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Arthur Butcher Award

The Arthur Butcher Award is presented by the BCRA for, broadly speaking, "excellence in cave surveying". It was first awarded in 1988. It comprises a cash prize of £100 plus a trophy, which is stored at the British Caving Library. This award is usually presented at the Hidden Earth annual conference.

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The judging panel will meet annually to discuss contending work of which they are aware. To be sure that the judges know of your work, individuals and caving clubs should bring their work to the attention of the judges. For a cave survey, you can easily do this by displaying it on your club stand at the conference, or you can create a poster describing your work. If, however, you want other work to be considered , such as a report or publication on a surveying topic, or other more general achievements, then you should contact either the BCRA Chairman or the Cave Surveying Group. BCRA is aware that there a number of excellent cave surveyors "out there" as well as several innovative projects to do with cave surveying. The judges can interpret the rules broadly, but they cannot recognised your achievements unless they know about them.

As well as the list of winners given below, please refer to Hidden Earth Archive.


The rules were originally cited in Caves & Caving 87, p50 (Spring/Summer 2000) [History: Rules revised 1997 & 1999. See also Caves & Caving No. 41 (1988) and 60 (1993)]. The rules originally required the winner to be a BCRA member but this has been waived.

From 2018, the award judges have been following a guideline that this award shall only be made in years where an exceptional contribution to cave surveying is identified.

  1. The Award will be made at the National Conference ...
    • ... to any one person or a nominated person from a group of surveyors, club or expedition.
    • ... for any one survey map, series of survey maps, report or publication on a cave survey or surveying topic; or for effort put into cave surveying by an individual or group; or for any other achievement relating to cave surveying that the judges consider warrants recognition.
    • ... by a panel of three judges approved by BCRA Council.
  2. The judges will award the trophy called the "Arthur Butcher Award" and any other prizes which from time to time may be donated for that purpose.
  3. Nominations for the Award (e.g. for a report or publication on a surveying topic, or other more general achievement) should be made in advance. The judges will also consider any cave map, published information etc., that is displayed at the National Conference. They will take into account a range of factors: effort and enthusiasm will be considered alongside skill, accuracy and presentation.
  4. A copy of the award-winning material shall, if appropriate, be retained in the BCRA library.

Previous Winners

British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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