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Contents of journal 8 June 1992
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CREG Journal Archive:
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covering issues 1 to 25.
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- CREG Journal
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Individual articles may be available below
- Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).
- Cave Detection with rho, sigma, mu, epsilon Part 2
- David Gibson continues with a summary of the effects of each parameter and a list of further reading.
- Footnote on Optimal Cave Radio Design
- A footnote to the article on modulation methods & s/n ratio.
- Modulation Methods and Signal/Noise Ratio
- David Gibson discusses the different modulation techniques suitable for cave radio, and explains how they affect the s/n ratio.
- SSB Modulation Review
- David Gibson explains the different methods of achieving single-sideband modulation.
- Project Greensites
- A review of the South Wales Caving Club 'Greensites' project for cave detection. Reviewed by David Gibson.
- Geophysical Techniques for Cave Detection, Part 1
- Geologist Phil Ingham reviews seismic and gravimetric methods.
- Expedition Radio
- Wookey reports on the use of portable radios on caving expeditions.
- Navigational Aids for Cave Surveyors
- Dick Glover suggests some ideas.
- GIS, KIS and Fractals - the Xanadu Effect
- Dick Glover pokes fun at geographers.
- A Digital DSB/AM Modulator - Introduction
- A summary of an article in the next issue.
- Subsurface Interface Radar
- Brief report on using radar to find buried archeological sites.

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