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Newsletter Archive

We no longer issue newsletters on paper. Our previous paper newsletters, from 2020 back to 2003, are archived online and can be downloaded from this page.

We started using Mailman for our Notices emailing list in June 2013. (The monthly 'News' subject headings began in January 2014). These messages are stored in our Mailman archive – see heading below.

Click/Tap a link or scroll on down.


We have now decided not to issue any further newsletters on paper. We email information via our Notices E-List to subscribers, and the info is copied to our News Forum and our board at ukcaving.com. News items are increasingly being posted to our Facebook account.


No paper newsletter published in 2019. News items are increasingly being posted to our Facebook account.


A very brief newsletter was posted to members in September 2018. It was essentially only a notice about the AGM.


A very brief newsletter was posted to members in September 2017. It was essentially only a notice about the AGM.


BCRA Newsletter, October 2016 (2 MB)Opens in new window or tab


BCRA Newsletter, October 2015.

BCA Online News: In 2015, The British Caving Association announced that it would cease to produce paper newsletters and would, instead, produce an online newssheet. It hopes to be able to email these to members in the near future. To read the newssheets go to the BCA web site and follow the links.


BCRA Newsletter, September 2014.

BCRA Newsletter (postcard), May 2014. This download includes an A5 PDF of the poster (right). This is a low-resolution file, but it contains embedded vector fonts, so it should scale to A4 or A3 without loss of text quality. If you would like a higher-resolution version (size A4 or A3), or a hi-res JPG format file, or if you would like to be sent some printed A3 posters, please contact the secretary.


BCA Newsletter 16, with BCRA Supplement, January 2013

BCRA Supplement to BCA Newsletter 17, August 2013 | BCA Newsletter 17


No newsletters were issued in 2012.


Supplement to BCA newsletter 15, November 2011

BCRA Newsletter & AGM Notice, August 2011, with enclosed Membership Survey | online version

Supplement to BCA newsletter 14, June 2011


BCRA Newsletter & AGM Notice, September 2010

Supplement to BCA newsletter 13, June 2010


Supplement to BCA newsletter 11, May 2009

Supplement to BCRA AGM notice, August 2009

Supplement to BCA newsletter 12, December 2009


Please note that these newsletters contain information on membership fees, benefits and insurance that is now out-of-date. Additionally, some hyperlinks may not work, as they refer to web pages that have been withdrawn because they have become obsolete.

Follow links for HTML and PDF versions of newsletters 6 to 9...

Follow links for PDF versions of newsletters 1 to 5...

Mailman Archive (2013–present)

Our Mailman archive can be found at The Notices Archives. Access is restricted to members of the Notices mailing list so, if you are not a subscriber you will need to subscribe first – see BCRA Newsletters.

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/news/news-archive.html was last modified on Fri, 05 May 2023 10:26:52 +0100