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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was 126
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  • Database last updated on Sun, 26 May 2024 11:56:56 +0100
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Contents of journal 91
September 2015

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CREG Journal 91 (0-24) (PDF 8.3MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of September 2015 and was published on 16 September 2015.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 488KB)     
The Cave-Link text-based communications system played a vital role over a number of days during a difficult cave rescue in the Riesending in June 2014. This picture shows Georg Pacher operating Cave-Link in the command post, established in a 20ft container which had been airlifted to near the cave entrance by the German military. Photo: BRK BGL - Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz / Bavarian Red Cross
Contents (2) (PDF 261KB)     
List of contents and masthead information.
Data Mules for Cave-to-Surface Data Transfer (3-9) (PDF 1.9MB)     
Elwyn Davies, Franci Gabrovšek, Bostjan Grašic, Marija Zlata Božnar, Primož Mlakar and Maria Udén outline a novel technique for extracting data from cave-based data loggers, without reliance on cables or cave-to-surface radio links.
We Hear (10) (PDF 329KB)     
News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics. Batteries Meet Super-capacitors, Graphene Light Bulbs, Thinnest Ever Lenses, That Elusive Bio-magnetic Detector, Phaethon Caving Lights.
The CREG Forum (11-12) (PDF 857KB)     
The Editorial Team describes CREG's approach to publishing with the aim of better promoting our online presence, the CREG Forum. This provides a publishing opportunity for articles that havent reached sufficient maturity to be published in the Journal, plus a vehicle for discussing topics prompted by articles in CREGJ.
Letters and Announcements (13) (PDF 908KB)     
Reduced Definition Stereo, Diary Dates, Hidden Earth.
Web Watch (13)  For download see previous item
A couple of interesting links unearthed by Peter Ludwig, as he prowls the Internet for interesting items.
Predicting Microwave Propagation along the Passages of Natural Caves (14-18) (PDF 1.6MB)     
Mike Bedford and Gareth Kennedy describe an approach for modelling microwave propagation along irregular cave passages. The results are compared with those obtained experimentally at three frequencies in three cave passages exhibiting markedly different characteristics.
Introducing the Cave-Link System (19-21) (PDF 996KB)     
Reliable communication within and out of large cave systems was the driving force behind the development of the Cave-Link text and data radio. Felix Ziegler and Christian Ebi describe the concept, current state of the project and the application.
Black Meg 3 Low-cost Through-rock Messaging System (22-24) (PDF 2.5MB)     
Fred Rattray and Jimmy Rattray provide circuit details for those wanting to build this simple yet innovative transmitter for sending preset codes from cave to the surface.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 1.9MB)     
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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