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Cave Science Information

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  • The most recent item to be published was #3
  • Database last updated on Sun, 13 Mar 2022 11:41:11 +0000

These are two samples of our intended series of information sheets on cave science. These were published in 2022, but the project is 'on hold' at the moment. And because these are just demo samples, you may notice a few glitches or unfinished sections.

Contents of Cave Science Information Series #2

Cave Science Information Series (1pp)
WHITE, Jo (ed.). (2022). Cave Science Information Series 2. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. Free download. No ISSN. 1pp, A4 digital file.
This issue was published in March 2022.
Information Sheets on Cave Science Topics
What is that shiny gold and silver stuff on the cave walls (p1) (PDF 1.6MB)     
by Jo WHITE.
Summary to be added.
Date: Published online 1 March 2022.
Keywords: to be added.

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BCRA is a UK registered charity and is a constituent body of the British Caving Association, undertaking charitable activities on behalf of the BCA.

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British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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