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Contents of journal 25 September 1996
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Individual articles may be available below
- Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).
- Watching & Listening to the LF Bands
- Ian Drummond introduces some software for analysing a receiver's audio output.
- Alpine Cave Radio - Earth-current at Hölloch
- Jacques Hurni, HB9OD and Christian Ebi, HB9ZGB of the Hölloch Cave Research Association AGH, outline cave radio development in Switzerland.
- Humidity Measurement
- Accurate humidity measurement in caves is not possible nor, says David Gibson, is it needed.
- An Opportunity for Radio Amateurs
- Robin Gape investigates the new UK amateur allocation at 73kHz.
- Measuring Radiated Power at 73kHz LF
- David Gibson explains how cave radio experimenters can benefit from the very strong near fields that 1W e.r.p allows, and explains the problems in measuring the radiated power.
- Red or Green? LEDs on Test
- Richard Rushton describes the results of an experiment to determine which colour of high-brightness LEDs are best as emergency lights.
- 3-D Vector Processing of Magnetometer and Inclinometer Data
- Electronic sensors can be used to construct a cave surveying tool, but the data needs processing in 3 dimensions. David Gibson explains the maths.
- Counting Cavers
- Stuart France discusses the need to count cavers and outlines electronic developments in this area.
- A Capacitive Coupler for SWTs
- Mike Bedford provides constructional details for a capacitive coupler for SWTs.
- Cave Radio Trials in the French Alps
- In our second contribution from mainland Europe, Jean Jacques Fauchez, F6IDE, outlines his experiments with cave radio on various frequencies.
- The Eartalker
- David Gibson briefly describes a combined earphone / microphone.
- Introduction to Solid-state Lithium-ion Cells
- A cell which has double the power to weight ratio of NiCd or NiMH and can be moulded to any shape sounds too good to be true. Mike Bedford investigates.
- Metal Halide Bulbs - Lighting for Tomorrow?
- New to the cycling world is the CatEye Stadium lamp, which uses a metal halide bulb and offers unprecedented power per Watt. Possible caving applications are evident. Marty Goodman looks at how the metal halide bulb compares to other forms of electric lighting.
- Safety-Critical Use of the Induction Radio Band
- David Gibson reports on the latest proposals from the Radiocommunications Agency.
- Underground Photographer
- A review of issue 2 by Mike Bedford.
- Letters to the Editor
- UIS97, A Plea for Help from Ireland, Compliment from Belgium, Radio Location in Archaeology, Amateur LF Allocation, Time-domain Reflectometry, Radio-location Depth Measurement, High Brightness LED Safety, NCRC, Earth-Current Comms.

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