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BCRA Premier Trophy

The Premier Trophy is so named because the trophy is a replica of the millionth lamp manufactured by the Premier Lamp Engineering Co Ltd in Leeds in January 1950. It is awarded as the top prize in BCRA's annual Photo Salon, at the Hidden Earth conference. The winner is awarded a cash prize (currently £100) and will have their name engraved on the trophy, which is stored at the British Caving Library.

For a list of winners of the other prizes in the Photo Salon, please refer to the Hidden Earth Archive. The rules of the competition can be found on the Hidden Earth pages.

List of Winners

1975 J.R. Wooldridge
1976 John Forder
1977 Paul Deakin
1978 J.J Rowland
1979 Chris Howes LRPS
1980 D Irons
1981 Chris Howes ARPS
1982 Chris Howes FRPS
1983 Martin Hicks
1984 Gavin Newman
1985 Simon Fowler
1986 Phil Miller
1987 Richard Weston
1988 Peter Bolt
1989 J.R. Wooldridge
1990 no award
1991 G Barker
1992 Tim Guilford
1993 Tim Guilford
1994 Adrian Gregory
1995 Philip Latham
1996 Chris Howes
1997 Chris Howes
1998 Jerry Wooldridge FRPS
1999 Chris Howes
2000 Gavin Newman
2001 Andy Jackson
2002 Andy Morse
2003 Chris Howes
2004 Dave Ryall
2005 Robbie Shone
2006 Robbie Shone
2007 Robbie Shone
2008 Rob Eavis
2009 Dave Ryall
2010 Richard Tooley 
2011 Mark Shinwell
2012 Chris Howes
2013 Robbie Shone
2014 Chris Howes
2015 Mark Burkey
2016 Mark Burkey
2017 Chris Howes
2018 Jeff Wade
2019 Chris Howes
2020–2022 no award (Covid) 
2023 Chris Howes 

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/detail/awards.premier-trophy.html was last modified on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:44:12 +0000