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- Database last updated on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:00:01 +0000
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Contents of journal 2 Winter 1988
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CREG Journal Archive:
This issue is available on paper as part of a two-volume archive,
covering issues 1 to 25.
To purchase it, please visit
- CREG Newsletter 2
(PDF 3.4MB)
Individual articles may be available below
- published in Winter 1988. (This is a bit-map scan).
- SMAPS Survey Software
- Phil Ingham and Ron Hammond review SMAPS (Survey Manipulation Analysis and Plotting System).
- Scientific Cave Location
- Earth resistance methods of cave detection are outlined by Phil Ingham.
- Ferrite Ring Cores
- Information on the Siemens range of ferrite ring cores.
- Sonic Tape Measures Tested
- Phil Ingham describes underground tests on three types of sonic tape measures.
- Cave Air Flow Detection
- Graeme Pattison gives details of his experiments on measuring air flow in caves.

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