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Contents of journal 75 December 2010
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- CREG Journal 75 (0-28)
(PDF 13.0MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- This issue has a cover date of December 2010, but was actually published on 22 January 2011. Please see CREG Forum: Newsletter, December 2011.
- Newssheet (3)
- 75 Issues and Counting, 2011 Cave Technology Symposium, Diary Dates.
- A logging Anemometer (4-5)
- Killian Schuster describes an anemometer for long-term monitoring in an underground environment. The design operates on a modified hot wire principle, is small, low cost and also accurately logs temperature.
- 75 Highlights from 75 Issues (6-10)
- From the ground-breaking to the bizarre, from the momentous to the humorous. Presented by Mike Bedford.
- Electromagnetic Surveying for Underground Water Detection (11-13)
- Alex Kendrick describes his development and field testing of electromagnetic surveying equipment for detecting shallow aquifers and mapping underground river systems.
- LORAN-C: Friend or Foe? (14-17)
- Although the LORAN-C navigation system has been discontinued in North America, there's every indication that it will remain operational in Northern Europe in the immediate future. While normally considered a source of interference to cave radios, Mike Bedford questions whether it may provide cavers with a solution for underground surveying and navigation.
- VLF for Cave Radio? (18-19)
- Cavers generally use the LF band for cave radio speech links and data transmission. For radiolocation the ULF band and the lower part of VLF are used. John Rabson reports on recent work at VLF and ULF and how it might relate to cave communications.
- We Hear (20-21)
- News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics.
- Web Watch (21)
- Peter Ludwig presents a collection of links of interest. This month, batteries and cameras.
- Correction (22)
- Correction to Appendix B of A General Calibration Algorithm For 3-Axis Compass/Clinometer Devices by Beat Heeb, which was printed incorrectly on Page 18 of CREGJ 73, March 2010
- Letters to the Editor (23)
- Surplus Equipment, HeyPhone Two Update.
- Developing a Dynamic Rope Tester - Work in Progress (24-27)
- Bob Mehew, Roy Rodgers and Steve Richards describe work being undertaken to develop an instrumented rope test rig to measure the forces seen by a rope arresting a falling mass on a sub-millisecond time scale.
- The Adventures of GREG (28)
- Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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