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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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  • Database last updated on Sun, 26 May 2024 11:56:56 +0100
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Contents of journal 99
September 2017

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CREG Journal 99 (0-24) (PDF 11.9MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of September 2017 and was published on 1 September 2017.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 1.5MB)     
Lothar Midden, Wolfgang Stich, Christopher Ross and Tobias Schorer, whilst measuring emissions from 27 different lamps. Photo: Lothar Midden / Wolfgang Stich
Contents (2) (PDF 961KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
Capturing the Invisible: Infrared Cave Photography (3-5) (PDF 3.0MB)     
Infrared photography has long been popular with landscape photographers and no longer has to be the sole domain of specialists, as it was in the days of film. Mike Bedford investigates what this technique can offer the cave photographer and provides some practical guidance.
The Summer Beacon Project: Radiolocation and Communication All-in-One (6-9) (PDF 1.8MB)     
Juan L. Ronda and Enrique Díez describe their Summer-2 combined radiolocation beacon and text-based through-the-earth communicator and provide full circuit details. The new transmitter has been used successfully in several Spanish caves.
Using a Stand to Improve the Accuracy of DistoX Calibration (10-11) (PDF 239KB)     
Using a stand during the calibration procedure reduces the likelihood of error and speeds the process. Brian Pease has developed a lightweight stand and discusses its design, use and the importance of laser to case alignment.
We Hear... (12) (PDF 186KB)     
News and events – Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. BADGER to the Rescue, Cave Pearl Project, ESA Cave-mapping Drones.
CREG Field Meeting Report - Spring 2017 (13-14) (PDF 242KB)     
The Spring Field Meeting was held in the Mendips during May. Robin Gape, Fred Rattray and Rob Gill offer a brief report of this meeting and of a preparatory meeting held in Yorkshire earlier in the year.
Letters and Notes (15) (PDF 40KB)     
NSS Presentations, Diary Dates.
Web Watch (15)  For download see previous item
Peter Ludwig examines the catch from another internet fishing trip.
A Practical Guide to Cave Video Photography (16-19) (PDF 1.7MB)     
In part 2 of his introductory series on cave video, Footleg considers techniques for using cameras underground, what light sources to use and how to capture good quality audio.
Wet & Dry (20) (PDF 86KB)     
Ruggedisation, waterproofing & construction techniques – a roundup by Tony Haigh. Getting to the required voltage, Introducing the DC-DC converter, Key parameters, Practical implementation, 'Joule Thief'.
RF Interference Caused by LED Lamps (21-24) (PDF 3.1MB)     
Lothar Midden, Wolfgang Stich, Tobias Schorer and Christopher Ross present the results of their emission tests on a selection of LED-based caving lamps.

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