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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 66
March 2007

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CREG Journal 66 (0-28) (PDF 6.5MB)        Individual articles may be available below
Newssheet (3)
BCRA Cave Technology Symposium, Automation of CREG Administration, Specifying the HeyPhone Successor, Diary Dates
The Scurion LED Cap Lamp (4-5)
Using two high power LEDs, this lamp provides uniform wide-angle illumination combined with a powerful spotlight. Martin Melzer describes this Li-Ion powered cap lamp, which has been developed for small-scale manufacture.
Alternative Power Supplies (6-11)
Mike Bedford suggests some alternative sources of power for use with portable equipment when it's difficult or inconvenient to replace or recharge batteries.
NightStar - a Review (11)
A new range of LED torches, charged by shaking, has the potential to form the ultimate backup light source. Mike Bedford puts a couple through their paces.
A Combined Electronic Compass and Clinometer (12-14)
Phil Underwood has developed a compact device particularly suited to taking accurate readings in small and awkward passages. A built-in laser pointer aids sighting. Readings of bearing and elevation are displayed on a dot-matrix display, and stored for later download via a USB port.
Speleonics (15)
With high-precision electronic components and subsystems now readily available, is it possible for a home experimenter to produce instruments that cost less than commercially-available equipment? Discussion summarised by John Rabson.
The Technology of Infrared Imaging (16-20)
John T. M. Lyles describes the principles behind far-infrared imaging, reviews some commercially-available devices and answers the question 'Can I build my own thermal imaging camera?'. In a follow-up article he will explain how to use infrared imaging for cave detection and bat studies.
We Hear (21-22)
A round-up of news from the world of cave-related radio and electronics. Column edited by Mike Bedford.
Web Watch (22)
Peter Ludwig offers some web sites focussed on advances in batteries and LEDs.
NightStar Special Reader Offer (22)
In conjunction with our review in this issue of the NightStar range of LED torches we are pleased to announce a limited-time 15% discount for readers of the CREG Journal.
White LED Lamps Compared (23-25)
Stuart France reviews the performance of his original 24-LED design against a later version using newer LEDs and against the Luxeon-based Retro 2 design. He also looks critically at manufacturers' claims and proposes objective test.
Letters to the Editor (25-27)
Field Exposure Limits, Wind Power, Ultrasonic Inspection of Pitch-Head Bolts - a Challenge?, Availability of HeyPhone Transformer Kits, Value for Money, HeyPhone Discussion Forum, Stifling Experimentation?
The Adventures of GREG (28)
Illustrated by Adrian Higgins with words by Adrian Higgins & Mike Bedford.

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