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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 96
December 2016

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CREG Journal 96 (0-24) (PDF 16.1MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of December 2016 and was published on 1 December 2016.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 1.2MB)     
An extract from the model of the Wheal Jane mine, showing the extent and complexity of these old mine workings. Image: Keith Russ.
Contents (2) (PDF 562KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
The Mines of Cornwall and West Devon: A Three-dimensional Model (3-5) (PDF 5.1MB)     
Keith Russ describes the creation of a three-dimensional underground world that covers the mining world heritage site of Cornwall and West Devon. The paper outlines the reasoning behind the creation of such a model, the processes and software used during model creation, the availability of historical data and the production of animations show-casing the dataset. Finally, the paper will give links to online content where some of the dataset and videos can be seen.
The Intriguing Tale of the Electromechanical VLF Transmitter (6-7) (PDF 618KB)     
John Rabson investigates SAQ, a 17.2kHz transmitting station at Grimeton in Sweden, which uses an electromechanical transmitter, and which is still operational today. While it seems unlikely that this old technology will ever play a part in cave communication, there has been speculation that there may be benefit in another form of mechanical VLF transmitter for caving use.
The Poor Man's Laser Scanner: A Simple Method of 3D Cave Surveying (8-14) (PDF 2.2MB)     
Attila Gáti, Nikolett Rehány, Balázs Holl, Zsombor Fekete, & Péter Sürü describe how a Disto X with modified firmware has been used to provide a 3D laser scanning facility at a fraction of the price of a conventional commercial laser scanner.
We Hear... (15) (PDF 413KB)     
News and events – Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Batteries to Last Longer?, 3D Scanning Becoming Affordable?, Ultra Low-power Transistors, Isolated Current Measurement.
Cave Thermal Imaging with a Smartphone? (16-19) (PDF 3.9MB)     
The FLIR® ONE mobile phone accessory transforms a smartphone into a thermal imaging camera. Andy Lillington has been evaluating the device in the caving environment, looking for thermal anomalies that may be related to underground features. His evaluation included both UK limestone and Icelandic lava tube areas.
Wet & Dry (20) (PDF 440KB)     
Ruggedisation, waterproofing & construction techniques – a roundup by Tony Haigh. Keeping that case waterproof!, Magnetic reed switches, Capacitive switches.
Letters and Notes (21) (PDF 248KB)     
Diary Dates, CREG Journal on YouTube, Surveying Articles.
Web Watch (21)  For download see previous item
Peter Ludwig serves up another batch of interesting links from ferrites to quantum communications via energy harvesting oversuits and battery technology...
CREG Field Meeting: Autumn 2016 (22-24) (PDF 3.2MB)     
At our recent field meeting in the Yorkshire Dales, demonstrations and experiments covered cave surveying, rescue communications and HF cave radio. Mike Bedford reports on the weekend's activities with additional photographs by Gregory Collins, Robin Gape and Chris Trayner.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 1.9MB)     
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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