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Contents of journal 31 March 1998
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- Contents
- An LF Field Strength Meter
- John Hey provides circuit details for a portable, sensitive field strength meter for cave radio use.
- 934MHz in KMC
- Tests at this UHF frequency were performed in Valley Entrance. Results were disappointing writes Chris Trayner.
- Measuring Receiver Performance
- A laboratory bench test provides a quantitative method of evaluating receiver performance that has advantages over field testing, argues Ian Drummond.
- The Demise of 73kHz
- The new 136kHz band will replace and not augment 73kHz. Chris Trayner reports.
- Surface Radio - Communication for Expeditions, part 1
- This short series of articles by Mike Bedford presents the basics, considering both technical issues and licensing.
- Cave Radio Notebook
- 27: Report on radio-location at Jewel Cave, by Brian Pease. 28: Cross-modulation in rock?.
- Wet & Dry
- Richard Rushton re-introduces our regular column on rugged electronics, ergonomics and practical construction techniques.
- A Phonetically-Balanced Speech Intelligibility Test
- The audio equivalent of an optician's eye chart is a specially constructed word list that is used to measure the articulation loss of consonants. David Gibson explains how it is used and why consonants are important.
- Earth Current Field Strength Experiments
- Rob Gill outlines his earth current field strength measurements.
- A Shocking Experience
- Is earth current equipment likely to give you an electric shock? Rob Gill investigates.
- A Practical Flashbulb Firer
- Although flashbulbs are still in widespread use by cavers, the associated guns are hard to get hold of. A universal flashbulb firer project by Richard Rushton.
- Cave Telephones - Q&A
- We often get asked questions about communications equipment. David Gibson answers some queries about using telephones in an 800m deep cave in Spain.
- The Personal Cave Communicator
- John Hey presents the circuit of a new cave radio which can be built into a small belt-mounted enclosure.
- Web Watch
- Regular author Peter Ludwig looks at communications and mapping. David Gibson introduces his 'Virtual Foyer' and looks at Usenet.
- From Luggable to Portable - Improvements in LF Spectrum Survey Apparatus
- John Rabson, G3PAI, describes the improvements made to his system for automatically surveying the LF spectrum. New results explain anomalies with his previous surveys.
- Autumn '97 - New Developments on Show
- Steve Laugher reports on the October '97 Field Meeting.
- A Ferrite Rod for Radio-location
- A small ferrite rod offers an interesting alternative to a large air-cored loop for radio-location. Chris Ross describes his experiences with this type of kit.
- Letters to the Editor
- Feedback, debate, information & news - our readers have their say.

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