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Contents of journal 45 September 2001
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- Contents
- Newssheet
- Greetings from the Editor; Meetings & News: Field Meetings, Meetings in Ireland, Cave Photography Group, National Caving Conference - Hidden Earth 2001, Electronic Publishing; Administrivia: Annual General Meeting, Membership Fees, Internet Subscription Payment; Diary Dates.
- A High Performance Flashgun Slave Unit
- David Gibson describes some recent upgrades to his design, which is now some nine years old and, being the basis of the Firefly II commercial unit, seems to have stood the test of time.
- Meet the CREGies (3)
- Who are these people we keep reading about in this journal? And what do they look like? In the third of a series of reports Rosy Rabson interviews David Gibson, Ian Drummond and herself.
- A High Performance Slave Unit and Flashbulb Firer - part 1
- Flash bulbs are still the professionals' choice for cave photography. This project by David Gibson combines his well-established slave unit with a bulb-firer circuit. In part 1 he describes the evolution of the circuit. Part 2 will give constructional details in the style of the Slave Unit project that is also featured in this issue.
- Web Watch
- Peter Ludwig offers his round-up of useful web sites.
- Selected Further Reading
- David Gibson suggests other sources of material relating to the articles in this issue.
- Wet and Dry
- A DIY approach to flashbulb holders and more on rugged equipment/ waterproof housings. Column edited by Richard Rushton.
- A Field Meet in France
- CREG's Spring 2001 field meet took place in the Vercors - our first outside the UK. John and Rosy Rabson report.
- Spreadsheet Modelling of the Peak/Speedwell Hydrology
- John Wilcock applies his spreadsheet modelling techniques to the complex features of Peak Cavern hydrology: sinks, resurgences, vadose and phreatic passages, ebbing & flowing, successive activation of flood routes, and flow switching.
- The CREG Small Print
- In some 'small print', David Gibson sets out the context in which CREG journal articles are published; discussing legal liability and 'duty of care'. He also explains the operation of copyright, and 'design right' protection.
- The Future is Not Orange - 3
- It's a white LED - but not as we know it. In part 3 of our series on white LED lighting, Henry Schneiker describes the 'Luxeon' large-die LED which is set to replace the white LEDs we are becoming familiar with.
- Earth-Current Antenna Configurations in Multi-Layer Limestone
- The best surface antenna configuration depends on the characteristics of the ground. Experiments in the Vercors at CREG's summer field meeting are summarised by John Rabson.
- Cave Radio Notebook
- 45: Is 'Cave Radio' a radio phenomenon? 46: The role of 'skin depth' in cave radio 47: Writing a software radio. Column edited by David Gibson.
- Letters to the Editor
- Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.

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