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Contents of journal 38 December 1999
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- Contents
- The Nicola Mark II - a New Rescue Radio for France
- A new cost-reduced version of the Nicola cave radio system, developed for use in the Gouffre Berger, has been designed. Graham Naylor describes the Nicola Mark II.
- The Fuel Cell - a Power Source of the Future?
- Fuel cells are getting closer to commercial availability. But what are they and would they be useful to cavers? Richard Rushton investigates.
- Speleonics
- Recent topics include Natural Potential Surveys, Geophysical Surveys & Methods and Electronic Publishing. Review by Jeremy Davis.
- A Simple Vehicle Battery Charger
- Lev Bishop provides details of a charger to run off a 12V car lighter socket.
- Using the Molefone with Earth Electrodes
- Graham Naylor describes an interface unit which allows the Molefone to be used with earth electrodes. A significant performance improvement is reported.
- Update
- ... to A 20 Watt Linear Amplifier for VLF/LF Frequencies by Ian Drummond, CREGJ 37, pp3-5.
- Cave Radio Notebook
- 41: Transition Zone & Rayleigh Distance. 42: Winding Accuracy of Radiolocation Antennas. Edited by David Gibson.
- LEPs - the Next 'Big' thing in Cave Lighting?
- The light emitting polymer is a comparatively new display technology. But might it also find application for cave lighting? Mike Bedford takes a look at this potential new light source.
- TETRA: a New Standard for Surface Communications
- Private Mobile Radio (PMR) is about to be replaced by a digital communications standard called TETRA. John & Rosy Rabson look at the features of both systems and TETRA's potential for rescue use.
- Web Watch
- GPS, cave lighting and other electronics web sites listed by Peter Ludwig.
- Selected Further Reading
- If a topic in this issue interests you, this 'further reading' list from CREG Journals, compiled by David Gibson, may be of use.
- CREG at Hidden Earth and Bull Pot Farm
- The Autumn is a busy period in the CREG calendar. Mike Bedford looks back on our presence at the Hidden Earth conference, our AGM and the recent field meeting. Officers' reports, first presented at the AGM, are reproduced.
- The Electric Light of the Future
- Daniel Chailloux describes Henry Schneiker's high-performance caving lamp which uses white LEDs and a lithium battery. The lamp has proved itself on a trip into Lechuguilla. Translation by John Rabson.
- A Channel Sounder for Sub-Surface Communications
- Part 1 - Adaptive Digital Communications for Sub-Surface Radio Paths. Channel-sounders are used to test radio-wave propagation in a specified band. In this series of articles, David Gibson describes a new design of sounder that operates from 0 - 200kHz with a wide-band induction loop antenna. The sounder can also be used as a spectrum analyser, and is intended to be part of a wideband adaptive digital communications system.
- Letters to the Editor
- Commercial Amplifiers, Data Logging, Field Meeting, Earth Current & PSK31.

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