Cyclic Single-Track Gray Codes

Demo for CREGJ 118 — For file last-saved date see footer.

This demonstration accompanies the article in CREG journal 118, Position Encoder Uses Single-Track Gray Code: Part 2, by David Gibson.

The article in the CREG journal cites and its link to the paper... Etzion, Tuvi; Paterson, Kenneth G. (1996). Near Optimal Single-Track Gray Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. IT-42 (3): 779-789. CiteSeerX doi:10.1109/18.490544. That paper is available at /files/2016/02/P36.pdf (Accessed 30-Nov-2021). A local copy is also available here.

This document is still in preparation and will be placed online as soon as possible. (Announcement dated 1 October 2022)

Corrections to article: Appendix 2 on page 22 of CREGJ 118 contains some errors. A corrected version will be placed online as soon as possible. (Announcement dated 1 October 2022)

/pub/cregj/more/j118/gray_code_index.html, last modified Mon, 03 Oct 2022 16:36:34 +0100. Server: (