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- Eli Simpson and the BSA
by David JUDSON
JUDSON, David (2009). Eli Simpson and the BSA
[Cave Studies Series 18].
Buxton: British Cave Research Association.
£5.00 plus postage. ISBN 0-900265-34-5. iv + 64pp, A4, 95 photos and illustrations, index.
An account of the speleo-collector 'par excellence', Eli Simpson 'Cymmie' (1884-1962), and the British Speleological Association (1935-1973) as rediscovered from BCRA's Archives
BCRA's Simpson Archive is a unique collection of speleological records, the greater part of which is currently of material collected and organised by Eli Simpson himself. It covers the period from 1900 to 1960, but it includes transcripts and references going as far back as the mid-17th century. It has also been added to by others, in the same style, up to about 1970. Its main coverage is Yorkshire (about 60% of the material) with other material from Derbyshire and Mendip, and a small amount covering other UK caving areas, as well as Ireland and abroad.
The author and compilier of this material, David Judson, knew Cymmie over the last few years of his life and this gave him what is now, in 2008, a rare insight into this somewhat unusual man. Cymmie was an old man when the author knew him, but he was still full of life and was still fired by the twin urges of pure curiosity (i.e. the desire to find new cave), and the need to collect related papers. This very large 'jigsaw' was all in his head and, sadly, he never produced a written catalogue.
In this addition to BCRA's Cave Studies Series, the author's approach has been less to do with the scientific parts of the jigsaw and more to do with the human ones; the history of contributions to the science of speleology. The author considers that this demonstrates an intricate web of human interaction and a complex and fascinating one to unravel
- item: Eli Simpson and the BSA
(PDF 85.2MB)
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- by David JUDSON.
Full text of book, including no-bleed version of cover. IMPORTANT: Please note that this text dates from 2009 and so the BCRA contact addresses given in the text may now be out of date. Date: Published online 1 November 2015.
- item: Wraparound cover
(PDF 1.4MB)
- This is a full-bleed super-A3 file that can be used to make a single-sided wrap-round cover for a saddle-stitched booklet.
Date: Published online 1 November 2015.

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