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Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales

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Latest update...

Volume 2 of this book has now been published on paper. It is intended that the chapters of Volume 1 and Volume 2 will be made available online before stocks of the printed books run out. The online chapters of Volume 2 will be revised and updated when significant new explorations make that appropriate. Meanwhile, three items are online and can be downloaded from the links below.

The Outline file is a free download that lists the contents in detail and also includes the index. Chapter 24 is presented as a sample of the chapters in Volume 2, and is a free download for members of BCRA. Chapter 25 is made available as a free download for everyone and as a contribution towards understanding of the karst geomorphology of the Malham area, which attracts wider interest from non-cavers.

Read the original publicity page for these books.

The editors would like to thank all the authors and photographers for their contributions to this project over the past five and more years.

Tony Waltham and Dave Lowe, November 2017

List of Contents

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Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales (Volume 1)
by Tony WALTHAM and David LOWE (eds.)

WALTHAM, Tony and David LOWE (eds.) (2013). Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales (Volume 1) . Buxton: British Cave Research Association. £15.00 post free. ISBN 978-0-900265-46-4 (softback), 978-0-900265-47-1 (hardback). viii + 256pp, A4, all in colour, with 165 maps and diagrams, 49 tables, and 354 photographs.

A reference work for everyone from academic geographers to dedicated cave explorers

This book - in two volumes - presents an overview of all aspects of the great cave systems and spectacular karst landforms in the limestone terrain of the Yorkshire Dales. Thirty-one authors, all experts in their fields, have produced authoritative and up-to-date texts, which have been drawn together by editors Tony Waltham and David Lowe, each of whom has extensive experience of the Dales, both above and below ground. Volume One, published in 2013, contains all the overview chapters covering individual aspects of the geomorphology, speleology and science relevant to the Yorkshire Dales. Volume Two, published in 2017, contains chapters that describe the major caves and a regional overview for each of 17 areas within and around the Yorkshire Dales karst. The book is aimed at anyone with a serious interest in the Dales, and that will include everyone from the academic geographers to the dedicated cave explorers.

The chapters in Volume One are not currently available online. To order a copy of the book on paper, please go to the BCRA Bookshop page

Ch. 1: The Yorkshire Dales
by Tony WALTHAM and David LOWE.
Ch. 2: Geology of the Limestones
by Colin WATERS and David LOWE.
Ch. 3: Glaciation and Quaternary Evolution
by Wishart MITCHELL.
Ch. 4: Karst Geomorphology
by Tony WALTHAM.
Ch. 5: Limestone Pavements
by Simon WEBB.
Ch. 6: Travertine and Tufa
Ch. 7: Cave Geomorphology
by Tony WALTHAM and Phil MURPHY.
Ch. 8: Geological Influences on the Caves
by David LOWE.
Ch. 9: Hydrogeology of the Karst
by John GUNN and Simon BOTTRELL.
Ch. 10: Chronology of the Caves
by Alf LATHAM and Derek FORD.
Ch. 11: Speleothems and Palaeoclimates
by Tim ATKINSON and Phil HOPLEY.
Ch. 12: Holocene Environments
by Margaret ATHERDEN.
Ch. 13: Cave Biology
by Graham PROUDLOVE.
Ch. 14: Bats in the Caves
by John ALTRINGHAM and Anita GLOVER.
Ch. 15: Cave Palaeontology
by Terry O'CONNOR and Tom LORD.
Ch. 16: Cave Archaeology
by Tom LORD and John HOWARD.

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