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CREG Journal (ISSN 1361-4800)

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Contents of journal 40
June 2000

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Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).
An Automated System for Identifying Bat Species
Ecological study of bats is aided by automated equipment that can identify different species of bat from their differing echo-location calls. Keith Jackson describes how digital signal processing (DSP) and neural networks are being used to achieve this design goal.
Build a Single Wire Telephone with Alarm Call
Peter Hamilton provides circuit and constructional details of a Single Wire Telephone with high impedance input, alarm call, and automatic standby mode.
PMR 446 Radios for Surface Communication
Licence-free hand-held radios are now available in a number of European countries. Rob Gill recently field tested a pair of budget PMR 446 radios.
Using Portable SSTV Equipment Underground
The Kenwood VC-H1 is a hand-held slow-scan television (SSTV) unit. Mike Bedford has experimented with it as a portable solution to cave-to-surface image transmission.
GPS for Cavers - a Practical Introduction
Lev Bishop provides an introduction to GPS navigation with particular emphasis on implementing differential GPS.
A High Brightness Lamp
Normally we can cope with a rather modest lamp underground but there are times when a really bright lamp is needed. Mike Bedford describes such a lamp, which has given reliable service for a number of years.
Web Watch
Need to repair or buy a cordless hammer drill? Peter Ludwig lists some useful sites.
Selected Further Reading
If a topic in this issue interests you, this 'further reading' list from CREG Journals, compiled by David Gibson, may be of use.
Wet & Dry
Richard Rushton discusses acceptance and life testing.
A New CB Radio for the LF Transverter
Using a CB to LF transverter is a versatile way to build a cave radio system that can be adapted to work on widely differing frequencies. Ian Drummond describes a new model of CB radio, which provides a lighter and smaller solution than his previous designs.
'Lech' on 4 D-cells
Lechuguilla Cave seems to be a popular location to test 'high-tech' lighting systems. David Gibson reviews a report.
Installing Earth Electrode Arrays - a Practical Guide
The results of earth electrode based cave radio experiments are summarised. John Rabson suggests rules for laying out effective electrode systems.
Cave Radio Notebook
43: LORAN Noise Filtering. 44: Channel Evaluation. Notes by Lev Bishop. Notebook editor David Gibson.
Letters to the Editor
European Cave Radio Web Sites, PSK31, Earth Electrodes, Electronic Compass, Electronic Publishing, Ultrasonic Microphones, and Dog Whistles, Ferroelectric PIR sensors, LORAN Cut-off Date, Computer Simulation of a Small Buried Loop.
CREG's 40th issue; Searching for Information.
An On-line CREG Journal Digest, (CREGJ 39, pp21-22). Digital Wall Mapping at Wakulla Springs, Florida, (CREGJ 39, pp 13,14). Cave Radio Notebook: 40: Interference Cancellation, (CREGJ 37, pp 24,25).

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