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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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  • The most recent issue to be published was 126
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  • Database last updated on Sun, 26 May 2024 11:56:56 +0100
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Contents of journal 86
June 2014

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CREG Journal 86 (0-24) (PDF 12.6MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of June 2014 and was published on 28 May 2014.
Front Cover (1) (PDF 2.5MB)     
Emily Williams demonstrating the ZEB1 handheld laser scanner in KMC Valley Entrance in the Yorkshire Dales. Image: Mike Bedford
Contents (2) (PDF 522KB)     
List of Contents and masthead information.
Seismic Through-Rock Communication - an Alternative to Electrical Methods (3-6) (PDF 2.2MB)     
James C. Squire, Gerald A. Sullivan and Elizabeth W. Baker describe their development of a method of sub-surface communication employing seismic waves. Signals have been received from a depth of 271m in a coal mine.
Caver Counting - Why and How (7-11) (PDF 1.7MB)     
Stuart France presents reasons for monitoring caver activity and explains how to construct and deploy caver counter equipment.
The Strange Tale of James Rogers' Underground Antenna (12-13) (PDF 588KB)     
In the early days of the radio age, one pioneer claimed that burying the antenna in the ground could improve performance compared to hoisting it in the air. Mike Bedford investigates.
Detecting Lava Tubes with a Smartphone? (14-19) (PDF 1.9MB)     
Smartphones often include a sensitive magnetometer. Andy Lillington explores their use for detecting magnetic anomalies associated with lava tubes. He also compares the smartphone magnetometer with a sensitive standalone unit.
Letter and Notes (19) (PDF 311KB)     
Subscription Rates, BCA/BCRA Party Weekend, Letters?
Web Watch (19)  For download see previous item
Some illuminating and highly charged links to explore from Peter Ludwig.
We Hear (20) (PDF 920KB)     
News and events: Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics, including 3D Batteries, Thingful.net, US Amateur VLF Operation, Backpack Power, QR Code Art.
Handheld Laser Scanning: a Radically New Approach to Cave Surveying (21-24) (PDF 3.4MB)     
Previously, laser scanners have been used in caving only to scan large chambers. Now, thanks to a newly developed handheld laser scanner, it's possible to produce a full 3D survey of a complete cave system. The process is quick and simple, as 3D Laser Mapping's Emily Williams reports.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 1.7MB)     
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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