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Contents of journal 73 March 2010
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- CREG Journal 73 (0-24)
(PDF 5.0MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- This issue has a cover date of March 2010, but was actually published on 21 April 2010.
- Newssheet (3)
- CREG Online Journals, 2010 Cave Technology Symposium, Newsletters and Discussion Forum, Letters to the Editor, Cover Picture, Diary Dates.
- Video Camera for Probing Leads (4)
- Developed as a low cost digger's tool, Peter Hamilton describes a simple but effective CCTV camera mounted on drain rods which is used to explore back filled passages and other interesting openings, prior to digging.
- Wet & Dry (5)
- Ruggedisation, waterproofing & constructional techniques. Column edited by Mike Bedford.
- Seam Wave Propagation and its Possible Application to Cave Radio (6-9)
- Steven M. Shope of Sandia Research Corporation discusses the physical principles of seam wave propagation that provides favourable LF propagation in geological seams. Although this is of primary application in mining where it permits tomographic imaging of coal seam anomalies, an understanding of the phenomenon may aid in selecting sites for optimum cave radio propagation.
- We Hear (10-11)
- News and events - Mike Bedford brings us the latest to impact the world of cave radio and electronics.
- A General Calibration Algorithm for 3-Axis Compass/Clinometer Devices (12-18)
- Beat Heeb describes a general algorithm for the calibration of 3-axis electronic compass/clinometer systems and gives an analysis of its properties. The algorithm he presents is fast and accurate and makes minimal assumptions about the calibration environment.
- Cave Technology Symposium 2009 (19-23)
- Mike Bedford provides an overview of the 2009 BCRA Cave Technology Symposium that was held in South Wales.
- Web Watch (24)
- Peter Ludwig conjures up another eclectic list of links, ranging from robots to nuclear batteries, including news of the latest in LED developments.
- The Adventures of GREG (24)
- Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Mike Bedford.

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