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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 92
December 2015

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CREG Journal 92 (0-24) (PDF 17.7MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of December 2015 and was published on 1 December 2015.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 5.1MB)     
Jimmy Rattray operates the Black Meg 3 surface station during the August 2015 CREG Field Meeting. The system was described in detail in CREGJ91. Photo: Mike Bedford
Contents (2) (PDF 240KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
Introduction to High Frequency Cave Radio (3-5) (PDF 1.3MB)     
As a foreword to our theme of HF cave radio, Mike Bedford considers the potential benefits, discusses licensing issues, introduces the related articles in this issue and provides some sources of further information on the use of HF for cave communications and amateur radio in general.
Off-the-Shelf Equipment for HF Cave Radio (6-8) (PDF 1.2MB)     
John Rabson and Iain Moffat discuss the various types of amateur and ex-military HF transceivers that are commercially available and consider their potential use for through-rock communication.
An Experimental Appraisal of Through-Rock Communication at 7MHz (9-10) (PDF 687KB)     
Fred Rattray and Jimmy Rattray present some preliminary results of their programme of experimental work into the feasibility of the 7MHz band for through-rock cave radio.
We Hear (11) (PDF 542KB)     
News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Introducing EasyEDA, Eden dsP for Cave Radio, BBC micro:bit, Mushroom Power.
Prototyping a 3D Scanner (12-13) (PDF 1.6MB)     
Inspired by the ZEB1 handheld laser scanner, Chris Hunter is developing a low-cost alternative. This processes data from a laser distance measure with an Arduino to enable a route through a cave to be logged, whilst on the move.
Improving Fringe Area Network Connections (14-16) (PDF 4.4MB)     
Frustrated by a lack of mobile network coverage, Rob Gill looks at ways of improving fringe area reception. A kite is used to lift a 3G wireless access point with encouraging results.
Comparison of Ferrite Antennas and Earth-Current Electrodes (17-20) (PDF 2.0MB)     
Bernard Lheureux sets out to compare the performance of a 15m earth-current antenna with his ferrite rod-based Speleo-Graph LB system. He finds the range broadly similar and discusses the relative merits of the two approaches.
Letters and Announcements (21) (PDF 284KB)     
Cave-Link, EuroSpeleo 2016, Your Letter Here, Erratum - Black Meg 3 and Diary Dates.
Web Watch (21)  For download see previous item
Peter Ludwig unearths some more interesting links as he delves into the recesses of the Internet in search of interesting tidbits...
CREG Field Meeting: Summer 2015 (22-24) (PDF 2.1MB)     
Mike Bedford provides a report on the recent field meeting that took place in the Yorkshire Dales. Those attending enjoyed a wide-ranging programme of experimental work and demonstrations.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 1.5MB)     
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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