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Caves Studies Series

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An Introduction to Cave Photography
by Sheena STODDARD

STODDARD, Sheena (1994). An Introduction to Cave Photography [Cave Studies Series 4]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association. Out of print. ISBN-0-900265-17-5. 32pp, A5, with photos.

This volume in the Cave Studies Series is still in stock, with a few copies available. However, please note that it pre-dates the use of digital cameras and may not be relevant to cave photography today. It is probably only of interest as a collectors item

A guide for the caver who wants to begin to take simple photographs underground.

This guide is aimed at the beginner, and does not assume that you are already a keen amateur photographer. The book begins by discussing the equipment you will need. The sophisticated point-and-shoot cameras with which you might be familiar - and which enable anybody to take perfectly exposed photographs on the surface - are of limited use underground. Old-fashioned, manually-operated, second-hand equipment is more likely to survive the abuse from mud, water and rough handling which it will inevitably receive.
The book goes on to discuss the care of your equipment underground, choosing a film, calculating the exposure and placing the flashes; and concludes with some 'case studies' of cave photos, lists of suppliers and a bibliography.
Cave photography is exacting and often frustrating - the failure rate is high. Your fellow cavers, without whom you cannot work, soon find it a cold and boring occupation. This guide hopes to reduce the failure rate of the novice photographer and to encourage perseverance in a challenging, but rewarding branch of photography

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