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Contents of journal 34 December 1998
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- Contents
- Introducing the Nicola System
- When complete, the Nicola System will provide an early warning system and communication for rescue use in the Gouffre Berger. Graham Naylor outlines the system and describes progress to date.
- Speleonics
- Recent topics included using salt to lower earth resistance, and the mechanism of magnetic field generation in earth-current systems. Review by David Gibson.
- From Alkaline to Zinc Air - an A to Z of Batteries
- Not long ago battery choice was limited but today the choices are bewildering. Mike Bedford considers the options for lighting and for radio & electronics equipment.
- The Berger on 137kHz
- Jean-Jacques Fauchez discusses his first underground tests on the 137kHz amateur band.
- EMC Type Examination for RF modules
- In addition to Type Approval, transmitters require EMC Type Examination. The RA has recently clarified these procedures for RF modules. David Gibson reports.
- Sumpflash 2
- In 1996, Underground Photographer described a Sumpflash built in a jam jar. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, here is another design. Chris Trayner describes an adaptation of a flashgun, with slave unit, which can be used underwater.
- Another Year Over - Secretary's Report for 1997/98
- Richard Rushton, CREG's retiring secretary, takes a look over CREG's achievements over the last twelve months.
- Web Watch
- Peter Ludwig provides a selection of Web sites which have featured on the Speleonics mailing list.
- Making Mic Speak
- How to re-wire a microphone to act as a speaker / microphone by John Hey.
- Cave Radio Notebook
- 33: Winding an Earth-current Transformer. 34: Ground Proximity & Antenna De-tuning. 35: Deep Radio-location.
- CREG Equipment Loan Scheme
- Who says CREG only ever talks about cave radio? Jeremy Davis introduces our equipment loan scheme as a service to the caving community at large.
- Wet & Dry
- Durable Labels, protecting switches against shock, ruggedness tests and more on Rugged Laptop Computers are this quarter's topics. Edited by Richard Rushton.
- Going Deeper - two ways to Improve Performance
- Ian Drummond and Bill Putnam experiment try a couple of techniques to improve range with LF cave radios. The results are impressive.
- John Hey in the Spotlight
- John Hey is the RSGB's LF Experimenter of the Year - news report by John and Rosy Rabson.
- If you had a Hammer ... Electrokinetic Water Detection
- If you're looking for water or oil (or a cave?), try giving the ground a good thump says Agathe Remousé.
- UHF TX & Rx Modules: An Introduction
- Mike Bedford considers the options for remote control underground and outlines one solution - UHF modules.
- Letters to the Editor
- Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.

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