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Contents of journal 23 March 1996
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covering issues 1 to 25.
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Individual articles may be available below
- Contents. (This is a bit-map scan).
- Update - Type Approval of Modules
- David Gibson reports on the latest from the Radiocommunications Agency.
- Literature Received
- The Design of Broadband VLF Receivers, an Italian article on bat detectors and a French article about an electronic clinometer with laser pointer.
- The Autumn Field Meeting
- A report by Guy Tomlinson.
- Review - Underground Photographer
- Mike Bedford reviews our publication on cave photography.
- Electronic Aids for Photographers
- David Gibson reports on a discussion held at the Autumn 95 CREG field meeting.
- An Improved Circuit for Firing Flashbulbs
- David Gibson's design allows slaves to be used more reliably with flashbulbs, and provides an indication that the flashbulb is correctly seated.
- The Mogannwg Lamp
- Practical design for a low-cost lamp by Kevin Munn.
- Cave Radio Design - 27kHz FM
- Constructional details of a 27kHz FM cave radio by Stuart France.
- Radio in a Box
- Kym ap Rhys describes experiments with professional VHF hand-helds underground.
- A Slave for RALF: part 2
- Some further notes on construction, by David Gibson.
- Optimal Charging of NiCd Cells
- Mike Bedford investigates fast charging of NiCds and outlines the concept of optimal charging.
- Earth Current / Induction Field Experiments part 4
- Rob Gill describes work with circular polarisation.
- Cheap LED Emergency Flashlight
- Brian Pease describes how high-brightness LEDs can be used for illumination. Mike Bedford lists some UK sources.
- Design Considerations for Caver Pagers
- Chris Trayner describes the concept of caver pagers.
- Progress on Caver Pagers
- Chris Trayner introduces four projects on caver pagers. The students then outline their progress to date.
- The G3TDZ Loop
- Following construction details of the transceiver in the last Journal, John Hey gives loop details.
- 3496Hz Beacon Transmitter & Loop
- Brian Pease provides constructional details of a 3496kHz beacon for radio location.
- Electronics in Cave Surveying
- David Gibson reviews the uses of electronic instrumentation for surveying and navigation in caves.
- Review: Electronic Compass Modules
- David Gibson lists a range of components and modules useful for the design of electronic compass / clinometers.

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