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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 54
December 2003

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Data-logging, Digital Photography & Cave Radio in Snowdonia, Colour Cover, CREG AGM Minutes, Volunteers Wanted.
Communication in Standedge Tunnel
CREG members have been asked whether they could provide communication in railway tunnels for use by the emergency services in the case of an incident. The Standedge Tunnel under the Pennines has proved particularly difficult. Mike Bedford looks at the problems and some potential solutions for tunnels in general.
Cave Radio Interference from LED Lamps
Mike Bedford reports that the new generation of caving lamps based on white LEDs can cause interference to cave radios.
With cave radios well established for rescue purposes, people are wondering what else they might be useful for. John Rabson summarises some of contributions to the discussion.
Equipment Review: The Nova Caving Lamp
The Nova, from Speleo Technics, is the first commercially available caving lamp to use the Luxeon 5W single-chip LED. David Gibson describes how the lamp fared underground and offers some thoughts on how the design could be enhanced. See also www.speleogroup.org/attinya.html.
How to Design an Electronic Surveying Instrument
Martin Melzer's aim is to replace mechanical sighting instruments and tape measure with an electronic instrument that is easier to operate and at least as accurate. In this article he describes the problems of accuracy and calibration and suggests a future course of development. .
A Mud Bath for the HeyPhone
A rescue in Otter Hole proved a severe test for the HeyPhone. Pete Allwright describes how it survived the mud and provided effective communication. Advice is given on using the HeyPhone in these conditions.
Chairman's Report 2002/2003
Chairman Richard Rushton outlines CREG's achievements during the last year and assesses the challenges which lie ahead.
4-page INSERT:
Corrections to articles in Journal 52 & 53.
Information on the Web, courtesy of Peter Ludwig.
Treasurer's Report 2002/2003
Treasurer Rob Gill presents a summary of CREG's accounts and reports on the group's financial status during the last financial year.
CREG Award 2003
Stuart France was presented with the CREG award for 2003. Here Rosy Rabson looks at the man behind the award.
Geology & Conductivity: Exploring the Relationship
withPerformance of cave radios is affected by the electrical conductivity of the ground. Here Mike Bedford looks at the way in which the conductivity is influenced by rock type.
Geophysics in Cave Archaeology
Although the jury's still out on the worth of geophysics for finding new caves it is reaping benefits in cave archaeology. Rhianwen Jenkins and Mike Bedford describe how seismic surveying was used to plan an archaeological dig in Cooper's Hole and how ground-penetrating radar was employed in Peak Cavern. .
What We Don't Know About Earth-Current Propagation
The propagation of electromagnetic signals from an earth-current antenna, such as the HeyPhone uses, is difficult to model, and there are several questions that have not been adequately answered. David Gibson explains the problems.
Letters to the Editor
The Future is not Pale Blue, but Many Shades of White
Most of today's white LEDs are, in fact, blue LEDs with a yellow phosphor. But totally different types of white LED are being developed and may offer advantages, including a warmer shade of white. Mike Bedford assesses the technologies.
We Hear
A round-up of news, collected by John Rabson.
How to Take 3D Digital Photographs Underground
Mike Bedford outlines the procedure for taking stereo photographs using a digital camera. An example of a full-colour stereo anaglyph is given on the back cover.

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