If you are looking for information on BCRA's range of Cave Science Datasets, apart from the Cave Science Centre data, specifically; then please navigate to Cave Science Datasets.
The public facing web-page for the Cave Science Centre is at cave-science.org.uk. Other places to go are listed below.
The page you are reading now is a collection of technical notes and references, which may not be fully up-to-date. Enquiries should be made to Andi Smith in the first instance, or to David Gibson if they are regarding the functionality of these web pages. See BCRA's Contacting Us page for a list of contacts.
Public Information on the BCSC Web Site | go to: cave-science.org.uk |
Logger Info at Google docs | go to: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... |
Operational notes on the BCRA Forum | go to: forums.british-caving.org.uk/viewforum.php?f=49 |
Technical articles about the gathering of data from Poole's Cavern | go to: CREG journal Search |
View the uploaded sensor data
If you need information on the file names and formats please contact us. |
go to: all_readings |
Freshen the uploaded sensor data and view the report file for the last upload. This happens automatically every 12 hours | go to: freshen.html |
View the device status messages and their history file. The status is updated automatically every 12 hours. | go to: logger_status.html |
View the gateway status log. (The gateway is 'pinged' every ten minutes to check that it is working). | go to: logs/pooles_new_log.txp |
20-Jan 2025: The link is now up, but it will take a while for the BCRA's local data storage to re-synchronise with the TinyTag server.
16-Jan 2025: We are in the process of changing broadband provider at Poole's Cavern. This should have been a smooth changeover but, unaccountably, there is a problem. You might find that both pooles.bcra.org.uk and a test sub-domain at pooles1.bcra.org.uk fail to connect. The data files might not have been updated since 16-Jan. We probably cannot get an engineer on site till next week.
15-June-2024: Due to a slow broadband link, the uploads from Pooles cavern are taking a long time, and the BCRA server is timing out and not transferring all of the files. This is most likely an electrical fault on the phone line somewhere between Pooles Cavern and the BT cabinet. Some work-arounds have been implemented, which are described on the page Freshen the Data.
13-June-2024: The freshen process, when run via cron, appears not to be fetching *.jf files, although it does fetch them if the process is run manually. See note for 15-June-2024
03-Feb-2023: Intermittent problems. We are experiencing an intermittent loss of communications with the router at Poole's Cavern. The most likely cause is now thought to be a bad connection somewhere along the phone line; most probably the cable between the phone socket and the router, but it could also be a problem outside the building. The router's log (when it is contactable) shows multiple attempts to bring up the DSL link. We need a volunteer to go waggle some cables and thump some junction boxes. Its a good thing that this equipment is not on its way to Mars.
29-Jan-2023: OK. The data link is now working again. The previous problems had multiple causes, which included a mis-behaving router at Pooles' Cavern. This has been replaced but still requires some further configuration. There might be short outages until this is done.
16-Dec-2022: Data link down. We are currently unable to retrieve live data from Pooles Cavern. This fault has been present for several weeks. The reason is unknown, and is being investigated. At the same time, there appears to be a bug in our monitoring software meaning that the above issue did not result in an alert. This is also being investigated.
07-Dec-2021: Data link operating normally.
29-Nov-2021: We are currently unable to retrieve live data from Pooles Cavern because a tree has blown down, and broken the overhead telephone line. update: 30-Nov: Line reconnected at 09:00
01-Oct-21: For some months we have been having problems with our router, meaning that real-time data is not always accessible. The system eventually "catches up", when the router is reset. The coding for the pages that display the logger status (e.g. Freshen the Data and Logger Status) is not designed to cope with errors caused by the remote site being unavailable so, if the pages seem blank or unusually incomprehensible, it probably means that the Poole's Cavern router is not responding to requests. If you want to alert us to that, please contact David Gibson. You can also inspect a log of the router "pings". If it ends with the text "[Connection timed out]" then there is currently a problem.
The operations listed below are part of various tests and developments. You will not normally need to visit any of these pages.
View a demonstration graph | go to: demo-graph.html |
View the complete data table for device 840298, highlighting the periods when it was not recording readings. | go to: demo2-graph.html |
Clickable Map experiments (NEW 14-May-2019) | go to: map.html |
View all log files. (Includes others of David Gibson's operations) | go to: logs |
General technical notes | Technical notes |
Further technical notes (including CRON, and how to ping the gateway manually) | Further Technical notes (password needed) |
Access the TinyTag gateway directly | contact David Gibson for IP access, and URL/port number |
This page, http://mail.bcra.org.uk/data/index.html was last modified on Mon, 20 Jan 2025 15:31:51 +0000
Server: britiac4.british-caving.org.uk (