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Contents of journal 43 March 2001
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Individual articles may be available below
- Contents
- Newssheet
- Comment: CREG - a British or an International Resource? Meetings & News - Field Meetings, Meetings in Ireland, CPG is Alive and Kicking, CPG Field Meeting. Administrivia - E-mail Addresses. Diary Dates.
- Wet and Dry
- Reviews of a rugged laptop, waterproof digital cameras & equipment cases, strain relief and flexible circuits. Column edited by Richard Rushton.
- Web Watch
- Peter Ludwig skims through another varied list of sites.
- Further Reading
- If a topic in this issue interests you, this 'further reading' list from CREG journals, compiled by David Gibson, may be of use.
- Speleonics
- Once a circuit board has been populated, how do you clean the flux off (and do you need to?). Contributions summarised by John Rabson.
- SSB Generation by the Phasing Method - a Simple Explanation
- Mike Bedford & John Hey provide some background on a technique which is commonly employed in cave radios as well as surface communication systems.
- The Nicola Mk II Rescue Radio - a Status Report
- The Nicola Mk II cave radio systems is now in widespread use in France and elsewhere. Graham Naylor reviews the current state of play and describes areas where further developments are needed.
- Equipment Review - Leica Disto classic3 Laser Distance Meter
- Although laser distance meters have been available for a number of years, their cost and size have prevented their widespread adoption by cave surveyors. John T. M. Lyles takes a look at Leica's latest offering but doesn't see it ousting the tape measure in the near future.
- Operating a Solar Panel at Maximum Power Efficiency
- Solar panels have an optimum operating point that depends on illumination. David Gibson describes how, in a battery charger application, we can find this operating point and use it to make a more efficient charger.
- Cave-proofing Video Cameras
- In part 1, underground video photographer Tony Cook gives some guidance on protecting and transporting cameras underground.
- The Future is not Orange
- In a follow-up to the article in journal 42, David Gibson answers some more questions, and reports on progress with LED lamp designs.
- Introduction to Good Radio Operating Practice
- Most communication equipment which might be used by rescue teams, or cavers in general, is not as easy to use as a telephone. Mike Bedford gives some guidance on operating practice for those who are new to radio communication.
- SSTV Underground
- an Update.
- Cave Surveying by Radio-Location - 1
- David Gibson discusses methods of radio-location as a prelude to a series of articles that will discuss the techniques and equipment used in more detail.
- Correction
- Correction.
- Meet the CREGgies
- Who are these people we keep reading about in this journal? And what do they look like? In the first of a series of reports Rosy Rabson interviews well-known CREGgies.
- Letters to the Editor
- Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.

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