)     [1]
[662] Building LED Lights for Cave Photography, CREGJ 80, pp7-10. December 2012. (PDF 1.2MB)     [2]
[663] CaveSim Crawls with Electronics, CREGJ 80, pp11-12. December 2012. (PDF 683KB)     [2]
[664] An Android Digital Survey Device with no Custom Electronics, CREGJ 80, pp13-15. December 2012. (PDF 561KB)     [1]
[665] Why Won't Dowsing go Away?, CREGJ 80, pp16-19. December 2012. (PDF 1.7MB)     
[666] Dowsing and the Doctrine of Naive Analogy [cregf], CREGJ 80.   December 2012. See further reading on the CREG forum
[667] Android Underground, CREGJ 80, pp20-22. December 2012. (PDF 326KB)     
[668] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 80, p23. December 2012. (PDF 73KB)     
[669] Web Watch, CREGJ 80, p23. December 2012. (PDF 73KB)     
[670] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 80, p24. December 2012. (PDF 894KB)     
[671] CREG Journal 79, CREGJ 79, pp0-24. September 2012. (PDF 5.6MB)      [31]
[672] Front Cover, CREGJ 79, p1. September 2012. (PDF 804KB)     [2]
[673] Contents, CREGJ 79, p2. September 2012. (PDF 210KB)     [112]
[674] Newssheet, CREGJ 79, p3. September 2012. (PDF 45KB)     [51]
[675] Why Won't Dowsing go Away?, CREGJ 79, pp4-8. September 2012. (PDF 428KB)     
[676] Practical Solar Power, CREGJ 79, p8. September 2012. (PDF 200KB)     
[677] Cave Technology Symposium 2012, CREGJ 79, pp9-13, 24. September 2012. (PDF 1.6MB)     [51]
[678] Cave Radio Roundup, CREGJ 79, pp14-17. September 2012. (PDF 1.0MB)     [4]
[679] We Hear, CREGJ 79, p18. September 2012. (PDF 272KB)     
[680] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 79, p19. September 2012. (PDF 61KB)     
[681] Web Watch, CREGJ 79, p19. September 2012. (PDF 61KB)     
[682] Introduction to 3D Cave Photography, CREGJ 79, pp20-23. September 2012. (PDF 1.3MB)     
[683] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 79, p24. September 2012. (PDF 1.2MB)     
[684] CREG Journal 78, CREGJ 78, pp0-24. June 2012. (PDF 8.7MB)      [31]
[685] Front Cover, CREGJ 78, p1. June 2012. (PDF 604KB)     
[686] Contents, CREGJ 78, p2. June 2012. (PDF 188KB)     
[687] Newssheet, CREGJ 78, p3. June 2012. (PDF 275KB)     [1]
[688] We Hear, CREGJ 78, p4. June 2012. (PDF 725KB)     [1]
[689] A Call Button for the Lovell Earth Return Telephone, CREGJ 78, p5. June 2012. (PDF 428KB)     [3]
[690] Why Earth Resistivity Surveying Doesn't Work, CREGJ 78, pp6-9. June 2012. (PDF 644KB)     [4]
[691] Cave Radio Trials at Higher Frequencies, CREGJ 78, pp10-12. June 2012. (PDF 2.5MB)     [1]
[692] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 78, p13, 24. June 2012. (PDF 410KB)     [1]
[693] A Water-Cooled LED Light, CREGJ 78, pp14-18. June 2012. (PDF 1.7MB)     [1]
[694] Protection Circuit for a LiFePO4 Battery Pack, CREGJ 78, pp19-21. June 2012. (PDF 1.2MB)     
[695] Web Watch, CREGJ 78, p21. June 2012. (PDF 501KB)     
[696] Signal-to-Noise Ratio and its Assessment, CREGJ 78, pp22-23. June 2012. (PDF 1.7MB)     
[697] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 78, p24. June 2012. (PDF 604KB)     
[698] CREG Journal 77, CREGJ 77, pp0-20. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[699] Newssheet, CREGJ 77, p3. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[700] We Hear, CREGJ 77, p4. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[701] Journey to the Centre of the Planet - My Small Part, CREGJ 77, pp5-7. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[702] Web Watch, CREGJ 77, p7. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[703] Methods of Measuring Ground Resistivity, CREGJ 77, pp8-9. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[704] XKCD Circuit Diagram, CREGJ 77, p9. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[705] Loop Antennas v. Ferrite Rods: A Case Study, CREGJ 77, pp10-14. March 2012. (PDF 401KB)     [63]
[706] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 77, p15. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[707] Cave Detection by Earth Resistivity Surveying, CREGJ 77, pp16-20. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[708] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 77, p20. March 2012. (PDF 5.2MB)      [48]
[709] CREG Journal 76, CREGJ 76, pp0-28. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[710] Newssheet, CREGJ 76, p3. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[711] We Hear, CREGJ 76, pp4-5. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[712] The Simplest Radiolocator, CREGJ 76, pp6-10. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[713] Cave Photography Using White LEDs, CREGJ 76, pp11-12. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[714] ResCam and MineCam Updates, CREGJ 76, pp13-14. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[715] Cave Technology Symposium 2011, CREGJ 76, pp14-15. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[716] Two LED Video Luminaires, CREGJ 76, pp16-18. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[717] How to See Through Murky Water, CREGJ 76, pp19-23. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[718] Web Watch, CREGJ 76, p24. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[719] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 76, p24. December 2011. (PDF 10.9MB)      [55]
[720] CREG Journal 75, CREGJ 75, pp0-28. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[721] Newssheet, CREGJ 75, p3. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[722] A logging Anemometer, CREGJ 75, pp4-5. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[723] 75 Highlights from 75 Issues, CREGJ 75, pp6-10. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[724] Electromagnetic Surveying for Underground Water Detection, CREGJ 75, pp11-13. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[725] LORAN-C: Friend or Foe?, CREGJ 75, pp14-17. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[726] VLF for Cave Radio?, CREGJ 75, pp18-19. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[727] We Hear, CREGJ 75, pp20-21. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[728] Web Watch, CREGJ 75, p21. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[729] Correction, CREGJ 75, p22. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[730] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 75, p23. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[731] Developing a Dynamic Rope Tester - Work in Progress, CREGJ 75, pp24-27. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[732] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 75, p28. December 2010. (PDF 13.0MB)      [44]
[733] CREG Journal 74, CREGJ 74, pp0-28. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[734] Newssheet, CREGJ 74, p3. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[735] Cave Technology Symposium 2010, CREGJ 74, pp4-8. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[736] QR Codes - the Latest, CREGJ 74, p9. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[737] Sub-Surface Radio in South African Gold Mines, CREGJ 74, pp10-13. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[738] Lighting for Underground Video, CREGJ 74, pp14-16. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[739] Introducing the Light Shaping Diffuser, CREGJ 74, p17. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[740] Loran-C Suppression in Digital Cave Radios, CREGJ 74, pp18-22. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[741] We Hear, CREGJ 74, pp23-24. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[742] Web Watch, CREGJ 74, p24. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[743] HDR Cave Photography, CREGJ 74, pp25-28. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[744] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 74, p27. September 2010. (PDF 11.3MB)      [39]
[745] CREG Journal 73, CREGJ 73, pp0-24. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[746] Newssheet, CREGJ 73, p3. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[747] Video Camera for Probing Leads, CREGJ 73, p4. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[748] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 73, p5. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[749] Seam Wave Propagation and its Possible Application to Cave Radio, CREGJ 73, pp6-9. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[750] We Hear, CREGJ 73, pp10-11. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[751] A General Calibration Algorithm for 3-Axis Compass/Clinometer Devices, CREGJ 73, pp12-18. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[752] Cave Technology Symposium 2009, CREGJ 73, pp19-23. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[753] Web Watch, CREGJ 73, p24. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[754] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 73, p24. March 2010. (PDF 5.0MB)      [41]
[755] CREG Journal 72, CREGJ 72, pp0-24. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[756] Newssheet, CREGJ 72, p3. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[757] A Prototype Cave Radio to Avoid Loran Interference, CREGJ 72, pp4-6. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[758] Unexpected Propagation in Falkenstein Cave, Germany, CREGJ 72, p7. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[759] An All-In-One Electronic Cave Surveying Device, CREGJ 72, pp8-10. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[760] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 72, p11. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[761] Assessing Speech Intelligibility over a Communication Channel, CREGJ 72, pp12-15. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[762] Web Watch, CREGJ 72, p15. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[763] Use of Audio DSP Noise Filters to Reduce the Effect of Loran Interference, CREGJ 72, pp16-18. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[764] We Hear, CREGJ 72, pp19-20. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[765] Introducing the Equivital Physiological Monitor, CREGJ 72, pp21-23. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[766] Recording Fluorescence with a Digital Camera, CREGJ 72, pp23-24. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[767] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 72, p24. September 2009. (PDF 5.5MB)      [46]
[768] CREG Journal 71, CREGJ 71, pp0-24. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[769] Newssheet, CREGJ 71, p3. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[770] IP Ratings Revisited, CREGJ 71, pp4-6. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[771] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 71, p7. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[772] A Caving Light for the 21st Century, CREGJ 71, pp8-12. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[773] Web Watch, CREGJ 71, p12. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[774] We Hear, CREGJ 71, p13. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[775] Novel Cave Radio Antenna uses Small Ceramic Tiles, CREGJ 71, pp14-15. June 2008. (PDF 1.2MB)     [107]
[776] Wireless in a Coalmine, CREGJ 71, pp16-17. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[777] Speleonics, CREGJ 71, p18. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[778] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 71, p19. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[779] Cave Technology Symposium 2008, CREGJ 71, pp20-23. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[780] Unusual Photographic Duotone Processing, CREGJ 71, p24. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[781] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 71, p24. June 2008. (PDF 4.7MB)      [35]
[782] CREG Journal 70, CREGJ 70, pp0-20. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[783] Newssheet, CREGJ 70, p3. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[784] Tests on the Reception Pattern of Earth Current Antennas, CREGJ 70, pp4-8. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[785] 500kHz and Cave Radio, CREGJ 70, p9. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[786] Acoustic Drip Counters for Environmental Monitoring, CREGJ 70, pp10-13. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[787] We Hear, CREGJ 70, pp14-15. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[788] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 70, p16. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[789] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 70, p17. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[790] Web Watch, CREGJ 70, p17. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[791] Batteries for the 21st Century, CREGJ 70, pp18-19. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[792] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 70, p20. March 2008. (PDF 12.7MB)      [42]
[793] CREG Journal 69, CREGJ 69, pp0-24. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[794] Newssheet, CREGJ 69, p3. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[795] The Wonder and Madness of WEEE and RoHS, CREGJ 69, pp4-6. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[796] Web Watch, CREGJ 69, p6. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[797] The Adventure Starts Here, CREGJ 69, p7, 12. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[798] KSE Lights - Oldham Lamps for the 21st Century?, CREGJ 69, pp8-9. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[799] Calibrating the Electronic Compass/Clinometer, CREGJ 69, pp10-12. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[800] CREG Award 2007, CREGJ 69, p13. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[801] We Hear, CREGJ 69, pp14-15. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[802] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 69, p15. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[803] An Electronic Inclinometer, CREGJ 69, pp16-19. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[804] Speleonics, CREGJ 69, p20. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[805] 2007 Cave Technology Symposium, CREGJ 69, pp21-23. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[806] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 69, p24. December 2007. (PDF 5.4MB)      [41]
[807] CREG Journal 68, CREGJ 68, pp0-8. September 2007. (PDF 2.6MB)      [34]
[808] Front Cover, CREGJ 68, p1. September 2007. (PDF 605KB)     
[809] Masthead, CREGJ 68, p2. September 2007. (PDF 210KB)     [41]
[810] Newssheet, CREGJ 68, p3. September 2007. (PDF 187KB)     [46]
[811] Annual General Meeting 2007, CREGJ 68, pp4-5. September 2007. (PDF 228KB)     
[812] Treasurer's Report to AGM 2007, CREGJ 68, pp6-7. September 2007. (PDF 265KB)     
[813] Cave Technology Symposium 2008, CREGJ 68, p8. September 2007. (PDF 148KB)     [50]
[814] CREG Journal 67, CREGJ 67, pp0-24. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[815] Front Cover, CREGJ 67, p1. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[816] Masthead, CREGJ 67, p2. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[817] Newssheet, CREGJ 67, p3. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[818] TEDRA, the Development of a Software Defined Cave Radio, CREGJ 67, pp4-6. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[819] Web Watch, CREGJ 67, p6. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[820] eLoran - What Is It?, CREGJ 67, p7. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[821] Thermal Imaging Cave Detection, CREGJ 67, pp8-12. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[822] Resurgence Data Logging, CREGJ 67, pp13-16. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[823] Speleonics, CREGJ 67, p17. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[824] We Hear, CREGJ 67, p18. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[825] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 67, p19. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[826] Introducing The Internet of Things, CREGJ 67, pp20-23. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[827] Unusual Photographic Duotone Processing, CREGJ 67, pp23-24. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[828] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 67, p23. June 2007. (PDF 5.1MB)      [50]
[829] CREG Journal 66, CREGJ 66, pp0-28. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[830] Newssheet, CREGJ 66, p3. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[831] The Scurion LED Cap Lamp, CREGJ 66, pp4-5. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[832] Alternative Power Supplies, CREGJ 66, pp6-11. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[833] NightStar - a Review, CREGJ 66, p11. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[834] A Combined Electronic Compass and Clinometer, CREGJ 66, pp12-14. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[835] Speleonics, CREGJ 66, p15. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[836] The Technology of Infrared Imaging, CREGJ 66, pp16-20. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[837] We Hear, CREGJ 66, pp21-22. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[838] Web Watch, CREGJ 66, p22. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[839] NightStar Special Reader Offer, CREGJ 66, p22. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[840] White LED Lamps Compared, CREGJ 66, pp23-25. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[841] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 66, pp25-27. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[842] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 66, p28. March 2007. (PDF 6.5MB)      [44]
[843] CREG Journal 65, CREGJ 65, pp0-24. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[844] Newssheet, CREGJ 65, p3. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[845] BCRA Cave Technology Symposium, CREGJ 65, p4. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[846] We Hear, CREGJ 65, p5. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[847] A Digital Class-D Single-Sideband Transmitter, CREGJ 65, pp6-8. December 2006. (PDF 526KB)     [145]
[848] CREG Award 2006, CREGJ 65, p9. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[849] Designing an Efficient LED Caving Lamp, CREGJ 65, pp10-12. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[850] Field Exposure Limit for a Body-Worn Cave Radio Loop, CREGJ 65, p13. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[851] Communications in Show Caves - Appraising the Options, CREGJ 65, pp14-17. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[852] Web Watch, CREGJ 65, p17. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[853] Speleonics, CREGJ 65, p18. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[854] How to Report Experiments, CREGJ 65, p19. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[855] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 65, p20. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[856] Treasurer's Report for 2005/6, CREGJ 65, p21. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[857] Reassessing the HeyPhone Output Transformer Ratio, CREGJ 65, pp22-23. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[858] The Adventures of GREG, CREGJ 65, p23. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[859] Cave Surveys in Colour, rear cover illustration, CREGJ 65, p24. December 2006. (PDF 12.0MB)      [42]
[860] CREG Journal 64, CREGJ 64, pp0-24. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[861] Newssheet, CREGJ 64, p3. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[862] Improved Automatic Gain Control for the HeyPhone, CREGJ 64, p4. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[863] Reviewing the RETRO 2, CREGJ 64, pp5-6. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[864] We Hear, CREGJ 64, pp7-8. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[865] A Robotic Surveying Vehicle for Hazardous Conditions, CREGJ 64, pp9-11. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[866] Web Watch, CREGJ 64, p11. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[867] HeyPhones and Système Nicola in Cueva del Gato, Málaga, CREGJ 64, p12. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[868] Remote Data Logging with Cell-Phones and the Internet, CREGJ 64, pp13-14. September 2006. (PDF 699KB)     [78]
[869] 230V AC Supply in the Field, CREGJ 64, p15. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[870] PMR 446 Eight Years On: Update on Licence-free Radio, CREGJ 64, pp16-18. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[871] CREG at the BPC Winch Meet, CREGJ 64, pp19-20. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[872] Speleonics, CREGJ 64, pp21-22. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[873] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 64, pp23-24. September 2006. (PDF 6.9MB)      [44]
[874] CREG Journal 63, CREGJ 63, pp0-24. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[875] Newssheet, CREGJ 63, p3. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[876] An Introduction to Low Data-Rate Speech Codecs, CREGJ 63, pp4-5. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[877] Improving Cell-Phone Signal Strength in Marginal Areas, CREGJ 63, pp6-7. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[878] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 63, pp8-10. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[879] Communications Tests in the Severn Railway Tunnel, CREGJ 63, p11. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[880] We Hear, CREGJ 63, pp12-13. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[881] A Ready-Made Power Amplifier for Cave Radio, CREGJ 63, pp14-15. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[882] Through-Rock Radio: A Professional Perspective, CREGJ 63, pp16-17. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[883] Introducing Nathan B. Stubblefield - Induction and Earth Current Pioneer, CREGJ 63, pp18-19. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[884] Web Watch, CREGJ 63, p19. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[885] Speleonics, CREGJ 63, p20. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[886] Robust Text and Data Exchange with Earth-Current Transceivers, CREGJ 63, pp21-22. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[887] Review, CREGJ 63, p23. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[888] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 63, pp23-24. June 2006. (PDF 3.7MB)      [39]
[889] CREG Journal 62, CREGJ 62, pp0-28. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[890] Newssheet, CREGJ 62, p3. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[891] Development of an FPGA-Based Cave Radio, CREGJ 62, pp4-5. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[892] CREG 2004-2005 in Review, CREGJ 62, pp6-7. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[893] Speleonics, CREGJ 62, p8. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[894] An Introduction to ZigBee, CREGJ 62, p9. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[895] Whither Loran?, CREGJ 62, p10. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[896] Field Meeting Report: Autumn 2005, CREGJ 62, p11. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[897] Low-Power Wireless Mesh Networks in Underground Mining, CREGJ 62, pp12-17. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[898] HeyPhone Tests in the Sierra de las Nieves, CREGJ 62, p18. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[899] Web Watch, CREGJ 62, p18. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[900] Assessing Noise-Cancelling Headphones Underground, CREGJ 62, pp19-20. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[901] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 62, p21. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[902] Directional Microphones for Acoustic Noise Reduction, CREGJ 62, pp22-23. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[903] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 62, p24. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[904] We Hear, CREGJ 62, p25. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[905] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 62, pp26-28. December 2005. (PDF 4.7MB)      [45]
[906] CREG Journal 61, CREGJ 61, p?. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[907] Newssheet, CREGJ 61, p3. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[908] Loran in Northwest Europe, CREGJ 61, p4. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[909] Combating Acoustic Noise, CREGJ 61, p5. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[910] Parallel Resonant Loop Antennas for Cave Radios, CREGJ 61, pp6-7. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[911] Parallel v. Series Resonant Loops, CREGJ 61, p7. September 2005. (PDF 333KB)     [50]
[912] Reducing Acoustic Noise Using Directional Microphones, CREGJ 61, pp8-11. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[913] Noise Cancelling Microphones, CREGJ 61, p11. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[914] Loran Behind the Scenes, CREGJ 61, p12. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[915] MatLab Synthesis of Loran Interference, CREGJ 61, pp13-15. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[916] Update: A Flashgun Isolator, CREGJ 61, p16. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[917] CREG Award 2005, CREGJ 61, p17. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[918] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 61, p18. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[919] Early Cave Radio in Castleton?, CREGJ 61, p19. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[920] Radio Tests at Warren Hill Railway Tunnel, Newmarket, CREGJ 61, p20. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[921] We Hear, CREGJ 61, pp21-22. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[922] Web Watch, CREGJ 61, p22. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[923] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 61, pp23-24. September 2005. (PDF 3.6MB)      [42]
[924] CREG Journal, CREGJ 60, p?. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[925] Newssheet, CREGJ 60, p3. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[926] 3W Luxeon Caplamp with Microprocessor Control, CREGJ 60, pp4-5. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[927] Satellite Images: A Buyer's Guide, CREGJ 60, pp6-8. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[928] Introducing Galileo, CREGJ 60, p8. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[929] Operating a Solar Panel at Maximum Power Efficiency, CREGJ 60, pp9-13. June 2005. (PDF 532KB)     [60]
[930] A Simple Lithium-Ion Battery Charger, CREGJ 60, p14. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[931] Speleonics, CREGJ 60, p15. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[932] Low-Cost Implementation of a Speech Compression System, CREGJ 60, pp16-18. June 2005. (PDF 432KB)     [57]
[933] Caving with the Radon Caplamp, CREGJ 60, p18. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[934] The Spring 2005 Field Meeting - Derbyshire, CREGJ 60, pp19-20. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[935] Updates: Li-ion Batteries; Radio-Location Beacons, CREGJ 60, p20. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[936] A Flashgun Isolator, CREGJ 60, p21. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[937] Web Watch, CREGJ 60, p22. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[938] LT-Spice, CREGJ 60, p22. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[939] Radio Tests in a Hydro Power Station Feed Tunnel, CREGJ 60, pp23-24. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[940] We Hear, CREGJ 60, pp25-26. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[941] Update: Flashgun Slave Unit for Digital Camera, CREGJ 60, p26. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[942] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 60, pp27-28. June 2005. (PDF 8.1MB)      [43]
[943] CREG Journal, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[944] Newssheet, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[945] A Portable Double-Sideband Cave Radio, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[946] Double-Sideband v. Single-Sideband, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[947] Satellite Phones: A Beginner's Guide, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[948] Earth Current Arrays - The Range of Impedance, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[949] Speleonics, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[950] Lithium-Ion Batteries for Caving Projects, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[951] Web Watch, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[952] Using FPGAs for Digital Filtering, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[953] Radio Devices for Remote Data Logging, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[954] A Sonic Flow-Rate Meter for Measurements in Air and Water, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[955] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[956] A Roofing Filter, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[957] We Hear, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[958] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 59, p?. March 2005. (PDF 7.4MB)      [47]
[959] CREG Journal, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[960] Newssheet, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[961] Virtually Prehistoric: Beneath the Surface at Grime's Graves Flint Mines, Norfolk, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[962] An Introduction to High Frequency Radio in Tunnels, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[963] Comparative Propagation Tests Along a Railway Tunnel, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[964] Web Watch, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[965] CREG Award 2004 - the Man Behind the HeyPhone, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[966] Building and Setting up the HeyPhone, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[967] Reviewing our 16th Year: CREG in 2003 / 2004, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[968] Assessing Single Wire Telephones: Field Meeting Report, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[969] Modifying the Firefly Slave Unit for Digital Cameras, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[970] Putting it on the Map: Using Excel as a Geographical Information System, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[971] Update: Digital Slave Unit, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[972] We Hear, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[973] Cave Communications for Young Cavers, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[974] Update:, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[975] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 58, p?. December 2004. (PDF 4.6MB)      [43]
[976] CREG Journal, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[977] Newssheet, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[978] Underground Text Messaging, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[979] Design Guidelines for General-purpose Caving Equipment, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[980] Measuring the Concentration of Radon Underground, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[981] Cuetzalan Tiger: The HeyPhone's Moment of Fame, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[982] Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch ..., CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[983] Slave Unit for Digital Cameras, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[984] Communication in Slate and Gypsum: two new Geologies Investigated, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[985] Web Watch, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[986] An Electronic Compass and Clinometer Using Optical Sensor, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[987] An Electronic Compass and Clinometer: Review., CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[988] We Hear, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[989] Improved Communications in the Standedge Tunnels, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[990] Speleonics, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[991] Single-Wire Telephones: Q&A, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[992] Update: Detecting CO2, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[993] Update: D-Q Beacon & Rx, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[994] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 57, p?. September 2004. (PDF 2.7MB)      [55]
[995] CREG Journal, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[996] A Flood Early Warning System for Irish Caves, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[997] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[998] Web Watch, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[999] Greater Efficiency with a New Radio-location Beacon, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1000] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1001] Investigating Ultra-violet Light Sources, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1002] Dolwyddelan, Llechwedd y Cwm Orthin - the Spring Field Meet, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1003] Electronic Detection of Carbon Dioxide in Caves, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1004] An Experimental HeyPhone on 38.4kHz, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1005] Frequency Synthesis - Some Possibilities, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1006] We Hear, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1007] Tunnel Communications 1924 Style, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1008] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1009] Correction, CREGJ 56, p?. June 2004. (PDF 8.4MB)      [59]
[1010] CREG Journal, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1011] An Earth-Current-Based Cave Intruder Alarm, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1012] Nothing New Underground - WW1 Trench Communications, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1013] High Resolution Mapping in the Digital Age, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1014] Noise-Cancelling Headphones: A Review, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1015] Web Watch, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1016] Figaro - Fireground Apparatus for Radio Operations, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1017] Turns Ratio Adjustment Aid for Earth-Current Transformer, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1018] Information on Talk-Through Boxes, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1019] A Talk-Through Box for System Nicola, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1020] David Gibson: PhD in Cave Radio, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1021] A High-Performance Flashbulb Firer - part 2, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1022] Slave Unit for Digital Cameras, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1023] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1024] An Alternative Loop Antenna for the Ogofone, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1025] Student Project Suggestions: 2, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1026] Electronic Detection of Carbon Dioxide, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1027] Other items, CREGJ 55, p?. March 2004. (PDF 5.8MB)      [49]
[1028] CREG Journal, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1029] Newssheet, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1030] Communication in Standedge Tunnel, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1031] Cave Radio Interference from LED Lamps, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1032] Speleonics, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1033] Equipment Review: The Nova Caving Lamp, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1034] How to Design an Electronic Surveying Instrument, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1035] A Mud Bath for the HeyPhone, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1036] Chairman's Report 2002/2003, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1037] 4-page INSERT:, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1038] WebWatch, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1039] Treasurer's Report 2002/2003, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1040] CREG Award 2003, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1041] Geology & Conductivity: Exploring the Relationship, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1042] Geophysics in Cave Archaeology, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1043] What We Don't Know About Earth-Current Propagation, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1044] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1045] The Future is not Pale Blue, but Many Shades of White, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1046] We Hear, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1047] How to Take 3D Digital Photographs Underground, CREGJ 54, p?. December 2003. (PDF 11.1MB)      [38]
[1048] CREG Journal, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1049] Newssheet, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1050] Intelligent Telemetry Watches Cave Visitors, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1051] An Intelligent Telemetry System for Show Caves, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1052] Electronic Detection of Carbon Dioxide, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1053] Full-Duplex Radio Using PMR446 Handsets, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1054] Loop Antennas with Multiple Tuned Circuits, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1055] Be Prepared, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1056] The Luxeon White LED, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1057] In the Wizard's Footsteps: Cave Radio at Alderley Edge, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1058] HeyPhone Performance under Strong Signal Conditions, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1059] Geophysics in Cave Archaeology, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1060] Bulb Firer: Progress Report, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1061] Signal-Strength Measurement at LF, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1062] Digital Methods of Viewing 3D Images, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1063] What Turns on Bats?: Data Logging at Agen Allwedd, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1064] Practical Measurements of Earth-Loop Impedance, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1065] Other items, CREGJ 53, p?. September 2003. (PDF 8.5MB)      [45]
[1066] CREG Journal, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1067] Newssheet, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1068] A Caver's View of Remote Imaging, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1069] Cyfarchiadau o Grughywel - Greetings from Crickhowell, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1070] Electronic Cave Surveying Instruments, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1071] First Impressions of a 3D Laser Scanner, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1072] 3D Radiolocation Using a Single Station, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1073] Towards 3D Radiolocation Using Two Stations, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1074] A Bibliography of Cave Radiolocation, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1075] 2-Way Voice Communication with Cave Divers, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1076] Using the HeyPhone with Primary Cells, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1077] A Wind-up Power Supply for the HeyPhone, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1078] Inductance of Earth Antennas, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1079] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1080] Student Project Suggestions, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1081] Jean-Jacques Fauchez: Mission Accomplished!, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1082] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 52, p?. June 2003. (PDF 8.3MB)      [53]
[1083] CREG Journal, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1084] Newssheet, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1085] A Resistance Meter for Earth-Current Systems, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1086] Radio Tests in Essex Road Railway Tunnel, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1087] LF Propagation on Simulated Railway Tracks, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1088] Vision in Low-Lighting Conditions, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1089] Amateur Radio Licensing - an Update, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1090] Practical Battery Management, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1091] Portable Fuel Cells to Replace NiMH and Li-ion Cells?, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1092] Web Watch, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1093] Check Your Resistors, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1094] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1095] Matching & Output Impedance: A Common Fallacy?, CREGJ 51, pp16-17. March 2003. (PDF 247KB)     [49]
[1096] Cave Rescue Wish List, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1097] HeyPhone Testing in the Lamprechtsofen, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1098] CREG's Equipment Initiative, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1099] HeyPhone Documentation: More Updates, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1100] Speleonics, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1101] Piecewise Modelling of Antennas, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1102] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1103] Making Sense of Atmospheric Noise Temperature Ratio, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1104] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 51, p?. March 2003. (PDF 2.1MB)      [44]
[1105] CREG Journal, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1106] Newssheet, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1107] 185kHz Radiolocation and 7MHz Experiments in Bigfoot Cave, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1108] Probes for logging water levels, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1109] A Loop Antenna for the HeyPhone, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1110] Cave-to-Cave Radiolocation: a Generalised Algorithm, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1111] Move Over Alkalines: New Primary Batteries, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1112] Web Watch, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1113] Speleonics, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1114] Using Excel to Plot Cave Surveys, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1115] The CREG Award 2002, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1116] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1117] Magazine Reviews, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1118] Errors in Ground-Zero Radiolocation at Lechuguilla, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1119] CREG & BCRC Join Forces in Derbyshire, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1120] A Year in View: Looking Back Over 2001/2002, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1121] Cave Intruder Alarm, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1122] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1123] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 50, p8. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1124] CREG in Pictures, CREGJ 50, p?. December 2002. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1125] CREG Journal, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1126] Newssheet, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1127] We Hear..., CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1128] HeyPhone Testing at Malham Cove Flood Rising, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1129] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1130] Web Watch, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1131] Can You Patent an LED Flashlight?, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1132] Speleonics, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1133] Speleonics Meeting, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1134] An Electronic Detector for Fluorescein, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1135] A Channel Sounder for Sub-Surface Communications, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1136] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1137] Variable-Frequency Cave Radio Tests, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1138] A Practical White LED Lamp for Caving, CREGJ 49, p?. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1139] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 49, p7. September 2002. (PDF 4.4MB)      [47]
[1140] CREG Journal, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1141] Newssheet, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1142] The March 2002 Field Meet, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1143] Trigonometric Radiolocation in a Plane, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1144] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1145] 3496Hz Radiolocation Beacon: Construction Update, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1146] HeyPhone Documentation on the Web, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1147] HeyPhone System Update: Using Molefone Audio Equipment, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1148] Cave Surveying by Radio-Location - 3, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1149] A Tone-generator for Setting-up the HeyPhone, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1150] A Field Strength Meter for the HeyPhone, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1151] HeyPhone System Update: Powering External Equipment, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1152] Design Directory: Radiolocation and Cave Radio, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1153] Flashgun Slave Unit for Digital Cameras, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1154] Bulb Firer Adaptor for Electronics Guns, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1155] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1156] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1157] Web Watch, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1158] Correction, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1159] Palm Programming for Embedded Applications, CREGJ 48, p?. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1160] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 48, p6. June 2002. (PDF 4.7MB)      [46]
[1161] CREG Journal, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1162] Newssheet, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1163] The Secret Tunnels of South Heighton, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1164] Impedance Measurement at LF, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1165] Cave-to-Cave Location, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1166] Harold Lord, CREGJ 47, pp1935-1996 - an Areciation. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1167] A Clamp-On Single Wire Telephone, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1168] Updates: Flashgun Slave & Bulb Firer, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1169] A Proposed DSP Architecture for LF SSB Cave Radio, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1170] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1171] Web Watch, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1172] Chris Vernon's high-power flashgun, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1173] Tunnel Radio - the Scottish Experience, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1174] Cave Radio and Electronics in Romania, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1175] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1176] BCRA CREG Award Rules, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1177] Speleo Tools: A Toolkit to take Underground, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1178] Speleonics, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1179] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 47, p5. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1180] Cave Radio on 160m, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1181] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 47, p?. March 2002. (PDF 10.1MB)      [57]
[1182] CREG Journal, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1183] Newssheet, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1184] Surface Mount Technology: Hand Soldering of Circuit Boards, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1185] Web Watch, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1186] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1187] Speleonics, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1188] Adapting a Cave Radio for Expedition Use, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1189] Using Excel for Technical Number Crunching, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1190] Selective Availability: an update on GPS Accuracy, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1191] CREG in the South West, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1192] Cave Radio in the Metal Mines of Cornwall, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1193] Hidden Earth 2001, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1194] An Impedance Meter for Low and Medium Frequencies, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1195] Flashbulb Sockets, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1196] Online Subscription Payment, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1197] TETRA-based Multi-Media Radio Aids Mountain Rescue, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1198] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 46, p4. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1199] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 46, p?. December 2001. (PDF 9.3MB)      [47]
[1200] CREG Journal, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1201] Newssheet, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1202] A High Performance Flashgun Slave Unit, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1203] Meet the CREGies, CREGJ 45, p3. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1204] A High Performance Slave Unit and Flashbulb Firer - part 1, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1205] Web Watch, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1206] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1207] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1208] A Field Meet in France, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1209] Spreadsheet Modelling of the Peak/Speedwell Hydrology, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1210] The CREG Small Print, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1211] The Future is Not Orange - 3, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1212] Earth-Current Antenna Configurations in Multi-Layer Limestone, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1213] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1214] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 45, p?. September 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [52]
[1215] CREG Journal, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1216] Newssheet, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1217] Launch of the HeyPhone, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1218] BCRC HeyPhone - Physical Construction, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1219] Update - HeyPhone Circuit, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1220] Generating & Detecting Bat Calls, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1221] Add-ons for the Nicola System, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1222] Correction, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1223] Frequency Synthesis: A review, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1224] An RF Power Indicator for Cave Radio Transmitters, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1225] DTMF and its Use in Cave Communication, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1226] Web Watch, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1227] Further Reading, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1228] Cave Surveying by Radio-location - 2, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1229] Speleonics, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1230] Cave-proofing Video Cameras, CREGJ 44, part 2. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1231] Using a Scanner as a Digital Camera, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1232] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 44, p2. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1233] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 44, p?. June 2001. (PDF 9.9MB)      [58]
[1234] CREG Journal, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1235] Newssheet, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1236] Wet and Dry, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1237] Web Watch, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1238] Further Reading, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1239] Speleonics, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1240] SSB Generation by the Phasing Method - a Simple Explanation, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1241] The Nicola Mk II Rescue Radio - a Status Report, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1242] Equipment Review - Leica Disto classic3 Laser Distance Meter, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1243] Operating a Solar Panel at Maximum Power Efficiency, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1244] Cave-proofing Video Cameras, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1245] The Future is not Orange, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1246] Introduction to Good Radio Operating Practice, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1247] SSTV Underground, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1248] Cave Surveying by Radio-Location - 1, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1249] Correction, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1250] Meet the CREGgies, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1251] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 43, p?. March 2001. (PDF 8.5MB)      [47]
[1252] CREG Journal, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1253] Highest & Deepest 2000, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1254] Computer Simulation of a Grounded Wire Antenna, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1255] Simple Flashbulb Firer, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1256] A Prototype DSP- based Bat Detector, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1257] Speleonics, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1258] Miniature Dichroic Lamps, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1259] A Field Strength Measuring Receiver for LF and HF, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1260] Web Watch, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1261] Further Reading, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1262] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1263] Chairman's & Treasurer's Reports for 1999/2000, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1264] The Future is not Orange,... but White, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1265] Should we Hang up our Soldering Irons Now?, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1266] Update on Flood Pulse Logger, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1267] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 42, p?. December 2000. (PDF 10.7MB)      [47]
[1268] CREG Journal, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1269] Introducing a New Cave Radio for Rescue Use, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1270] A New Rescue Radio - the Electronic Design, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1271] The Cave Radio Road Show, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1272] Speleonics, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1273] Measuring L, C, Q & Resonance, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1274] Tough Stuff - Investigating Rugged & Waterproof Equipment, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1275] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1276] Web Watch, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1277] Further Reading, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1278] Raynet: A Resource for Rescue Teams, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1279] The Millennium Photo Meet, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1280] A Channel Sounder for Sub-Surface Communications Part 2 - Computer Simulation of a Small Buried Loop, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1281] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 41, p?. September 2000. (PDF 7.4MB)      [48]
[1282] CREG Journal, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1283] An Automated System for Identifying Bat Species, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1284] Build a Single Wire Telephone with Alarm Call, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1285] PMR 446 Radios for Surface Communication, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1286] Using Portable SSTV Equipment Underground, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1287] GPS for Cavers - a Practical Introduction, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1288] A High Brightness Lamp, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1289] Web Watch, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1290] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1291] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1292] A New CB Radio for the LF Transverter, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1293] 'Lech' on 4 D-cells, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1294] Installing Earth Electrode Arrays - a Practical Guide, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1295] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1296] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1297] Comment, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1298] Corrections, CREGJ 40, p?. June 2000. (PDF 9.3MB)      [46]
[1299] CREG Journal, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1300] Flood Pulse Measurement: Preliminary Results from DYO, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1301] Computer Simulation of a Small Buried Loop, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1302] Pulse discharge circuits for Flashguns, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1303] Simple Caver Counter offers Improved Performance, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1304] LORAN - Know your Enemy, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1305] Digital Wall Mapping at Wakulla Springs, Florida, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1306] Foot-candles, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1307] Photography News, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1308] Web Watch, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1309] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1310] Flood Pulse Logger uses Low Cost Data Logger, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1311] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1312] An On-line CREG Journal Digest, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1313] A Pre-Selector for a Cave Radio Receiver, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1314] An Introduction to PSK31, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1315] Speleonics, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1316] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 39, p?. March 2000. (PDF 9.6MB)      [48]
[1317] CREG Journal, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1318] The Nicola Mark II - a New Rescue Radio for France, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1319] The Fuel Cell - a Power Source of the Future?, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1320] Speleonics, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1321] A Simple Vehicle Battery Charger, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1322] Using the Molefone with Earth Electrodes, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1323] Update, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1324] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1325] LEPs - the Next 'Big' thing in Cave Lighting?, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1326] TETRA: a New Standard for Surface Communications, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1327] Web Watch, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1328] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1329] CREG at Hidden Earth and Bull Pot Farm, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1330] The Electric Light of the Future, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1331] A Channel Sounder for Sub-Surface Communications, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1332] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 38, p?. December 1999. (PDF 9.1MB)      [47]
[1333] CREG Journal, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1334] A 20 Watt Linear Amplifier for VLF/LF Frequencies, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1335] Back to Basics with Cave Communications, CREGJ 37, pp6-10. September 1999. (PDF 2.0MB)     [2]
[1336] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1337] MoleSpam - a Speaker Amplifier for the Molefone, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1338] Spatial Filtering as an aid to Signal Reception, CREGJ 37, pp15-16. September 1999. (PDF 436KB)     [1]
[1339] A Methodical Approach to Loop Antenna Design, CREGJ 37, pp17-20. September 1999. (PDF 370KB)     [60]
[1340] Geological Maps - Uses and Limitations, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1341] Web Watch, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1342] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1343] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 37, pp24-25. September 1999. (PDF 404KB)     [52]
[1344] Flood Pulse Logging with PICs, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1345] Combating LORAN or 'Nobbling the Galloping Horses', CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1346] UP/CREG 1999 - Photographic Field Meet, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1347] Radio-location at Wakulla Springs, Florida, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1348] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 37, p?. September 1999. (PDF 6.8MB)      [55]
[1349] CREG Journal, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1350] Caving Lamps - a New Generation, CREGJ 36, part two. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1351] Ground Penetrating Radar at Poole's Cavern, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1352] Electronica Mexican, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1353] A Dual Frequency Loop for the CB LF Transverter, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1354] Web Watch, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1355] Selected Further Reading, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1356] Rescue Communications Field Meeting, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1357] Speleonics, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1358] White LEDs for Emergency Lighting, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1359] A Mini Cave Radio, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1360] The Role of the Cave Radio and Electronic Group, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1361] PIC a Cave Radio - Microcontrollers at LF, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1362] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1363] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 36, p?. June 1999. (PDF 10.9MB)      [41]
[1364] CREG Journal, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1365] Integrated Geophysical Surveys Applied to Karstic Studies, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1366] Getting Started with PICs, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1367] Speleonics, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1368] Quantifying the Improvement - Loops, Good & Poor Electrodes, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1369] Caving Lamps - a New Generation, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1370] Web Watch, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1371] Car Lamp Chargers, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1372] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1373] 3496Hz - 'D-Q' Radiolocation Beacon, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1374] Smart-chargeable Caving Lamps, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1375] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1376] Cave Data Loggers, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1377] Speleo-tools: What to take Underground, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1378] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 35, p?. March 1999. (PDF 8.6MB)      [42]
[1379] CREG Journal, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1380] Introducing the Nicola System, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1381] Speleonics, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1382] From Alkaline to Zinc Air - an A to Z of Batteries, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1383] The Berger on 137kHz, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1384] EMC Type Examination for RF modules, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1385] Sumpflash 2, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1386] Another Year Over - Secretary's Report for 1997/98, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1387] Web Watch, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1388] Making Mic Speak, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1389] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1390] CREG Equipment Loan Scheme, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1391] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1392] Going Deeper - two ways to Improve Performance, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1393] John Hey in the Spotlight, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1394] If you had a Hammer ... Electrokinetic Water Detection, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1395] UHF TX & Rx Modules: An Introduction, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1396] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 34, p?. December 1998. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1397] CREG Journal, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1398] Improvements to Caving Lamps, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1399] Combating Earth Electrode Resistance, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1400] Seriously Tough Components: a Lesson from the Military, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1401] CREG at BCRC, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1402] Mount Royal Tunnel to Staten Island Railway, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1403] Llangollen: Spring '98, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1404] Millennium Mayhem and How to Avoid it, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1405] Build the Cournouze Cave Radio for 137kHz, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1406] When Things go Wrong, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1407] A Broadband Survey Loop for the VLF & LF Spectrum, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1408] Thoughts on Dual-band Design, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1409] Hand-on Antenna Tuning, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1410] Web Watch, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1411] Cave Radio - the Lighter Side, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1412] Greensites or Groansites?, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1413] The Umbrella Antenna, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1414] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1415] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 33, p?. September 1998. (PDF 10.0MB)      [43]
[1416] CREG Journal, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1417] A Charger for Gelled Electrolyte Lead-acid Batteries, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1418] Surface Radio - Communication for Expeditions, CREGJ 32, part 2. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1419] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1420] Photographers & CREGies Unite, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1421] LF Through-rock Induction - the Broader Picture, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1422] A Transformer for Earth Current Communications, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1423] Web Watch, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1424] Notes from our French Correspondent, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1425] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1426] Anatomy of a Student Project, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1427] Underground Radio Tests on the Nene Valley Railway, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1428] Roger, Kirk Out, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1429] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 32, p?. June 1998. (PDF 8.9MB)      [43]
[1430] CREG Journal, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1431] An LF Field Strength Meter, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1432] 934MHz in KMC, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1433] Measuring Receiver Performance, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1434] The Demise of 73kHz, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1435] Surface Radio - Communication for Expeditions, part 1, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1436] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1437] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1438] A Phonetically-Balanced Speech Intelligibility Test, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1439] Earth Current Field Strength Experiments, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1440] A Shocking Experience, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1441] A Practical Flashbulb Firer, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1442] Cave Telephones - Q&A, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1443] The Personal Cave Communicator, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1444] Web Watch, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1445] From Luggable to Portable - Improvements in LF Spectrum Survey Apparatus, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1446] Autumn '97 - New Developments on Show, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1447] A Ferrite Rod for Radio-location, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1448] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 31, p?. March 1998. (PDF 9.2MB)      [50]
[1449] CREG Journal, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1450] JOTA and Talk-through Boxes, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1451] Taking the Knocks - Introducing Rugged Electronics, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1452] The Speleonics Mailing List, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1453] Simple NiCd Battery Protector, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1454] Cave Radio & Electronics at UIS '97, Switzerland, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1455] An Updated Michiephone, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1456] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1457] PIC a Project!, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1458] LCD Panels with PICs, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1459] Web Watch, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1460] 1996/7 - A Year in View, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1461] Laser & LED Safety, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1462] Solar Charger FAQ, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1463] Cave Radio - 'How to do it', CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1464] 1996/7 Treasurer's Report, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1465] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 30, p?. December 1997. (PDF 9.7MB)      [44]
[1466] CREG Journal, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1467] Light Work - An Overview of Sight, Seeing, Light & Lighting, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1468] Foot-Candles: Photometric Units, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1469] Fluorescent Tube Drivers, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1470] State of the Art Main Caving Lamps, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1471] Update: Flashgun Slave, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1472] Using LEDs as Photodiodes, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1473] The Cave Radio & Electronics Group - The First 10 Years, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1474] LF Spectrum Surveys - a Review, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1475] Batteries at Low Temperatures, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1476] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1477] The Future of Amateur LF Bands, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1478] Web Watch, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1479] Literature Received, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1480] A Two-tone Generator for Aligning SSB Transmitters, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1481] Spectrum, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1482] The Resistance of Ground-electrode Arrays, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1483] Electronics Underground in Yorkshire and Mendip, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1484] Earth Current: Directionality & Circular Polarisation, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1485] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1486] The New CREG Journal Bar Code, CREGJ 29, p?. September 1997. (PDF 10.5MB)      [45]
[1487] CREG Journal, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1488] Constructing the 3496Hz 'D-Q' Beacon Receiver, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1489] Low-noise RF Amplifier uses FET Cascode Input, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1490] White LEDs: Introducing a New Generation, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1491] Ground Shorts with a Single-wire Telephone, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1492] Building them Tough - Rugged PCs Investigated, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1493] LF Utility Stations, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1494] Ultrasonic Cave Mapping, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1495] European Rescue Meeting, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1496] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1497] Staying on the Level, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1498] Cave Television - SSTV Experiment on 73kHz, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1499] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 28, p?. June 1997. (PDF 4.1MB)      [55]
[1500] CREG Journal, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1501] Conductivity Experiments at Castleguard Meadows, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1502] Guide-wire - the Feature, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1503] Hi-Z SWTs, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1504] Single Wire Telephones for Mines Rescue, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1505] Guide-wire Quandary - VHF, HF, LF?, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1506] Technicolour Cables, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1507] Guide-wire in Action - the SCMC Experience, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1508] Membership Survey, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1509] Nidderdale '96, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1510] An Automated LF Spectrum Survey, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1511] Packet Radio Goes Underground, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1512] HF to UHF at RCM, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1513] Build a Cascade Unit for Electronic Flashguns, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1514] Foot Candles, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1515] Determining Depth by Radio-Location: An Extreme Case, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1516] A Rubber Loop Antenna, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1517] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 27, p?. March 1997. (PDF 10.7MB)      [54]
[1518] CREG Journal, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1519] Radio Speleohistory, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1520] Speleobytes - Computers & Caving Clubs, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1521] New Usenet Newsgroups, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1522] Spinning a Web - Designing Caving Sites, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1523] A National Cave Register, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1524] Web Site Review, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1525] Excelling in Hydrology, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1526] The Cave Guidebook - a Thing of the Past?, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1527] 'Speleological Abstracts' on CD-ROM, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1528] Choosing a Frequency for a Radio-Location Beacon, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1529] 1995/96 - A Year in View, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1530] Keep that Water Moving, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1531] Bypassing the Sump in Bärenschacht, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1532] An Introduction to Data Transmission, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1533] A 'Stealth' Caver Counter, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1534] Candlepower!, CREGJ 26, p?. December 1996. (PDF 11.4MB)      [44]
[1535] CREG Journal, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1536] Watching & Listening to the LF Bands, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1537] Alpine Cave Radio - Earth-current at Hölloch, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1538] Humidity Measurement, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1539] An Opportunity for Radio Amateurs, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1540] Measuring Radiated Power at 73kHz LF, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1541] Red or Green? LEDs on Test, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1542] 3-D Vector Processing of Magnetometer and Inclinometer Data, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1543] Counting Cavers, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1544] A Capacitive Coupler for SWTs, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1545] Cave Radio Trials in the French Alps, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1546] The Eartalker, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1547] Introduction to Solid-state Lithium-ion Cells, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1548] Metal Halide Bulbs - Lighting for Tomorrow?, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1549] Safety-Critical Use of the Induction Radio Band, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1550] Underground Photographer, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1551] Letters to the Editor, CREGJ 25, p?. September 1996. (PDF 8.9MB)      [74]
[1552] CREG Journal, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1553] Some Experiments in Speech Bandwidth Reduction, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1554] The D-Q Beacon Receiver - Overview, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1555] Caving Electronic Projects at University, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1556] Emergency Caving Lamp Uses LEDs, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1557] An Introduction to Data Transmission, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1558] Closed Circuit TV for Underground Use, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1559] The Talking Machine of Lamb Leer Cavern, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1560] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1561] An Optimal NiCd Charger, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1562] Spectral Optimisation of a Loop Antenna Driver, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1563] Electronics in Surveying, part 2, CREGJ 24, p?. June 1996. (PDF 6.5MB)      [53]
[1564] CREG Journal, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1565] Update - Type Approval of Modules, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1566] Literature Received, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1567] The Autumn Field Meeting, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1568] Review - Underground Photographer, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1569] Electronic Aids for Photographers, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1570] An Improved Circuit for Firing Flashbulbs, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1571] The Mogannwg Lamp, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1572] Cave Radio Design - 27kHz FM, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1573] Radio in a Box, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1574] A Slave for RALF: part 2, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1575] Optimal Charging of NiCd Cells, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1576] Earth Current / Induction Field Experiments part 4, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1577] Cheap LED Emergency Flashlight, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1578] Design Considerations for Caver Pagers, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1579] Progress on Caver Pagers, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1580] The G3TDZ Loop, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1581] 3496Hz Beacon Transmitter & Loop, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1582] Electronics in Cave Surveying, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1583] Review: Electronic Compass Modules, CREGJ 23, p?. March 1996. (PDF 7.9MB)      [53]
[1584] CREG Journal, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1585] Underground Video - MineCam, Borg & ResCam, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1586] Modelling Lamp for Cave Photography, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1587] A Slave for RALF, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1588] First Impressions of a New Cave Radio, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1589] The G3TDZ Cave Radio, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1590] Designing an 'Outphaser', CREGJ 22, pp17-21. December 1995. (PDF 992KB)     [137]
[1591] NiCd Discharge Characteristics, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1592] Literature Received, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1593] Automatic Battery Protector, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1594] The 'Standard' Caving Flash Connector, CREGJ 22, p?. December 1995. (PDF 6.9MB)      [46]
[1595] CREG Journal, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1596] The Spring '95 Field Meeting, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1597] CB Transverter Goes FM, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1598] Reception of LF and VLF Signals at Brinchcombe Level, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1599] The GB2CRO Talk-through Box, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1600] Baseband Earth Current Experiments, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1601] Earth Current / Induction Field Experiments - part 3, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1602] Power Line Interference, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1603] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1604] A Design Procedure for Transmitter Loop Antennas, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1605] Review: Fluorescent Lamp Driver, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1606] R.F. Speech Processing, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1607] The RALF Project, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1608] Bandwidth of Tuned Antenna does not Affect Performance, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1609] Update - ETSI 300 330 Signal Strength Limits, CREGJ 21, p?. September 1995. (PDF 4.3MB)      [47]
[1610] CREG Journal, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1611] The GB2CRO - GB4CRO Link-up, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1612] Talk-through Boxes, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1613] Induction Radio or Telephone?, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1614] Eavesdropping on Bats, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1615] 49MHz Radios Underground, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1616] Update - The France/Mackin Radio-location Beacon, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1617] Simplex Protocols for Cave Radios, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1618] PICs for Cave Radio Control, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1619] High Power Switching Regulator, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1620] Earth Current / Induction Field Experiments - part 2, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1621] Sodium Lamps for Caving, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1622] Update - An Ergonomic Loop Antenna, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1623] Signal/Noise Ratio - Part 1 of a Series on Receiver Noise Topics, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1624] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1625] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 20, p?. June 1995. (PDF 7.6MB)      [43]
[1626] CREG Journal, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1627] Reviews of Literature Received, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1628] The Autumn '94 Field Meeting, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1629] The Use of VHF/UHF to Help in Locating Dig Points, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1630] Earth Current / Induction Field Experiments, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1631] Collapsible VHF Yagis, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1632] A Preliminary Underground Spectrum Survey, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1633] Lithium-ion Cells, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1634] Experimenting with Capacitive Couplers for SWTs, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1635] Designing a Capacitive Coupler for an SWT, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1636] Losses in Tuning Capacitors, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1637] Experimental High-energy Flashgun, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1638] Update - Type-approved Transmitter Module, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1639] Headlite Performance Tests, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1640] Cave Radio Notebook, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1641] An Advanced Method of Soft Speech Clipping - part 2, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1642] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1643] The Proximity Effect - part 1, CREGJ 19, p?. March 1995. (PDF 6.1MB)      [41]
[1644] CREG Journal, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1645] A Directory of Cave Radio Designs, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1646] Cave Radio - the Next Generation, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1647] Speech Communications at 27kHz FM, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1648] An Advanced Method of Speech Clipping, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1649] Licence-free Home-construction of Induction Radio Equipment, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1650] Type Approval News, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1651] Broadening our Horizons, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1652] Sites for Testing Cave Radios at Depth, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1653] Designing an SSB Transmitter Module, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1654] Update on Cave Data Logging, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1655] Reviews, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1656] Experiments with Earth Current, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1657] Experiments with Audio Bandwidth Reduction, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1658] Update, CREGJ 18, p?. December 1994. (PDF 6.7MB)      [42]
[1659] CREG Journal, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1660] The South Wales Field Meeting, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1661] VHF/UHF Radio in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1662] The Greensites Resistivity Meter, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1663] Earth Return Telephones - Is a Good Connection Needed?, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1664] GB4CRO - The World's First Underground Amateur Radio Station, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1665] An Introduction to Earth current Communication, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1666] An Ergonomic Loop Antenna, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1667] Ferrite Rods as Transmitting Antennas, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1668] Transverter Modifications for UK's CB 27/81 CB Rigs, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1669] A Radio Locator for the Trogbox, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1670] Forthcoming Changes to Induction Radio Licence Specifications, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1671] A 200J Flashgun, CREGJ 17, p?. September 1994. (PDF 8.2MB)      [49]
[1672] CREG Journal, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1673] A Toroidal Loop Antenna, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1674] The Trogbox, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1675] Water Tracing with VLF Radio, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1676] Locating Cavities Using Microgravity Techniques, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1677] A More Accurate Dipole Field Pattern, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1678] AM Radio Reception in Caves, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1679] Single and 2-wire Phones on the Same Cable, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1680] Questionnaire for Rescue Groups, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1681] Accuracy of Ultrasonic & Optical Rangefinders, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1682] Alkaline Cell Failure, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1683] Earth Current Signalling in White Scar, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1684] The Caves of Thunder Radios, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1685] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1686] A High Performance Flashgun Slave, CREGJ 16, p?. June 1994. (PDF 7.7MB)      [41]
[1687] CREG Journal, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1688] The November Field Meeting, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1689] CB Transverters - an Attractive Route to Cave Radio?, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1690] Experiments with VHF Radio in Caves, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1691] Earth Return Telephones - is a Good Earth Needed?, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1692] FX Pipe Lamp Revisited, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1693] The Dowsing Welly, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1694] Driving an Untuned Loop Antenna, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1695] Wet & Dry - Engineering a Cave Radio, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1696] CB Radios for Expedition Use, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1697] Penetration of Magnetic Fields Underground, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1698] Ferrite Rods as Transmitting Antennas, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1699] A Caver Counter, CREGJ 15, p?. March 1994. (PDF 6.3MB)      [41]
[1700] CREG Journal, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1701] Update, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1702] Practical Earth Return Telephone Design, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1703] Inductaphones and Conductaphones, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1704] Theoretical Considerations for a Low Noise Pre-amp, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1705] Earth Current Communications, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1706] Designing a Low-noise Receiver Pre-amp, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1707] Flashgun Slaves for Flashbulbs, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1708] Introduction to Radio Location, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1709] FX2s and PVC Drain Pipe, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1710] Penetration of Magnetic Fields Underground, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1711] Expected Values of Atmospheric Radio Noise, CREGJ 14, p?. December 1993. (PDF 5.9MB)      [101]
[1712] CREG Journal, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1713] Update, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1714] The CREG May Field Meeting, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1715] The Water Icicle Close Cavern Biolocation Exercise, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1716] Practical Earth Return Telephone Design, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1717] Wet & Dry, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1718] Earth Current Communications, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1719] Radio Location Demonstration at Water Icicle Close Cavern, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1720] A Low-noise Earth Return Telephone, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1721] VLF Licence Regulations Explained, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1722] VLF Amateur Allocation, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1723] A Multi-drop Earth Return Telephone, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1724] Preview to Optimum Frequency part 3, CREGJ 13, p?. September 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [49]
[1725] CREG Journal, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1726] Update, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1727] Theoretical Considerations for a Low Noise Pre-amp, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1728] A New Technique for Speech Signal Enhancement, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1729] VLF Transverter for CB Radio, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1730] An Electronic Cave Surveying Instrument, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1731] The State of Cave Surveyors, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1732] Waterproof Housings & Components, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1733] Loop Antenna Construction, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1734] Circuit Simulation using PSPICE, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1735] The Optimal Design of a Cave Radio, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1736] Which is the Best Frequency for Cave Radios?, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1737] An Introduction to Induction Cave Radio, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1738] A NiCd Charger and Conditioner, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1739] A Solar Powered Battery Charger, CREGJ 12, p?. June 1993. (PDF 8.8MB)      [48]
[1740] CREG Journal, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1741] Update, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1742] Computers Underground, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1743] Extending Battery Duration by Heating, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1744] Which is the Best Frequency for Cave Radio?, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1745] Guide-wire Communications Review, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1746] Choosing a Battery Voltage, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1747] Ferrite Rods as Receiving Antennas, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1748] How Long Should a Wire Antenna Be?, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1749] Photography with a Bang, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1750] Biasing Op-amps for Single-supply Circuits, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1751] SURVEY V1.2 Cave Surveying Software for PC Compatibles, CREGJ 11, p?. March 1993. (PDF 6.0MB)      [47]
[1752] CREG Journal, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1753] Update, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1754] Geophysical Cave Detection, part 2, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1755] A High-performance Flashgun Slave, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1756] A Bit of Flash Gear, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1757] The State of Cave Surveying, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1758] Cave Radio PA Design and a Digital PWM DSB Modulator, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1759] Radio Initiation of Detonators, CREGJ 10, p?. December 1992. (PDF 5.4MB)      [51]
[1760] CREG Journal, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1761] The Spring 1992 CREG Symposium, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1762] Emitter Tracks Cave Cracks, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1763] The Watsonlinc, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1764] Results of Bosch Drill Battery Duration Tests, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1765] How to Lose the Guarantee on your Bosch Drill and Related Horror Stories, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1766] A Very Big Flashgun, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1767] No-nonsense NiCd Charging, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1768] A Battery Discharger, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1769] Global Positioning Underground, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1770] An Aluminium Tape Antenna, CREGJ 9, p?. September 1992. (PDF 5.2MB)      [41]
[1771] CREG Journal, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1772] Cave Detection with rho, sigma, mu, epsilon Part 2, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1773] Footnote on Optimal Cave Radio Design, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1774] Modulation Methods and Signal/Noise Ratio, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1775] SSB Modulation Review, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1776] Project Greensites, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1777] Geophysical Techniques for Cave Detection, Part 1, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1778] Expedition Radio, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1779] Navigational Aids for Cave Surveyors, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1780] GIS, KIS and Fractals - the Xanadu Effect, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1781] A Digital DSB/AM Modulator - Introduction, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1782] Subsurface Interface Radar, CREGJ 8, p?. June 1992. (PDF 4.8MB)      [45]
[1783] CREG Journal, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1784] Phased-array Sonar for Rangefinding, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1785] UK VLF Licence Regulations, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1786] Optimal Design of a Cave Radio, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1787] Lighting: The Aven Explorer, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1788] Cave Detection with rho, sigma, mu, epsilon. Part 1, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1789] Are Q-Multipliers Any Use for Cave Radio, CREGJ 7, p?. March 1992. (PDF 1.6MB)      [42]
[1790] CREG Journal, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1791] Field Pattern of a Small Magnetic Dipole, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1792] A Guide-Wire Communications System, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1793] Digestive Biscuits, FX2s and Abseiling, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1794] Tips for Using Ni-Cd Cells, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1795] Notes on a Laser Gyrocompass, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1796] Accuracy Problems in Ultrasonic and Light-beam Rangefinders, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1797] Improving Directivity in Ultrasonic Rangefinders, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1798] A Laser Rangefinder, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1799] How Big Should a Loop Antenna Be?, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1800] Uniform Survey Data, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1801] Reviews, CREGJ 6, p?. December 1991. (PDF 2.9MB)      [44]
[1802] CREG Newsletter 5, CREGJ 5, p?. Autumn 1991. (PDF 730KB)      [38]
[1803] CREG Newsletter 4, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1804] Smaller Batteries Can Improve Loop Antenna Performance, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1805] Component News, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1806] Portasol Gas Soldering Iron, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1807] Review, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1808] Computers in Surveying, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1809] Pannikins Cave Diving Rescue, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1810] Rechargeable Batteries, CREGJ 4, p?. Summer 1989. (PDF 2.6MB)      [37]
[1811] CREG Newsletter 3, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1812] Bosch Drills, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1813] Number of Turns has no Effect on Loop Antenna Performance, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1814] Dryfit Battery Charger, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1815] Circuit Ideas - Ultrasonic Rangefinding, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1816] Software Listing, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1817] Review - Speleonics 11, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1818] Feedback, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1819] Terminations for Ribbon Aerials, CREGJ 3, p?. Spring 1989. (PDF 2.8MB)      [43]
[1820] CREG Newsletter 2, CREGJ 2, p?. Winter 1988. (PDF 3.4MB)      [22]
[1821] SMAPS Survey Software, CREGJ 2, p?. Winter 1988. (PDF 3.4MB)      [22]
[1822] Scientific Cave Location, CREGJ 2, p?. Winter 1988. (PDF 3.4MB)      [22]
[1823] Ferrite Ring Cores, CREGJ 2, p?. Winter 1988. (PDF 3.4MB)      [22]
[1824] Sonic Tape Measures Tested, CREGJ 2, p?. Winter 1988. (PDF 3.4MB)      [22]
[1825] Cave Air Flow Detection, CREGJ 2, p?. Winter 1988. (PDF 3.4MB)      [22]
[1826] CREG Newsletter 1, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1827] Magnetometer for Cave Detection, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1828] The Autohelm, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1829] AMRAD Cave Radio, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1830] A Cry for Help, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1831] Electronic Tape Measures, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1832] Speleonics, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1833] Sulphation of Lead Acid Batteries, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1834] A Bibliography of Underground Communications, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]
[1835] Auto Slave Flash, CREGJ 1, p?. Autumn 1988. (PDF 2.7MB)      [19]

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DEVELOPMENT NOTE: If you think something odd is happening, try forcing a page refresh by typing (probably) CTRL-SHIFT-R - but check your browser documentation. Reason: Your browser might be relying on old cached copies of JS or CSS files that have been modified recently, during development, but which your browser has decided not to download. Browsers are capricious like that.

  1. Plain Text Searches
  2. Wildcard Searches
  3. Boolean Searches
  4. Regular Expression Searches
  5. The Search Algorithms
  6. Regex Conversions
  1. Plain Text Searches

    What you type is what is searched for, but please note the following exceptions...

    • When you submit your search expression, any space characters are converted to underscores (_) for on-screen clarity. This means that you cannot search for an underscore using a plain text search.
    • Similarly, < and > are converted to underscore. This is to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. This conversion means that you cannot search for < or >.
    • Spaces (and underscores) in your search expression are interpreted as matching any number of consecutive spaces. This is so that your search will not be spoiled if the database accidentally happens to contain two spaces between words. You can change this behaviour using the checkbox in Advanced Settings, above.
    • In a plain text search, you cannot search for non-7-bit ascii characters (e.g. accented characters and symbols such as ±½²³). These are stored in the database as HTML Character Entities and - if you need to find them - you should use a wildcard search.
    • The database contains HTML tags and Character Entities. Your search will look inside these items, because it is faster not to exclude them, but this could lead to strange results. You can change this behaviour using the checkboxs in Advanced Settings for Do not search inside HTML tags and Do not search inside Character Entities. You can also avoid the display of strangely-formatted results by selecting the option Do not tag matched text.
  2. Wildcard Searches

    A Wildcard search works like a Plain Text search but, additionally...

    • In a wildcard search the characters ? and * have a special meaning. ? matches a single character; * matches a string of any characters, but is prioritised to be as short as possible.
    • In other respects this search is the same as a plain text search.
    • For the wildcard *, "As short as possible" means that if the string being searched was, for example, "electric field and magnetic field" then the search term elec*field would match "electric field" rather than "electric field and magnetic field").
  3. Boolean Searches

    Not yet implemented, but you may be able to achieve a similar result with an appropriate Regular Expression.

    A Boolean search allows you to combine Wildcard search strings with the logical operators NOT, AND, OR, XOR and IMP (IMPLIES), and to group them with parentheses, ( and ).

    • XOR is the EXCLUSIVE OR operator, which is equivalent to (aaa AND NOT bbb) or (bbb AND NOT aaa).
    • IMP is the IMPLIES operator, where A IMP B is equivalent to B OR NOT A.
    • In this implementation, the search string and the operators must each be separated by one or more spaces but you can still use spaces inside your search strings. If you need to use a space at the beginning or end of your search string you should enter it as an underscore instead. (See note on spaces in the Plain Text Search notes above).
    • You cannot use ( or ) in your search string unless you select the adanced option Allow ( and ) inside Boolean search strings. If you select that option you must ensure, if you also use ( and ) to group your search expressions, that you separate these 'group separators' from the search strings and the other operators using spaces
    • You can use the operator keywords (AND, OR, etc) in your search string, provided they are not bounded by spaces.
    • Unlike some Boolean searches, this one does not execute with a simple left-to-right evaluation. Instead, the operators have a presidence ranking which, in high-to-low order, is NOT, AND & IMP, OR & XOR. As an example, aaa ddd OR bbb AND ccc would execute as aaa ddd OR ( bbb AND CCC ) rather then the left-to-right execution of ( aaa ddd OR bbb ) AND ccc.
    • For a Boolean search, each search term is matched by a separate parse of the database, so a complex search with many search strings could be slow.
    • Because of the structure of the database, a Boolean search is potentially more likely than a Plain Text search to produce strangely-formatted results. You can avoid this by selecting the option Do not tag matched text
  4. Regular Expression Searches

    Unlike Plain Text, Wildcard and Boolean searches, your search string is interpreted directly, as a Regular Expression - but see the note on spaces, below.

    • Regular Expression searches use PHP-style expressons (which are PCRE-based).
    • Your search string is delimited using / characters. If you include a / character in your search string, it will be escaped with \.
    • The mode modifier i will be appended if you have specified a case-insensitive search.
    • When you submit your search expression it is trimmed to remove leading and trailing spaces so, to search for such a space you should use the RegEx syntax \s

    Regular Expression (RegEx) searches are very powerful, but they are only suitable for experts. In particular, you may need to know something about the database structure in order to use a regular expression to best advantage. You can do some advanced searches using RegExs. Examples...

    • To to locate all non-7-bit printable ascii characters, which need to be converted to HTML entities, use the search expression [^\s!-~]
    • To locate any & characters that have not been entered as an HTML entity &amp;, use the search expression &(?!.{0,6}?(;|=))
    • To locate all HTML Character Entities, use the search expression &#?\w+?;
    • < and > are converted to underscore before the search expression is executed. This is to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. This conversion means that you cannot search for < or >.
  5. The Search Algorithms

    The Titles and Abstracts are searched separately. The search scores as a hit if...

    • The search string was found in the Title AND Search Titles was selected, OR...
    • The search string was found in the Abstract AND Search Abstracts was selected

    Clicking the Negate the Search Result box causes the result of the above logical test be inverted. This means that if you elect to search Titles AND Abstracts then, to be scored a hit, the search term must not appear in either.

    Entries in the database are in HTML-compatible text. That is, they include escaped 'Character Entities' and HTML tags (in particular the Anchor tag). For speed, your search will look inside tags and entities, but this can lead to strange results. For searches other than RegExs, you have the option to exclude tags and entities from the search by using the checkboxs in Advanced Settings for Do not search inside HTML tags and Do not search inside Character Entities. You can also avoid the display of strangely-formatted results by selecting the option Do not tag matched text.

    A couple of examples will illustrate this...

    1. If you do a plain text search for hp your search will include matches within the string phpBB that appears inside some HTML tags. If you click on such a result, the hyperlink will not work because the matched string has been replaced by HTML code to display the match in red.
    2. If you do a plain text search for cut your search will include matches within the string acute that appears inside some Character Entities. The matched string will be replaced by HTML code to display the match in red, so it will not longer function correctly as a Character Entity, and will display as (e.g.) &eacute; instead of é.

    Some further technical details...

    1. Inside a tag means "inside the < and > symbols"; not what appears inbetween a start tag and its matched end tag. Do not search inside... is interpreted as meaning a search string must not finish inside a tag (or entity). That is clearly not exactly what the description implies, and you cannot (easily) search for a string that encompasses an HTML tag. It would be possible to strip the tags out before searching - and this might be a future option.
    2. In the database, the Titles are followed by the page numbers in parentheses. A Title Search does not search the page numbers.
    3. References to the CREG Forum. Title records can contain a reference to the CREG Forum. Search for cregf to display these records. Technical Spec. Titles can contain text like [cregf:viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1203]. The text after 'cregf' is removed from the Title before it is searched or displayed. The text after ':' is appended to 'http://british-caving.org.uk/phpBB3/' to form the URL. The phrase must begin '[cregf' and end with ']'.

    For a search other than a Regular Expression search, your search string, and any options you specify, are converted into the approrpiate regular expression which is then used for the search. A list of the conversion operations applied to non-RegEx searches is given in RegEx Conversions, below. For a regular expression search, you are expected to specify the search string precisely, including any arcane terms to tailor the search to work a particular way.

    Boolean searches have a more complicated algorithm than the other types of search, which proceeds as follows.

    • Unless you have selected the option to Allow ( and ) inside Boolean search strings your search text is searched and all instances of ( and ) will have spaces inserted before and after them.
    • The search string is then parsed and separated into 'tokens', using 'space' as a delimiter. Each token thus represent a search string (or part of a search string) or an operator. If you have selected the option to Allow ( and ) inside Boolean search strings you must ensure that all uses of ( and ) outside a search expression have a space before and after them.
    • The tokens are then examined, in turn. If a token matches an operator exactly then it is treated as an operator, else it is treated as a string. Two adjacent tokens that are both strings are joined together into a single string, with a single space between them. The sequence of tokens is checked for syntax errors.
    • The search expression is re-ordered into Reverse Polish Notation that computer languages use internally to process expressions. additionally, this takes into account rules of operator presidence.
    • The search expression is then parsed for a fourth time, converting each search string into a regular expression as described under Wildcard searches, above, and RegEx Conversions, below.
    • Additionally, the individual search terms are combined into a single regular expression, $match, using an OR syntax, which is saved for later use, should there be a match.
    • The complete parsed and processed search expression is then displayed (as a debugging aid) and passed to the search engine.
    • The search engine examines and executes each token in turn, placing the logical result of the operation on a stack.
    • If the option Negate the search result has been specified the logical result of the search is inverted.
    • If the result is TRUE then the result is prepared for outputting to the screen.
    • Unless the option Do not tag matched text has been selected, the $match expression assembled earlier is used to modify the printable result to highlight all the search terms.
  6. RegEx Conversions

    Plain Text searches

    Plain-text searches are converted to Regular Expressions before the search is executed. The sequence of operations is as follows.

    • Spaces are converted to underscores before the expression is submitted
    • < and > are converted to underscore.
    • All characters that have a special meaning in RegExs are escaped with \
    • The characters & " £ are replaced with their HTML entities
    • _ is replaced with /s+ so that the search matches a string of spaces. This behaviour can be modified by an Advanced Setting
    • Hyphen is replaced by (\-|&ndash;) so that the search matches a hyphen or an en-dash. This behaviour can be modified by an Advanced Setting
    • If you specified Match Whole Words then the RegEx is bounded by the metacharacter \b for 'word boundary'
    • If you specified Do not search inside HTML tags the RegEx phrase (?![^<]*?>) is appended to your search so that matches inside an HTML tag are ignored.
    • If you specified Do not search inside Character Entities the RegEx phrase(?![^&]*?;;) is appended to your search so that matches inside an HTML entity are ignored. For this to work, the database is temporarily altered to replace the single terminating ; of an Entity, by ;;. This apparent 'botch' is considered the simplest way of performing the match, because the alternative method of using a RegEx lookbehind function is tediously long-winded.
    • If you did not specify Match Case then the mode modifier i is appended to the regular expression, for 'case-insensitive matching'

    Wildcard and Boolean searches

    All the above, plus...
    • The wildcard ? is replaced by (.|&#?\w+?;) so that it matches any single character or a Character Entity
    • The wildcard * is replaced by .*? to specify a search for a string of any characters, but one which is prioritised to be as short as possible.

    RegEx searches

    • The / character, which has a special meaning in a RegEx is escaped with \
    • If you did not specify Match Case then the mode modifier i is appended to the Regular Expression, for 'case-insensitive matching'

 Some Preset Searches

Some special searches

The following list is intended mostly for 'debugging', but feel free to try them.

 Known Issues / Things to Do

Software Issues

  • The Special Searches for double-quotes and &amp-in-tags doesnt populate the search box properly, although the search works. Something to do with the unbalanced or unescaped quotation marks or entities not being properly escaped in URLs ... whatever.

Database Issues

  • Page numbers: are not given for the earlier journals - the database needs updating
  • 8-bit characters: in the database need replacing with Character Entities
  • Tagging of Authors: From j99, authors' names are tagged with <SPAN CLASS="author">. This should be extended back through all issues.
  • Some HTML tags could be replaced by entities: Consider replacing HTML tags for <sup> with entities, or improve regEx so that it searches them as it would an entity. Related: why do I not use <sup> in CKS database; but use CSS instead?
  • Articles containing corrections and updates. Check whether searching for "corrections" brings up all published corrections. Check Julie's database for this. Also, check her notes of 'associated articles' to see if it can be incorporated, and a special search for "updates, corrections and related articles" introduced, perhaps?

Future Development

  • Consider translating 8-bit chars in Search String to HTML entities. Or, at least, flagging them to user and suggesting he use a wildcard
  • Add Booleans. Use a presidence stack to convert to RP.
  • Finish debugging the new feature that puts tabs between title items, and extend it to all listings. This feature is not yet advertised to the user.
  • Consider adding option to strip HTML tags before searching
  • Consider changing code so that the "Using RegEx" text isnt put in the SPAN "searchReport" innerHTML until the search is complete. This is just to tidy the HTML output and make it easier to debug
  • Change database files - we no longer need lo list all the links, now that covers.php handles this. Still handy to list the links to raw data files I suppose - or do that via a query string, e.g. mode=raw

Additions, Bugs, Corrections (not necessarily a complete list)

  • 12-Nov-2017 Version 0v11: Bug correction: Ampersand not converting to Entity in Plain Text search. Correction made to search.php; forgot that & is not converted by preg_quote()
  • 12-Nov-2017 Version 0v11: Layout change: Added <SPAN CLASS="keepTogether"> to keep INPUT items on same line as their text, in list of search options. This necessitated adding a parentNode clause in their ONCLICKS. Updated /pub/popup.css
  • 12-Nov-2017 Version 0v11:New Feature: Added Do not search inside Character Entities by using a 'botch' - see ;; above. This seems the simplest way to do it though, because lookbehind (for matching the opening & of an Entity) requires a fixed length search term.
  • 14-Nov-2017 Version 0v13: Documentation: revised notes for Boolean operations (although they are still not implemented). Program: various changes to comments in search.html and format_creg.php. Moved PHP error handling into separate function ( for which see test mechanism at the end of printdata()).
  • 14-Nov-2017 Version 0v15: HTML: added #results to submitted FORM so that it jumps down to start of results when search is complete. Also added popup info box (position: fixed) that duplicates the info in "Results of Search", and which disappears when results are complete. This makes it easier to inspect the regex (as displayed) during a long or buggy search.
  • 15-Nov-2017 Version 0v16: HTML: added notes on boolean searches. Added feature to limit search to a range of years.
  • 16-Nov-2017 Version 0v17: Corrected bug due to accidentally wiped code in format_creg for handling title and abs checkboxes. Updated 'years' facility to give default string '(All)' and to move some operations out of the For loop in printallData
  • 20-Nov-2017 Version 0v19: Searches for 'cregf' string now handled better. This required a change to the database structure. See References to the CREG Forum, in the Help notes above.
  • 21-Nov-2017 Version 0v19 Documentation: revised
  • 27-Nov-2017 Version 0v21 __search updated. Contents.php edited to show links to local copies of PDFs when run under localhost. format_creg updated for stripping of HTML pre-amble and adding new pre-amble if it does not exist. Modified .htaccess and contents.php to give new format for representing links to data. Updated pub/popup.css.
  • 27-Nov-2017 Version 0v21 Documentation: update to pub/dataformat and to database.html
  • 28-Nov-2017 Version 0v22 Layout changes to search.html. Added showDOI. Added reset date to tooltip for downloads counter. Added tabs to separate title items. See further work
  • 30-Nov-2017 Version 0v23 Version number is now PHP variable. Added logging of search requests. Associated changes to docstore log files
  • 30-Nov-2017 Version 0v24 Sandbox handling corrected for searches.
  • 03-Dec-2017 Version 0v25 Format updating now also includes conversion to HTML Entities, but these features are only enabled at Localhost, because of file permission and character set issues. Further corrections to data files, for HTML entities - both 8-bit chars and one file with rogue double-quots
  • 04-Dec-2017 Version 0v26 Corrected contents.php to remove bad type conversion when testing for 'cregf', which was preventing CKS from finding 000 files. Changed covers.php to display new unique URLs instead of query strings. Changed name of search Text Box in this file, to deter bots; renamed $v box to 'search' to use as a flag, to avoid needing to update other files. Amended search.*, log_search* and fetch_logs accordingly.
  • 08-Dec-2017 Version 0v27 Preset searches for development changed to use ONMOUSEOVER to build URL, so search engines cannot follow the links. Added notes about searching for authors via authors.html
  • 08-Dec-2017 Version 0v28 < and > are now converted to underscore before any other processing. This is to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. This conversion means that you cannot search for < or >. In practice, it would be OK to search for < and > in a plain text search, so I might alter this behaviour again later.

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To Search our pages using Google, type a search string in the box at the top of the page and hit your Return key

You can also search our publications catalogue at the British Caving Library

The CREG Journal Search Engine is a new, powerful search engine which will, sometime, be extended to cover Cave & Karst Science.

We have a keyword search facility on our Cave Science Indexes pages but this may be rather out-of-date.

For staff use: Link to Database

Show/Hide download figures next to each item (if available and non-zero; you might need to refresh page first). Counters last reset on Thu 03-Jan-2019 17:29:28 +00:00. The figures are non-unique click-throughs.

Users please note: that, for debugging purposes, all search requests are logged. The logged data includes the client IP address as reported to our web server.

Development notes to self: Reminder: files are in /bookshop/, pub/cregj/ and/pub/php/ run at BCRA | run at Localhost | location.reload(true)


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