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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 81
March 2013

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CREG Journal 81 (0-24) (PDF 7.4MB)        Individual articles may be available below
This issue has a cover date of March 2013 and was published on 9 April 2013
Front Cover (1) (PDF 872KB)     
A 3D Laser Scan of King David's Dungeon beneath Nottingham Castle. Image: Trent & Peak Archaeology
Contents (2) (PDF 77KB)     
List of contents and masthead information
Newssheet (3) (PDF 51KB)     
Cave Technology Symposium, Tratman Award Shortlist, Editorial Team
A Low-cost Leaky Feeder System for Cave Communication (4-6) (PDF 852KB)     
Radio amateur Fabrizio Marincola, I0HCJ, describes a leaky feeder system using ordinary low-cost coaxial cable. Practical details are provided allowing others to duplicate the system underground.
We Hear (7) (PDF 440KB)     
News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics: DISTO Links to Smartphone, Spectrum Challenge, Energy Harvesting Development Kit, Learning from Blind Cave Fish, DIY Quadrocopter.
Building LED Lights for Cave Photography - Part 2 (8-10, 18) (PDF 288KB)     
As an alternative to electronic flash guns, high brightness LEDs now provide an attractive form of lighting for cave photography. Following his introduction to continuous lighting and describing his choice of LED in the last issue, Footleg discusses the rationale behind his choice of driver.
3D Printing for Cavers - Introducing the Technology (11-13) (PDF 414KB)     
3D printing might be enjoying massive growth and hype but, according to Mike Bedford and Martin Melzer, it has caving applications too. Here they separate the facts from the hype.
Getting Physical with 3D Cave Modelling (14-15, 24) (PDF 1.8MB)     
We're used to seeing virtual 3D models of caves on-screen but, according to Mike Bedford, 3D printing allows you to create a physical cave model that you can hold in your hands. Here he describes several ways of producing 3D-printed cave models and illustrates the technique with some real-world examples.
3D Printing your DIY Project (16-18) (PDF 844KB)     
Martin Melzer describes how you can use the up-and-coming technology of 3D printing to produce customised parts for your cave electronics project.
Letters to the Editor (19) (PDF 74KB)     
Dowsing, Dowsing - Maybe, Dowsing - Maybe Not. (Also see: Dowsing and the 'Doctrine of Naive Analogy', Letters CREGJ 82 and on the CREG forum).
Web Watch (19)  For download see previous item
Peter Ludwig takes another look at the internet.
Surveying Nottingham's Archaeological Sandstone Caves (20-23) (PDF 2.2MB)     
The city of Nottingham is riddled with man-made archaeological caves. Dr David Strange-Walker of Trent and Peak Archaeology describes how these caves are being surveyed using 3D laser scanning and HDR photography to present the results as plans, elevation maps, isometric images and virtual fly-throughs.
The Adventures of GREG (24) (PDF 1.7MB)     
Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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