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Contents of journal 50 December 2002
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- Contents
- Newssheet
- Heyphone Documentation; Cave Radio in Lamprechtsofen; Field Meet; New BCRA Magazine; AGM; HeyPhone PCBs; Diary Dates.
- 185kHz Radiolocation and 7MHz Experiments in Bigfoot Cave
- Bigfoot Cave in northern California was the setting for these tests, reported by Bonnie Crystal, KQ6XA, where radio using 7MHz SSB telescopic whips penetrated 300m through the relatively dry rock.
- Probes for logging water levels
- Sudden changes in local weather can flood passages and siphons. Why this should happen in a particular spot is not necessarily clear and more information is needed. Christian Ebi describes new apparatus for obtaining additional data.
- A Loop Antenna for the HeyPhone
- Although earth electrodes are the preferred antenna option for the HeyPhone, it has also been designed to work with a loop. Mike Bedford describes the construction of a suitable loop antenna based on information provided by John Hey and Jopo.
- Cave-to-Cave Radiolocation: a Generalised Algorithm
- Cave-to-cave radiolocation is more difficult than the conventional exercise of locating an underground transmitter by taking measurements on the surface and requires a different approach. David Gibson presents a generalised algorithm for solving the problem.
- Move Over Alkalines: New Primary Batteries
- Although Alkalines are still the primary battery of choice for most applications, higher performance alternatives are now available. Mike Bedford looks at Lithium and Nickel primary batteries.
- Web Watch
- Peter Ludwig has once again found a wealth of useful URLs, including ones for some very interesting batteries.
- Speleonics
- Two discussions for the price of one from the Speleonics reflector: (i) how to cave (and caver) proof HF radio equipment and (ii) 5W white LEDs. Contributions summarised by John Rabson.
- Using Excel to Plot Cave Surveys
- Occasionally, when a Cave Survey Plotting program is not available, a general-purpose spreadsheet will suffice. David Gibson explains how Microsoft Excel can process the data, and plot the cave too.
- The CREG Award 2002
- This year's CREG prize was awarded posthumously to Jean-Jacques Fauchez, who sadly died earlier this year. It was presented at Hidden Earth 2002 and was accepted by John Rabson on behalf of Jean-Jacques' widow Luce. We reproduce the presentation speech by the CREG Chairman and two reminiscences.
- Wet & Dry
- Reviews of rugged and waterproof electronic equipment, the SOFTswitch, Pelicase 'O' ring seals, new equipment cases. Column edited by Richard Rushton.
- Magazine Reviews
- The hobbyist magazines, commercial catalogues and datasheets can all be a source of interesting project ideas. David Gibson describes some recent items that have caught his eye.
- Errors in Ground-Zero Radiolocation at Lechuguilla
- Radiolocation of the main passage in Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico by Ian Drummond demonstrated a ground zero error and an unusual asymmetry of the magnetic field which should be investigated further.
- CREG & BCRC Join Forces in Derbyshire
- In October 2002 CREG held a joint field meeting with the BCRC to concentrate on the HeyPhone. Mike Bedford describes what happened, provides some tips for HeyPhone users and gives some future project ideas which came to light.
- A Year in View: Looking Back Over 2001/2002
- Mike Bedford reports on the CREG AGM which was held at our Autumn field meeting. Richard Rushton and Margaret Bedford review the past 12 months by presenting their Chairman's and Treasurer's Reports respectively.
- Cave Intruder Alarm
- John W. Newman wished to protect a colony of bats during their breeding season. He sought advice on alarms from Rob Gill. This is their correspondence.
- Letters to the Editor
- Mine shaft comms, flashgun slave unit, instructional graphics for radiolocation, radiolocation history, Polish translator wanted.
- Meet the CREGgies (8)
- Rosy Rabson interviews Wookey, Herman Jorens and Gussie.
- CREG in Pictures
- David Gibson describes the montage of photos on the back cover.

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