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Caves Studies Series

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Underground Britain: Legal and Insurance issues
by David JUDSON

JUDSON, David (2006). Underground Britain: Legal and Insurance issues [Cave Studies Series 12]. Buxton: British Cave Research Association (2nd edition). Out of print. ISBN-0-900265-26-4. 48pp, A5, with photos.

A short reference work that outlines the laws affecting cavers and mine explorers

This volume in the Cave Studies Series is now out of print..

Preface to 2nd edition (2006): This booklet has been reprinted with up-to-date information. The booklet is intended to be a short reference work describing the laws that are relevant to cavers and mine explorers. For example, it sets out the principles of land ownership and of the access to and over land. Although primarily intended for the below ground 'explorer', the principles that affect access to land and insurance matters are of course applicable to a much wider field of interest, affecting all who visit land owned by others for their particular leisure pursuit.

Preface to 1st edition (2003): This is a short reference work that outlines the laws affecting cavers and mine explorers - for example, the principles of land ownership and access to land and over it. On legal issues, the booklet covers the situation in England and Wales - the law in Scotland is different and is not covered in any detail. For insurance issues, the whole of the British Isles is considered. There are appendices listing the relevant legislation, books and reference materials, and contact addresses for governmental, institutional and other organisations likely to be useful in seeking out more specific or detailed information. If you share the responsibilities of running a caving club or mining history society it is sensible to gain an understanding of legal and insurance terms, and to know what you should and what you should not be doing

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